The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Saturday, December 09, 2006Routine Blown To Hell
Well, now that I've already blown my whole blogging routine to hell within one week of starting it, I think it's time to make one more post before going back to the Tuesday blog. Nothing's really happened, except for awesome-o-day, which was on Wednesday of last week. Story Time!
Daily Life: Awesome-O-Day. Wednesday the 6th. Ok, so first thing that happened which was awesome was that on the night before, on tuesday, the set of 6 brandy new juggling rings I ordered came in, 2 days early! Hell yes. So I'm screwing around with them as I'm in that 3 hour section between two of my classes at MCC, and I start doing really well with them. I then decide to try doing 5 rings, as I've never even tried it before. I successfully flashed all 5 on the 2nd try. So I go ahead and try qualifying them now, which obviously was much harder. It took me about 8 tries to finally qualify, and from there I was qualifying 5 pretty easily. Also, during that 3 hour section, I was revered as a god, as I had brought in folding chairs for everyone in the corner. Here's the deal, the management got pissed after the fire alarm incident (read blog post "Nuetrality Theory") and took away all of the chairs from the corner, except for the benches on the end sides of the room, as they're nailed to the floor. So we collectively decided that at least one of us should start bringing in chairs to sit on, as a message to the guys upstairs that they can't stop us, and we did nothing wrong. Then, after that 3 hour section, came my last class of the night, my "Introduction To Technology" course, which was a bs course if there ever was one. Either way, we were completing our final projects today, which were lego robots that we had been programming (as groups of 3 people) to go over a bridge, defeat an obstacle, and then pick up and object and transport it back to the start. Harder than it sounds. Either way, we ended up with a REALLY slow robot, that worked 90% of the time on the day of the competition (as the groups are obviously competing against each other.). We have as many tries as we can do in 3 minutes. It takes out robot 2 minutes to do one cycle. So we basically had one shot to get it right, and we were the first to go. We got it absolutely perfect on the 1st try. We were really scared though, because noone else's was working until the day of the comp, so our goal was "get it to work, don'y be fast, just make it work.". Then all the sudden, everyone's started working, ad they were running at 30 seconds to go all the way through. We were a bit nervous. In the end though, everyone else either failed their attempts or got it after the 2 minute mark, so in the end, WE WON. Awesome. The turtle does beat all of the hares. And that was the end of my awesome day. Juggle This: 5 ring cascade, as I said before. Completely awesome, yes. Also, I've been doing a strange shower trick recently, that I have a hard time saying in siteswap. It's basically a 3 ball shower, that I would throw one 5, hold the other two then throw them at 4 (synch), catch the 5 and throw it at 1, catch the two 4's and go back into the shower. So the siteswap is ...51(4415)51... I think. Either way, it's a nice 3 ball trick, and I'll be doing it in my next video, which will have a shower section on it. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |