The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007Reviews, Rants, and Retributions
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Well, JoJ #14 is up and done. Now I just need to worry about #15, I swear it never ends. :: BASIC6 is still being worked on, but it will be released before August 1st if everything goes smoothly. I'm almost done and am just overhauling the video portion of the visual window. :: I don't think I have any other big projects I'm working on to talk about. I'm actually in a bit of a lull, and I like it. Oh, but I have started collecting footage for my next juggling video, but it won't be released for a while, seeing as how I just let out JoJ14, plus I'm still collecting good footage. Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix - 8.3 Much much darker than all of the previous ones, and I think it's why a lot of different people I know who've seen it have very different opinions about it. My sister for example, is a fan of slashers and horror films and she thinks this was the best Harry Potter yet. Personally, I'd rank this as the 3rd best HP movie, right in the middle. It was a good movie, but it wasn't anything completely spectacular like the Goblet of Fire was (which is my personal fav). I liked how in every movie prior, there was a period of relaxation and comfort, where all was right with the world for a few minutes before thrusting back into chaos, usually this happened during Quiddich, which was absent from the Order of the Phoenix. I know a lot of people would hardly notice it, but Quiddich was one of the best parts of all the movies. But enough comparisons, on to the movie itself. *Possible Spoilers* The plot of the movie is that, Voldemort is back, and a war is coming. Noone else wants to believe the obvious however, and everyone but a small group of wizards believes that the Voldemort story was a story conjured up by Dumbledor in an attempt to seize control of the Ministry of Magic. Harry's patience and emotions are pushed and tested throughout the film, and there is a falling out. The main body of the movie consists of how the newly recruited defense against the dark arts teacher, Umbridge, turns out to also work for the ministry and is a complete megalomaniac hell bent on controlling Hogwarts and does not allow for practical methods of learning spells and charms. Therefore, Harry has to start his own underground class where the students can learn everything they need to know to defend themselves in the upcoming battle. *Spoilers Over* Like I said, this movie is so much darker and out of control than any of the others, and this is apparent everywhere from the fight sequences to the general feel of the movie. It's a ride that burns through in what feels like a matter of minutes, and you sure as hell won't want to leave for anything. That being said, I was kind of let down for this very same reason, as I had a hard time remembering everything that actually did happen in the film. Thinking back, it's like one random event, followed by another event, followed by a lull, followed by a fight sequence. I mean there are literally at least 8 different places the movie takes place throughout the course of the film, and that's major locations, not to mention the countless other places that are visited. It was a bit overwhelming. That's why I didn't score it so high and why I didn't exactly feel it was as good as the others, but what am I to expect from a movie that's made from a novel with how many pages? Annual Rant: Windows Media Player Skins Ok, I know I've stopped skinning for a while now, but what the hell happened? Where have all the good skinners gone and even the bad ones? WMP is not that hard to skin, one of the easier players in fact. I put frickin games into a skin it's that easy to skin for. But that's besides the point. My point is, and it was brought about by the fact that only two people have submitted any new skins since Febuary 1st, and one of the two blows monkey chunks. I'm not normally this pissed off or aggressive, but have you seen the iPhone skin? Cheap skins like that give WMP a bad name. I mean, if the preview image shows me correctly, he hasn't even cleaned up the edges properly before uploading it. C'mon, even I did that when I made my first horribly sucky skin in MsPaint, and people that know me will testify that I'm horrifying with graphics, but at least I do them properly. Also, can we have some f'n originality please? Nobody wants a skin that looks like a CELL PHONE! I've been seeing these f'n phone skins since early 2004, they were shit then, they're shit now. The iPhone could make a good skin if someone does it right, but so far noone's even done it for any other player right yet either. If you want to make a skin shaped like your personal cell hone, by all means go and do it. But if it's not able to compete with anything else in the gallery both graphically or codingly, don't upload it and make WMP look bad. I've made about 4 skins since BASIC5 released 2 years ago, have I uploaded any of them? NO. Because none of them were worthy of people's time, much less able to compete with anything worthy of being on It's been about 7 months since I saw even a hint of an original idea for a skin that wasn't based on a band, funky new coding element, or desktop theme. I'm sure noone even cares about my hatred of complete crap skins that are driving everyone away from WMP skinning and over to WinAmp (Who in the hell wants a skin shaped like a box with exactly the same aspect ratio for EVERY SINGLE SKIN!?). So do everyone a favor everyone, either finish your skins before uploading them, make better skins, or don't do it at all. I know this isn't the way to spur activity back into the WMP category, but I'm just tired of seeing crap skin after crap skin, after cell phone skin, after band skin, after crap skin. To show that I'm not a complete hypocrite, I will be releasing BASIC6 on July 31st. And hopefully another skin sometime after that. Daily Life: Well, nothing horribly eventful at work, so I'll talk about what happened today, on my day off, or what was supposed to be such. First thing is that I wake up at 9:00, and am forced into cleaning my room, which I don't mind doing, it's just that it's 9:00 AM. Then after a quick thing