Wednesday, February 14, 2007


3" of Heaven and Hell

Listen Up!
Wow, Zelda has sucked away so much of my life, I can't wait to beat it. Don't say anything about my schedule, I'm staying with it, time just seems to fly when you're playing the Wii. Ok, working on the redesign, I'm estimating I'll have it done within the next 7 days. That doesn't mean it'll be up, I'll just be done with it, and in the process of putting it online. Also, my new WMP update has been put on hold due to my overly fat to-do list and limited time. However, I am still getting more footage for my next video, still nameless.

Daily Life:
Snow. Awesome, and sucky, at the same time. Classes get cancelled, but I then have to shovel out my grandparents and our driveway. It's not that I mind the cold, in fact, I love the cold as people that know me know, but when you start working hard when you've got insulating coats on, it just plain sucks. My face and legs feel perfectly fine, and then the rest of my body just starts sweating like all living hell, and then it's even worse once you go inside, you're head starts sweating and burning, and you're body starts feeling colder. It just plain sucks.

Otherwise, no stories from Shoprite, no rants, no nothing. Just Zelda. Sorry...

Juggle This:
You'll see what I've done in my next video, I don't want to give everything away do I? I have been trying to come up with 4 ball shower variations though, I can now do a 4 ball [2 ball] multiplex shower for a qualifying run. You should be seeing that. Otherwise, the Shoprite Juggling video should be coming out around the same time as MX gets done, hopefully...

A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150

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