The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007Headline reads: "JoJ Alarmingly Whatever!"![]() Listen Up! If you haven't noticed, Jugglers On Juggling has released it's first episode, we'll call it episode 1, featuring guest Jason Garfield. Now that I'm done milking that cow,I have to announce that the next episode is due on on April 16th, and will feature a much less known juggler, who I'll announce later. This is to show, we're not just for the big names, but for everyone and anyone. Also, the MX Red project is on it's way, and I'm still yet to say a release date. Maybe next week... Daily Life: Well, not much happened recently. So this segment is going to be pretty boring, or is it? Shoprite. Well, one of my dreams for this job has come true. For the past 3 work days, they have allowed me to work on the outside register selling potted plants. You're asking, "Why would you want to do that?" Simple, and numerous. I'm outside, where the temperature is nice and I am not sweating like hell. I'm outside, away from all the crowds inside and the constant scanning. It's a much more social register than any of the inside ones, I can actually have a conversation with a customer or a friend that lasts longer than 15 seconds. And I'm able to use a hand scanner to scan less than 3 items, where the only other place I can do that is Food Court. So for that, I'm in heaven, but for the most part, over the past 3 days being outside, there really wasn't much happening, until Saturday. I'd just finished scanning a customer, and everything's going as it always is outside, then out of nowhere, 2 fire trucks come barreling down the street and rushing right in front of the store. I walked in front of my register to look above the store, and not seeing any smoke, I figured there must have been another alarm malfunction, like the one that happened a few months ago, and that I would begin to see everyone evacuating the store. Well, I didn't, instead, I see the firefighters in full uniform rushing out of the truck and then looking up, then standing there confused. Then, after a minute or two, just as I'm deciding whether to approach them or go inside and call the store managers, I see them (the store managers) running outside almost in a panic, trying to find out what's going on. I can't really hear them too much, as they were on the center part of the front, and I'm way off to the side with my plants, so when everything's done and the trucks leave, I ask Mr. C about what's going on. He tells me that the guys at the fire station got an alarm going off from the MINI-MALL alarm on the top of the building. Not the fire alarm for Shoprite, but the fire alarm for the ENTIRE LOT, the one that's silent to everyone but the fire station. The one that's on top of the roof outside, and needs 2 different sets of keys to get to. One from the Shoprite store manager, the other from the lot owner, who's out for dinner. I cracked up immediately, and Mr. C just laughed right with me. So about an hour later, the mechanic and lot manager show up to fix the alarm, and the rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Hell of a story though, and that's one more reason why I love my job. Juggle This: Well, what to say. I got a lot of mixed feedback on the first episode of JoJ, but the great thing is, none of it was bashing or flaming. That's why I love the juggling community, there is very little hatred, and effort put into something IS appreciated. That being said, I do believe that some improvements need to be made to JoJ also, and we're doing so for episode 2, which will be recorded shortly. A few of those changes I've already mentioned on the WJF forums, here's the quote. Ok, well here's the changes me an Marty have agreed upon (so far) for future episodes. We're definitely going to have a 3rd guest on each week, and the fixed schedule for the show being [Announcements, Preview, Video's, Main/secondary]. The announcements section should be obvious, any announcements pertaining to the podcast, myself, or Marty. Preview being basically us saying what we're going to cover in this episode, before the episode starts. Video's being a now official segment, where we'll review at least 2 juggling videos each episode, no matter whether they're new/old/off the mainstream/whatever. Then the main section featuring the guest host talking about the main topic, as well as joining in the discussion of the "Secondary" section, another new segment. In "Secondary", we will choose one topic from each of the three major juggling forums [Gatto, WJF, Rec.Juggling], and briefly (they have to be short for time reasons) discuss and debate them. And as a new rule, we don't start recording until we have the 3rd host on the line. We've got more updates coming, so the next episodes can only get better. Now that we have the organizational stuff sorted out, our next internal problems to solve will be quality of audio and "other". See you all on Monday with Episode 2! OH! And I also qualified 6 balls again yesterday, not on camera though. But who cares about that? A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |