The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Monday, November 27, 2006Revert To The Future>?![]() Just another day in the life, Of a peanut butter cup... Ok, so, since Myspace's blog is, well, not as good or well know as blogger, I have proceeded to make a new blog here on blogger. This was the site of my original blog, but I began misusing it, and then not posting, and then it just died. It's still viewable though, but I will never touch it again. R2150 Archive As for now, I will be posting my blog here and hopefully have it fed to my site as well, though I will probably still have to do it manually. I'm going to try and give some structure to my blog from now on, at least an easier to recognize structure. It will still have a story section (Labeled "Daily Life"), then an update section ( "Listen Up!" ), followed by me juggling section ( "Juggle This" ), and then whatever else is going on I will just put at the end. I'm moving my blog days to Monday as well, so this is in fact, my first weekly post. I may even make more than one post a week if some great story happens or something. But whatever, I still have to get to the regular posting. Listen Up! Ok, so Radio blue has been all but cancelled. I just don't have the time for it, and Renegade can't be online at the same time as whenI'm available either. So, as a solution, she is now hosting her own podcast, "Rene's Rampage", and Radio Blue will be taken off of it's schedule and will have just me and a single guest. My buiseness cards are about to get delivered, they're scheduled to arrive via UPS, TODAY! If you haven't seen them, Here. Daily Life: Well, shopright has been a lot easier now that Black Friday has passed, and thank god it has. I don't even have a story from that day, I was only concentrating on one thing. Scan, Pay, "Have a good night!". Scan, Pay, "Have a good night!". I missed out on my chances at getting a Nintendo Wii, partially thanks to my parents saying they'd get it for Xmas, and then later saying they didn't say that. Whatever, I know I'll get one eventually. Otherwise, not much has been going on. I've been feeling artistic lately, so I've made myself some more graphics and stuff, including the image at the top of this post. Juggle This: Back to the 6 ball are we? Yes, I've been practicing my 6 yet again. But I have to say, it's amazing what a month and a half of NOT practicing can do for you. I was able to not only do it under my 8ft ceiling (couldn't before), but I was able to flash in multiple patterns (synch fountain, asynch fountain, half-shower, and I even flashed it in a multiplex pattern.), and then I somehow managed to get 8 catches of a half-shower. Awesome. Also, I've picked up my rings yet again, haven't done anything with them in a while, and I was feeling creative. So now I'm practicing doing a lot of different 3 ring tricks, and ones I haven't done for a while, so it's good. Otherwise, I'm starting to get down that 5 ball cascade to flashing 3 in a rev-cascade back into the cascade. I can ALMOST do it on command now. I'm also thinking about re-applying to Six Flags for a job next summer. I think they would hire me this time around, as now I can do club passing, a lot more club tricks, and can do my 5 ball long runs on command (I had trouble qualifying last time around). A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |