The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Tuesday, May 01, 2007VG Gladiator![]() Listen Up! My next juggling video, now titled "Standard Deviation", is in it's 3rd of 4 stages. Editing and final footage gathering. I'm expecting to release it sometime within the next 2 weeks, so watch for it next blog post. Also, Jugglers On Juggling is doing really well, and Episode 5 is going to record on Thursday, with guest, Vova Galchenko. This one's gonna be fun... R2150's Video Game Reviews for the Intelligent Human: We all know that Pokemon is back. Diamond and Pearl hit the shelves for the DS last week, 04/22/07, and I got a copy of Diamond on launch day. Let me say this, it's like being bounced 10 years back to 98, playing red and blue for the first time. It's all coming back, and it's as awesome as ever. Now, people that know me know I'm a Nintendo Loyalist, always have been, and there's a good reason for it, they make quality games, and this one is no exception. Now, I haven't beaten it yet, but I have just captured my first Legendary 'mon of the game, and am going for the 6th badge right now. I've already logged 20 hours into this little cartridge, and I'm not lying. I actually play that more right now than I spend time playing my Wii. Story is actually good (as in thought was put into it, not that it's Final Fantasy or anything), which was something I definitely wasn't expecting from a Pokemon title, and the battle system has been remained unchanged, which is the best move they made with this release. Remember the past 3-4 'mon titles for GBA and DS, the ones with this whole capturing system where you would draw circles around the 'mon you're trying to capture? Of course you don't remember it, because it sucked so much. Going back to the series' roots was one of the best moves Nintendo's made recently (handheld wise), and making the entire overworld 3d? I wasn't expecting that either, though it didn't really do much, it's definitely a nice touch. But before I go away from the battle system too much, they did make one change to it, they added, to each individual 'mon, a stat that had an effect anything else in play. It's like the powers from the trading card game, and it's another great addition. Now, the addition of Wifi is huge, I think. It's definitely opened up the door for anyone wanting to battle or trade in a room of people, no longer do you need to spend at least 8 bucks for a link cable that would pop out when you shifted your weight. I know, it's minor, and I said the same thing when the DS launched, but it feels so great to see everyone in a crowded cafeteria sitting there battling. Now, the only bad things about this game, because I have to be objective, are the following. 1: It'll suck every spare moment out of you're day. 2: When it's over, you're probably not going to want to play it through again. 3: It gets a bit repetitive after a while, and you'll end up using a lot of Max Repels to keep the level 11 'mon at bay when you're going back to an area with level 50's. 4: It's a little bit unorganized with how many different items there are and no real way to store them in a separate place, you'll be thumbing through dozens of items looking for the one you need a lot. 5: There is no #5, that's everything I found wrong with this game. It's obviously taken off, I know at least 8 people right now who either want it or have it, it's great. The basic Pokemon formula, though a decade old, still is as potent and as effective as ever, and will be for years to come, as long as it's not screwed around with. My final word is, GO GET IT BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE DOES! POKEMANIA! IT'S RUNNIN' WILD, BROTHER! 9.6/10.0 Juggle This: Well, aside from my next video, I've been practicing a lot with 3 clubs recently, and a lot of practice with my spinning. It started back at All College Night (read my last post), when I was doing 3 club 1up 180's, and realizing just how easy they were. I could never try them before because of roof height. Now, I'm spending what free time I have over in the college center practicing a lot of spins, and within the past 3 days I've gotten: 3b 3up 360 (numerous times), 4b 4up 180, 4r 2up 180, 3c 2up 180, and a few more spins I can't remember. I'm getting a lot better at them, but still nowhere near anything really all that good. You'll see a lot of my other things I've been screwing around with when Standard Deviation comes out, until then, you'll just have to listen to JoJ. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |