The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Saturday, December 16, 2006Project 3LN Cold Fusion![]() Yup, once again, my routine is completely gone, and I haven't updated like I said I would. But then again I've been hard at work on... Listen Up! My next juggling video, is to come out within the next 3 weeks. I know, I've already finished the whole thing, but as people will know me, even when I'm done with a project, I'm not finished yet. Either way, expect Project 6 to come out sometime before the end of 2006. I won't say anything about what's in it. Another announcement, tomorrow morning, I've got inside info on where a shipment of Wii's is going to be, and will be there to pick one up. I'm not saying where, but you can probably guess, so I'll report back if/when I have it. Daily Life: Today was awesome. For once, I actually know why. It was my day at Shoprite that made it all good. I came in today on a good note, I had just finished watching Numb3rs, which I mussed the night before, and it's probably the best episode in the series so far, but I'm getting off track. So I punch in, and my two favorite managers are there to tell me what to do. They tell me to lockup and hand out the plastic bags that are sitting on the front, then go to the back and get the rest of them and pass them out, then go back one final time for paper bags. Normally, I'd be a little bummed I'd have to do this, but I don't usually do it at the beginning of my shift, when I had just had a Mountain Dew and am not tired and dead on my ass. So instead of, "ah hell." I'm thinking, "This ought to burn up about an hour of my shift." So I'm midway through running back to get the second boat of plastic bags, and one of my loyal customers (yes, I have followers at Shoprite) catches me and informs me that one of the original three from my batch of employees, Kyle, is coming back to work here after having quit about 7 months ago! Us three, the third being "D" as I call her, are a pretty tight group, and it's just great when all three of us are working the same shift. So then, later in the night, I see him for myself when he's shopping, and I ask him. He verifies it and says that they're retraining him, and that he'll be back on the registers by next week. I then finish the second batch of bags and tell D, and she's in disbelief, and then the manager standing at the next register confirms it again, and now we're all in a good mood. So I finish all of the bags, including paper, and it's about 5:40 (I came in at 4:00, as I always do). The guy on register 21 (the opposite end express lane and my 3rd favorite register) has to go home, so the manager sends me there. What makes it even better is that Kelly is on register 19, so I can chat and bag for her when i don't have customers, sweet! Then, about an hour and a half later, around 6:57, I get sent on my lunch break. I hear that there's a banquet upstairs, and my break actually came early enough for it, plus it's a 30 minute lunch break, so I get to spend even more time relaxing and talking with some of the other people on break. It's all good. So as I'm going through the stuff that's LEFT on the banquet, I see what it's for. It's for the actual anniversary of Shoprite, and I see the pictures from a show that happened while I was not scheduled, where Santa visited the store, and there was a couple of performers there too. I was a little bummed, as I was someday hoping that I would get the chance to perform a routine or something at my own place of employment. It'd be a great change from the typical being on register, I'd get paid extra, and I love juggling. There's no bad that could ever come out of it, other than juggling for too long and possibly going home sore, but that happens on regular duty too sometimes. Going back to the story, I'm about 20 minutes into my break, and I decide to ask Mr C--------, the head of this Shoprite, who's in charge of the shows each year, and he tells me, and then asks why, so I tell him "Because I would like to perform in next years show." So naturally, he asks "Well, what can you do?", "Juggle", "Really!? Well, are you scheduled to come in on Wednesday?", "Huh?", "You know the Coca-Cola truck from the Christmas commercials? It's coming here on Wednesday, along with Santa.", "Cool!". So he then pulls me into his office, we talk about what's going to happen and what I'd be doing there, I gave him my business cards, finish planning, and so I'm going to perform on Wednesday from 4:00-8:00, which is my normal hours anyways. So I'm thrilled about that. So you'd think my day can't get any better right? I punch back in from break, as the conversation had to be cut short so I wouldn't be late going back, and I'm told to bring some garbage to the back. I do that, and then the manager is having a big dilemma of who to send to the outside register (guess who's there, D) for a break. The reason being that she doesn't want to send someone outside without a coat, which nobody else on the registers has one, even though I'm already volunteering. So reluctantly, she gives me a tiny coat that basically only covers my back and nothing else, and sends me outside. I don't mind the cold, in fact, as a lot of people may know, I love it. So shoot to me outside, scanning people for a HUGE outdoor sale we're having of Christmas items, all marked down to the point of insanity, and me sitting out there handling everything like nobody else. The three store-heads, including Mr C-------- are out there, and he mentions to the other two about me coming in to juggle on Wednesday, so I throw them my business cards and explain the whole thing. Halfway through me being out there, I didn't see it, but as two police officers were escorting someone out of the store for something, he had a heart attack and collapsed onto the ground right before the exit. So the ambulance came in, and last I heard, he's doing fine. Later, I even scan my old 5th grade teacher, who I'd lost track of, and we chatted a bit while I'm scanning her order, and then I throw her a card so that she can then read this later. God this is a long post, ok. So the outside register closed up at around 9:15, and I headed back to the front, where I'm now going to go on my 15 minute break. So I then get another 15 minutes to chill, followed by one final half-hour of just bringing cardboard from the front to the back balers, and then doing returns before punching out and going home. All in all, it was a pretty awesome day. As a bonus for all those who have just read this, I shall link you now to some pretty entertaining video's I made back in sophomore year of high school. gmail-, password-theletterb, I think it's about time I shared all of our random video's publically. Juggle This: So I got 40 catches of 5 rings. AWESOME. Only problem is, well, you'll see in the video when it's released, I got the whole mess on film. I realized I haven't even TOUCHED my clubs since November, bad. So I gotta start practicing with them again. So I'll make another blog post at the end of Wednesday with a few updates on whether I got my Wii or not, and how my gig on Wednesday went. Until then... A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |