The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Wednesday, February 02, 2011Throw, Catch, Throw, Catch![]() Whoops. Missed a week there, sorry about that guys, I guess the first week of classes kept my mind off of things for a bit, never fear though! I'm keeping blogger open in my tabs now so I can see it and be reminded when the time comes. And eah there's a lot to talk about for once! :: Jugglers On Juggling! My big juggling podcast, I've started it up again if you hadn't noticed in the last post, and so far things seem to have changed for the better with it! I've gotten a hell of a lot more insightful as a host, the format of keeping sections short and very strictly defined seems to be working well, the related topics to the co-hosts and to the other topics seems to work, and overall the show seems to be improving on all fronts! Hooray! Hopefully this will lead to a sponsorship sometime XD :: College classes, it seems like this semester is going to be one of those not too easy but not too hard semesters, seeing as how I've got a blend of my favorite professor and one of my least favorite professors. My favorite one teaching the portfolio class, where we're learning how to put together resume's, portfolios, and getting a job. The other professor teaching the last actual art based class, which was snowed out it's first day so i actually am about to have the first day tomorrow. More info on them next week as I have them. :: I've got my footage and submitted it into the 4 ball collaboration juggling video for Rec.Juggling and I must say I'm fairly proud of what I was able to do, and not only that but spending time after or during each of my classes so far gathering footage feels like it's bringing me back into actually getting good juggling footage, so who knows I might actually make progress on videos this year :D :: Juggle This: As for juggling related stuff besides the 4 ball collab video I'm getting a lot done for Pong Progression 2. Once again like i said last time I've gotten a slew of interesting new shots already filmed and I'm going through the proccess of making all the original shots from the first video, which may sound bad on paper but the better lighting I'm getting and good angles and such are really making things look great, not to mention that this time I've decided to keep my converted footage in HD, so this video will be my first proper high-def juggling video for you all once it's done! But while I am talking about this project I will say this, I'm quite frightened by having to choose music for it, because really Pong Progression was my best made video so far, the best music to match the footage, the most color coordinated, best shot, and possibly the best edited, but the music again was the key part. The Flashbulb track was absolutely perfect for it, but it wasn't that long of a music track and I made a resolution waaaay back when I started making videos to never use the same music twice because that would be stagnating to anyone who watched my videos. So I'm right now thinking I'll have to use another Flashbulb track but I'm just afraid I won't find one as good that'll be long enough for the 5-6+ minute long video I'm planning to make. Well, I guess we'll find out what happens as I continue making it and then start editing. ![]() As for non Pong Progression 2 related ramblings, I want to talk about Jugglers On Juggling a bit. I'm not really to say frightened about JoJ, after all returning back to the original format of a weekly review show was a risky move but absolutely a needed one, because it was the only way to make the show regularly, fill it with content, and have it be relevant. Of course all the fears came through after the first few episodes and though a few of them have waned a lot of them either persist or have gotten larger. The biggest one I have is about my decision to live-stream the show. I made that decision for a number of reasons, first I thought it'd be pretty damn cool if ever anyone wanted to call me up on skype and voice their opinions during the recording but after last week's Call in show didn't fetch a single caller out of the dozen listeners I'm never gonna do that idea again. But also I made the decision because it saves me LOADS of work to produce an episode, all I have to really do is have my audio equipment setup right and then hit stream and record on ustream and it's all done, meaning I don't have to edit the audio, convert it, save it, upload it, then write up the post to the page with a manual RSS feed that really i don't think ever worked very well. Though that at the same time has had a couple drawbacks, number one of which is any screw-ups anyone makes mid recording stay in there for all to hear, I don't do any noise removal (but it hasn't been a problem yet) and I can't get a download up for people in mp3 format which I'm not sure whether people want or not. Either way the big problem is with the livestreaming, I really have no idea whether or not people are more in favor or more against. I've heard a couple people telling me they like it being streamed and others that they don't, I just never really have enough feedback it seems to make big time core decisions. Well, in time. While I'm on things though another fear I have about it is the co-hosting issue, the idea that I'd like to have as many different co-hosts as possible throughout the season as opposed to me and a set second person and maybe a third guest every now and then like the first seasons. However after the first four episodes I already have had one where I couldn't get someone to co-host in time, and that worries me a bit, if one out of every four episodes is me by myself that's not going to last very long is it? I've gotten some great suggestions on ideas as for people to co-host but then again I only have so many jugglers in my email contacts (0_0 I just remembered! I never sent anything to all my FACEBOOK juggler contacts, where I receive like 5 invites from other jugglers a week! Hang on a minute BRB), but either way there've only been four episode so far again and Matt Hall has already said yes he'll be on once he's freed up after the school year (he does have a class to teach after all XD), so once again, we'll see. Of course there's other points that I'm of course nervous about with the new season like if the listeners will keep on listening or whatever but those are all pretty unsubstantial, to be blunt, so far I've only gotten two big worries about the new season and everything else feels like it's working great! So here's to good podcasting! A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |