The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007Losing Consciousness
Listen Up!
Well, Dan has decided to completely redo Mobius-x, so now I've got another project on my already big enough list. Shouldn't take too long though, because this time he wants a static site, with frames (ugly and unprofessional, but it's his site. So I'll let him do it, see how horrible it will look, and then I'll redesign it again...). Besides that, I may start recording my next Juggling video sometime soon, hopefully not too soon though. I'm trying to get back into doing my schoolwork and doing homework as well. Only problem is, my parents are, well, becoming horribly restrictive over MY schedule. MY schedule, not theirs, MINE. I'll explain later. I've been trying to find the time to hang out in the college center that would fit in my schedule at MCC, but so far, nothing other than a 30 minute block on Tuesdays, unless I want to start staying at MCC just hanging out before or after classes. Daily Life: Well, I got sick on Saturday and had to call out of work, and nothing interesting happened on either Friday or Sunday that I can remember, so no Shoprite story this week. HOWEVER. Home situations that my parents do not understand as I have mentioned above, are turning out to be quite interesting. Here's the backstory. About 3 weeks ago, I was staying awake until 5:00 AM or so every night, and then waking up sometime around noon or so and heading for either work or my winter class. I was starting to get a little bit frustrated with that, as I would be barely waking up in time for anything, plus my daily routine was being set back as well. Basically, your lunch was my breakfast, you're dinner was my lunch, and then I would have dinner around midnight. I was starting to become annoyed at that, so I decided to try going to sleep earlier (3:00 was what I planned). Unfortunately, I made the horrible mistake of telling my parents my plan. So now they are ALL OVER ME ABOUT IT! My plan was working, I was going to sleep around 2:30-3:00 every night, and I was shifting back into a regular schedule, or as my parents call it "a normal human's one" (have they ever considered the possibility that I'm not normal? I am eccentric after all.). Then, one night, I decided that if I went to sleep at 3:00, I would not be able to get up before 9:00 AM and do something that I needed to do, I can't even remember what it was. So I pulled an all-nighter. Then, 2 days later (Monday morning) I did the same thing, because I had to wake up and get something to the post office before I left for MCC (I had to be there around 11:00 for a meeting between a lot of the clubs at MCC.). I decided to pull an all nighter again because I simply had a LOT of things to do that night (watch the X-Games that I had to RECORD so that it would be off my to-do list, design an Ad to go in a book that I had to and didn't have to do, do practice problems in math, complete a "cover letter" to go along with a copy of my resume to places I want to intern with, get in touch with Jason to finalize the beginners comp rules, and a few other things I wanted to do, including the daily updates and catch-ups I have to do). So I had to go to the bathroom, so I go at about 5:00 to the bathroom, at which point my dad comes in and tells me to go into bed, and he's pissed about it. He doesn't even give me the chance to explain anything, and then he comes in and checks on me every 5 minutes, even when I have already GONE to bed. I have to make clear, I'm not just trained to follow any orders (and I do mean orders) they give me (as they want me to be). He came in looking like he was going to kick my face in, and I do not want to screw with him when he is like that. So all that stuff got put on hold, I ended up not doing the cover letter, talking with Jason, and whatever else was on the list, and now I'm behind with everything. He's trying to negotiate with me, the only thing is he's making "nickel bargains", you ever heard of them? Offering a nickel to you when the asking price is $5. Trying to bargain with me to go to sleep at 11:00 (quote, "NORMAL TIME", meanwhile both him and my mom are only walking into their rooms around 11:00 themselves, and my sister stays awake as long as she wants downstairs watching TV at least once a week.), I've managed to negotiate it over to 1:00 AM, but the thing is, it's damned near impossible for me to fall asleep (I can go to bed sure, but I won't physically fall asleep until) before 3:00 AM. Here's why. For the past 15 years of my life, my daily routine has always been to wake up, go to school or work, and as soon as I get home from there, that's when my day begins. It would take at least a year to retrain myself to any other schedule. And I'm slowly TRYING to work my way into being able to stay up all night, because I realized right after I got my job, that the night shift ANYWHERE, both pays more and is in higher demand. So I figured that it would be best for me to adopt a night schedule, where I would sleep until 2-4:00 PM or so, go to work at night, and then come back home around 2:00 AM and then my normal day would begin. That would be the best schedule for an eccentric guy such as myself who needs to maximize cash. The only reason I haven't gotten into that dream schedule is because I am still going to school. That and my parents. So now they know my plans, and why I can't go to sleep at 11, 12, or even 1:00 AM is pushing it. There is just too much for me to do + my trained daily schedule + my one plan in life. Wow, that's a long rant, and I'm really jumping around, but it's hard not to when you feel strongly about something. Oh, and I almost forgot one HUGE reason, I LIKE the feeling of isolation. I like being alone and am most comfortable and do the best work when I don't feel like I can be called downstairs to do something or interrupted in some other way at ANY moment. I've ranted for way too long... ...Hear me out, consider my words, or don't even bother. Juggle This: Well, I've gotten into a new trend of designing many juggling T-shirts and then having noone buy them, lol. Besides that, Jason and I have reached a descision (I won't say compromise) regarding the rules sheet for the 2007 beginners competition at WJF4. I wanted to keep the master-move-scores list and the ability to remake you're routine, and Jason didn't. I finally bent and just let him get rid of it entirely. I regret it a little, but we had to get this sheet out as early as we could. Whatever. As for new moves I'm working on, I came up with a great one and posted it to my member journal on the WJF forums. I'm not posting it here because this post is already too long. So I'll just end here. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |