The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Wednesday, June 06, 2007Sleep Is Good![]() Everything is in cryo except for JoJ, my next DeviantART batch (which should be up this week), and that's it. I'm taking all my time up with school and work, and I've really only got 2 half-days off and I intend to enjoy them as much as I can, while I can. Things will pick back up after the 15th or so, once class ends. Then I'll have the ability to actually get stuff done without sacrificing sleep. Daily Life: Woodbridge Avenue. I hate it. Especially when they decide to do construction and reduce the road to one lane at a major choke point during mid-day hours, for about 7 hours, encompassing both my trips to and from class. Needless to say, I'm almost late for every class, even though i leave nearly an HOUR early. I HATE THEM. Moving on, I love Shoprite. My last paycheck was over $150, and so will all the other ones for the rest of the summer. What's better is that now I'm regularly being put on the outside register, aka. my happy place at Shoprite. So I've gotten myself a new pair of sunglasses from the bins which have been placed outside, the sunglasses literally priced at $1.99 a pair, and they're decent sunglasses. They look awesome, and I haven't stopped wearing them, because they're almost completely clear and have barely any tint. I've always thought I'd look good with glasses, and have wanted to wear them since I was out of middle school, but I have 20/20 vision, so I don't have an excuse to wear a pair. Now I have a pair, and no excuse to wear them, other than they look good. I love being me. But back to the fun stories that keep you (all 4 of you) coming back every week. So on that note, on to what actually happened on Sunday. I know this shift is going to be hell, because I'm there from 3:00 to past 10:00. So I get there, punch, and bring my till to the front for register assignment. Seeing as how there are literally 5 more people waiting for assignment, and lines everywhere, I figure I'm going to go to a register like 10 or something, because it just fits with the way my luck runs on days like today. By a cruel twist of fate, after I'm already bummed and psychologically preparing myself for the hell that surely awaits me, M+++++ says "Rich! Outside, give Kyle his lunch." "Yes Ma'am!", and I run outside, my face beaming. The outside register is always the best, because you obviously don't have as many customers, but also because you can actually get some wind blowing to cool you down, which unless you're on the extreme ends of the register lanes (registers 4, 5, 9, and 19), it's still air, and hot as hell. What made it even better outside was that it was raining. I love the rain, and I don';t mean it was just like a drizzle or anything, it was pouring. I was in heaven, which is a rarity at Shoprite, so I did the best job I could to help people and enjoy every minute of being outside. So finally, it comes time for my lunch break, after 3 hours of outside. I go in, punch, eat my pizza (which was crappy and expensive, as usual), relax and play Pokemon Diamond (which I've started playing again after about a 2 week lull from beating the elite four and only now just getting the national map open). So that's finished, and believe my surprise when they tell me to do the garbage and then go back outside to let Kyle go home. So after another great 2 hours, I go back in and on my last break, and by now, I've only got another hour and a half left on my shift. One of the best things about me being outside that whole time was that the lines inside, they didn't let up all day, and every register was stocked. So I come back from my last break, bring in the register from outside and store it away upstairs, then proceed to start doing returns and other random tasks for the remainder of my shift, which the strange thing was, despite the fact that there was a ginormous crowd the entire day, there were barely any returns to put away at all. So I spent most of my time collecting and then blocking aisles before I left. I know the next few shifts I have are going to be hell, due to the Neutral Day Theory, but it was worth it. Juggle This: 66661, if I forgot to mention last time. I first flashed it to a collect under my 8' roof, then I flashed it into a qualifying run, barely. I've yet to get it since, but I have been working on my flourishes, and have gotten to the point of having many of them performance ready. Flourishes are really quite fun once you start to understand them and play around with them successfully. Now, that aside, the latest episode of JoJ, "Garfield's Gone Wild" has proven to be probably the best episode yet in terms of people liking it. It's already got more than 150 downloads in the first 24 hours, and doesn't look like it's stopping there. Go ahead and give it a listen! So until next time, I'll enjoy my 7 day week and sleep deprivation for the next week or two, then I plan on imploding and just not waking up for a full 48 hours once school is over. Until then, sleep is godly. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150
That was an interesting read.I am glad to see that you are taking care of yourself & getting some relaxation in.
Well, I fixed my old blog links. So now you can get to the version 1 blog. Not sure if the myspace one works for everyone, but you can still see it on my main website.
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