The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007Art! Coupons! Bottles! FOUNTAINS!![]() Listen Up! No breaking news or anything to announce, it's been pretty uneventful, at least in terms of big projects. HOWEVER. I did submit a new batch of art to DeviantART. Which was overdue by at least 3 months. Check em out! Tools Of The Trade, LightPlay, Pre-Vegas, Artificial Nature, Out Of Frame, Out Of Mind, A Day In The Life Of Me, Jetstream, Superiority Complex, Hi-Speed, and Thrill Rider - The Twister. Also view My Gallery, as I've got some other stuff there I haven't said much about. Also, I've been plugging away on for a while now, and now I have to plug it. Has to be the best site for trading/selling items I've ever used. I just got in Yellowcard - Lights And Sounds today. Awesome album, in my opinion, better than American Idiot. I've also gotten Inspector Gadget (movie), Eve 6 - Eve6 (music), Lit - A Place In The Sun (music), and a bunch more stuff that I wanted to get, but was never willing to buy. Daily Life: What? You wanna hear about what happened at Shoprite? You want a story? Ok, I'll give you a story. Saturday. Come in at 4:00 as usual. As you should know, I don't really check my schedule anymore, as it's always the same, 4:00-10:00 Friday Saturday and Sunday. That will come in later though. I grab a till from the overly crowded till room, and head out. The manager sends me to register 14. It's a register, nothing special about it. After about 20 minutes, a customer comes in that just pisses me off to know end. Ok, so I think anyone who ready this section of my blog knows about the Indian Americans that shop with coupons instead of cash. ALL of the cashiers hate them, not just me, so don't go blasting me for being prejudiced. It was a mother and her DAUGHTER. She had to have been no more than 11 years old. The order had been split between them, and guess what, it was exactly the same stuff, with 4 of each item (the quantity limit on placed on items on sale), for both orders. I immediately know what that means, coupon hording, or as I call it, WHORING. I scan the order, and guess what this little 11 year old whips out, a fistfull of coupons. I smile and start scanning, meanwhile I'm thinking "It's bad enough she's making every employee at every food store in Woodbridge hate her, but now she's making us hate this little girl too. Bitch.". Then the machine gives a rejection beep. I check the coupon again and realize she's given me a coupon, she has the item, and it's not expired, but she's given me a "$1 off two" coupon, and she only has one item. Immediately I think, and I REALLY have to force myself into not shouting this at the mother "NOT ONLY ARE YOU TEACHING HER TO COUPON WHORE, BUT YOU'RE NOT EVEN TEACHING HER HOW TO DO IT RIGHT!" So I then explain to her what the deal is, and she immediately turns to her mom and gets handed to another coupon, for the same item, and it's not a "$X off two" coupon, but it is EXPIRED. I am fuming. But I have to just smile and say, "this is expired." So after another consultation from her mom, she tells me to take off the item, and her mom hands me that item from her order too. The clencher is that, we've already spent about 8 minutes on this 30 item order, and now we're going to have to wait even longer because that was a $6 item (and you need the managers key in order to remove an item worth more than $5). After that whole situation was resolved and I did her mothers order, they leave and even the customers in line now are calling them bitches behind their back. That just made my day, and I start making jokes about it to the customers that were in line, and they're having a good time. Then, 5 minutes later, she comes back and asks a REALLY stupid question about why an item that was supposed to be (and was) $1.99 had rang up to $3.99, I then point her to the amount that the price plus card had taken off, IMMEDIATELY BELOW THE ITEM, AND IN BOLD FONT! I wasn't sure whether to laugh or feel SORRY for their stupidity after they left. So I just tried to not do anything, and focused on the line that I had. The next two or so hours were pretty uneventful, I went on my break around normal time, and I was on register for a while. So I come back from break around 7:00 (normal time, though a little early), and I'm asked to go refgill the spray bottles. Here's the background for this giant paragraph, over the past 2 months, someone has been losing/stealing/breaking bottles, and the stash or new empty bottles has been moved from it's usual spot in the frontend closet to some unknown place in the store, which despite my best efforts to find, I could not. So for the past few weeks, we've only had about 8 working bottles of spray cleaner for a compliment of 20 registers. Needless to say, it was a little frustrating, so I finally decided to ask the guys upstairs where the bottles had been moved to. I get redirected to Mr. R********, the store co-manager and manager of store supplies (including bottles). After paging for him, and asking him where the bottles are over the radio, he tells me to meet him upstairs and he'll get them for me. So I head upstairs, and no wonder I can't find them, the reserve bottles had been moved to the 3rd floor store-room, which is behind an alarmed door that only the store managers have access to, and a door that I never even knew existed. So he throws me down a box of 12, and he asks if I need another, so I immediately say yes, and he throws down another box. Then it hits me (not the box, an idea), "I just spent the past month searching for ANY extra bottles, whether it be half-working ones, ones that didn't belong to the front, or any reserve bottles anywhere in the store, and I just got enough to fill up every department in the store, including the front registers." So I fill them up, head back and distribute them, and I'm the new hero. Everyone's absolutely shocked that now EVERY register has a bottle on it, and there's leftovers for the front counter too. So now that that's done, I go grab my till and head back to the front. It's about 7:50, and the manager tells me to hand it in and do returns. I'm thinking, "Huh? I am NOT doing returns for 2 hours. Oh well, best not to dispute." So I go hand in my till and start doing returns. About 3 carts later at 9:00 or so, I learn that I was only scheduled until 8:00. Me having thought that I was scheduled until 10:00, this was a relief and a bummer. What I found to be awesome (in a sucky way) was that I had visited the front counter 3 times after 8:00 to grab a cart of returns, and none of the managers said ANYTHING. So I grab the punch-clock-override card (as the clock won't let you punch in or out if it's more or less than 7 minutes past the scheduled time), punch out, and head home. Thus ends my story of awesomeness, and you're non-required reading of boringness. Have a nice day. Juggle This: Remember the trick i talked about in the last entry? Well, I've mastered it and given it a name. The "Triple Shower". Also, thanks to the WJF forums, I've started trying to do a 4 ball mess, with some actual results. Just 30 minutes ago, after only starting yesterday, I managed to qualify it from and back into a 4 ball fountain. Awesome. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |