The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007Today Above All![]() Blah Blah Blah, MX Red, Blah Blah, something else, Blah, WJF4, Blah Blah Blah Blah... Nothing really left for me to announce. Other than maybe what my next Youtube video will be. That is, my Technical Juggling speech for my Public Speaking Class. Daily Life: Wow, in the past 3 work days I had, I literally spent, maybe 20 minutes on register. Where was I? By the front entrance, for the past 3 straight days, selling dollar donations to help fight ALS. What a hell of a way to spend the day. You come in, lock up your till, take a fistful of slips and a box, and go stand there for 2 hours, go for your break, come back and stand there for another 2 hours before leaving. That was fun. Nothing more needs to be said. As for today, so far it's been awesome. Though I missed the Tech MCC meeting, mostly because I forgot about it (sorry), and had to do chores because I was home, overall, the rest of the day was awesome. As soon as I left, the weather was perfect (a little warm at first, but it dropped down and was beautiful after about 3:00), I was in a good mood, I looked Rad in my whole black ensemble (black jeans, black WJF shirt, Black Shades, and sandals). Which speaking of rad, the Totally Rad Show premiered on the Revision3 network, and it kicks ass. Go watch it, I just finished it. But that's out of chronological order, so I'll start again. I get to MCC, the parking lot s amazingly empty for the noon section, so I get up to within 2 rows of the end (sweet), so I don't haver to walk so far. Then, after Cad class is over (which went ok), I get to hanging at the college center on the outside deck for a while. Juggling, Mountain Dew, and a Sandwich make it oh so awesome. So I then go on to quite possibly the most involved and easy for me to understand public speaking class I've ever been to. I was amazed at how much sense it all made, and I felt smart as hell (I really mean that, I hadn't felt this smart since I first memorized 7x7=49). Great class, then I go out and start talking and walkign to the lot with my new study partner for Psych, who turns out to live not a few miles away from my exact position. The temperature and weather felt even better now that it was night, and it all just felt awesome. It's the subtle moments that have the biggest impact, and I drive home with the windows down and some Seeed blaring from the CD player, going "Today was a good day". *Cut to now* Working on my Public Speaking assignment that's due in two days and going mad over it. This is completely random, but I had to put this in. I just came up with this quote not 30 seconds ago in an MSN convo with Dan. Dan (in referance to MD) : sperm-be-gone-carbonated Reeses2150 : Mountain Dew is gods gift to man. It will never kill sperm, and even so, no babies and no condoms! WIN! Juggle This: Well, I haven't flashed 8 balls. I have however, started getting 1 count chin rolls with 3 clubs, about 3 consecutive chin rolls. I know that, although I've been able to do 5b and my 5b half-shower for a while now, in the past week, they've basically solidified (out of absolutely nowhere) and I can now long run them both on command, Sweet! Still working on reverse cascade's with 5 though. I still can't wrap my head around 744, I've tried it about a dozen times now, with no luck. I need to learn some more 5b tricks before WJF4 for the beginners comp. Otherwise, everything's just been solidifying recently to the point of performance ready. My 4ball 2b multiplex backcross is now performance ready, my reverse cascade 5551 is performance ready, my 3r flip pull down is ready (flip first, pull down the other two, then catch the 1st on head), and a lot of other stuff. I have no idea how to explain it. One thing's happened though, my 4b shower is deteriorating. Where everything else is going up, the shower just starts sucking now. I'll figure this all out. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |