Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Summer Before 6 Balls

Listen Up!
I currently have 2 major things that are either almost done, or working. No release date on either of them, but if you've been paying attention to my later posts, one is for MX, and another is for WMP. Otherwise, no announcements left for me to make, at least that I'm allowed to make. More info on that last sentence coming within the next 2 weeks.

Daily Life:
Ok. the Tech MCC club is awesome. Last weeks meeting was great, especially with the Wii. I Juggled, I played, I DJ'd a bit, and it was awesome. No meeting this week, but next week I think it's going to be even better.

Well, Shoprite stories are running thin this week, due to a combination of me not remembering them, and the fact that I only worked a total of 12 hours within the last 3 work days. So nothing there. HOWEVER, today has turned out to be a bit interesting. First, I wake up and look outside, and it seems as if I've slept through all of spring and it is now summer. It's a nice 70 degrees outside, and this week being spring break at MCC, it's essentially a summer preview. I open all the windows, and chill. So then I take a look at my to-do list for today, one of the things on there is send out some items that people have requested from On the way down the street to the post office, I see a commotion on the road, taking up the entire width of the 2 lanes. A motorcyclist has crashed and is laying on the ground holding his leg. This had only just happened within the last 3 minutes, as the bike was still in the middle of the road. I decide to go through, because someone had already called 911, and there were at least 10 people already involved, so I figure it's best not to add to the confusion. I finish my things, then go grab some lunch. By the time those 20 minutes have passed and I'm on my way back, I see the entire area has been taped off, and a rescue helicopter had actually landed in the field less than a block away. So I come back and now I'm writing this. I've still got 2 things left to do on my list, after this one is done, so I will end this here and go onwards.

Juggle This:
Three words. Six Ball Qualify. I've actually managed to pull it off. Ican only speak in short sentences I'm so happy. After only 2.5 years of juggling, 20 minutes worth of attempts, and 2 camera batteries later. I got it on film too, if you haven't figured it out. I think I'm going to upload it alone, as opposed to being art of my next major video (which won't be for a little while, because I've got plenty of other stuff already cued up for youtube). But besides that, I should tell you what I have thats going to be on youtube within the next few weeks. 1: My Technical Juggling speech, for my public speaking class. 2: 6 ball qualify. 3: Another Diggnation video for submission. 4: Maybe a few CJWS extras?

Also in juggling news, I'm going to re-interview at Six Flags again. I've gotten a HELL of a lot better over the past year since my first interview, and I'm pretty sure I'll get a job this summer.

Now, let's talk about CJWS. It still amazes me how short the half-life is on video's. The first day I got at least 2 dozen comments across everywhere I posted, all positive, then the next day, I got maybe 3 comments, and then on day 3, nothing. Amazing. I still think this is my best video yet, even rivaling Upgrade. I don't know what else to say about it. It's released, if you haven't seen it yet, I have nothing to say.

A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150

That was an entertaining video. Nice work. And thanks for tipping me off to your blog. I added a link to it on my Juggling Blog links. I know you do more than juggling but that seemed like the best category.

Perry, 44
Just Your Average Joggler
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