of that, I get sent to mow the lawn. A job that I absolutely despise and I'll explain it one day, perhaps in the next blog entry, but either way. So I work on the lawn and finish the front, and today I have an appointment with the principal of my elementary school where I'm to perform a show at, and thanks to my parents making me do the lawn, I almost missed it. Either way, I successfully got 2 shows that I'll now be performing on the 13th of August, and I'm going to rock them because I'm getting paid $200 total for it. So I come back and finish the rest of the f'n lawn, and as soon as I get back in from the heat, it's time to replace my entire bed structure. How wonderful. I still believe that I did not need a new mattress, box-spring, or foundation and that it was a waste of time and effort to drag everything upstairs from the basement and mount it all, and then having to rearrange everything that was anywhere near my old bed, especially after I'd just cleaned up everything not a day ago. So that took up another hour or so, and by now it's around 4:00, and I'm free for the rest of the night, or so I thought. We then head over to Walgreens to get my passport photo taken. Both me and my sister are getting passports now because homeland security decided to not let anyone board airplanes, even within the US, without a passport. I love HLS. SO either way, we spend an hour there because they wanted to go shopping around the store, and I'm there just looking for objects to manipulate to keep myself entertained. Of course as I'm doing so, my mother insists on treating me like I'm 10, telling me to either put down the ball I'm finger-spinning or the pool-noodle I'm chin-balancing. I tell you, those objects have been used in much more juvenile ways within the store. Besides that though, we get home at 6:00, and my legs I'm just realizing are covered in mosquito bites from wearing shorts as I'm mowing the lawn, and then I remembered why I gave up on wearing them 3 years ago. But now she needs me to update my checkbook, fill out the passport application forms, and I haven't even marked my new performance on my calendar yet. I love my life... Juggle This: I forgot to mention at WJF4, that I nailed 2 tricks that had been eating at me for the past 2 months. And I got them all on camera. I got a 66661 back into the pattern for a qualifying run, 8 catches of 7 balls, and I finally found someone to do box passing with. I had the idea for box passing back in April, but I never had anyone able to try them out, and I got a kickflip pass back and forth, and a box-tower steal. Both of them are in JoJ14, so go check them out. I finally exacted revenge on my props. Oh, and I also got my ass a new set of rings. 5 yellow (what else would they be) Airflite rings. I've already adjusted to them, and am starting to realize just how crappy and wide Duncan rings really are. But they're what I've always practiced with, and they're still great for grinds, so I'll see what happens. And now for your viewing pleasure, a few more WJF4 pics with me in them. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Monday, July 16, 2007A Trip To The WJF
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Well, this is the WJF4 blog. No word on other projects because I didn't work on them. But let me stop talking here, because we have a lot to get to. ![]() Getting there was half the fun. Ok, so I left at around 2:00 to get to the Metro Park Train Station for my 3:00 train. For once, it's right on time. So we're on our way, we layover for about 20 minutes in Penn Station, and then the electrics go out while we're there. Just as I'm deciding to watch a DVD. So I think nothing of it, and we continue on our way. For the next hour the power is going on and off, then they finally let us know that the engine car pulling the train is failing. Wonderful. So now we're basically stalling and coasting our way for another half hour until the next station, where they unhook this engine, bring in a new one, and attach the cars onto this engine car. The entire process takes, oh, I don't know, about 1 FRICKIN HOUR. During which we had nowhere to go, the snack car was closed, and the electrics were gone because there was no engine. It was fun, let me put it that way... So finally I arrive right at Union Station, where day one of the con is being held. This is on the 8th, before the on even started, and there was Thomas, Vova, Arash, Adrian, Freddy, and a few others just juggling in the lobby. I literally just walked off the train, put my stuff down, and started juggling. I would have juggled off the train, but I was carrying three bags, and the bags weighed about 30 lbs a piece, so I couldn't juggle them :P ![]() So then that day ended and I spent the night at someone else's, and then we come i n and now the gym is REALLY filled up. The rest of the day was a rush with me trying to adjust to the new thing for the next week, and then trying to figure out everything for the cops I'm running and JoJ. I sorted it all out though, and played combat against Adrian Pole. Awesome. So the rest of the day was pretty uneventful, except for the media report that was recorded earlier in the day, the played on the news later that night. There was a story about a drunk boat driver falling out of his boat and the boat continuing driverless in circles around a lake somewhere, and it got more air time than we did! At least they showed a clip of me doing a 1up 180 with 3 clubs, so it's not all bad. ![]() So today I decided to get all my DVD's bought, because I needed to buy them. So I did that, and I'm down another $120 or so. I got both WJF3 DVD's, the Jason Garfield DVD, the UK Open DVD, and 2 WJF4 shirts (one is for Steven Worthy). But that's enough of that, Freddy arrived in the gym today, just as we discovered that one of the three central pillars in the room served as a great surface for bounding things off of. We then found out very shortly thereafter that Airflites (specifically, mine) bounced very nicely. Freddy tried doing a 744 with the 7 off the pillar, and then one of the more awesome things was between Freddy and Chris Merra (I think). Freddy did a few 3 club things to start, then caught a scissor catch, then threw the caught one out, off the wall, and then Chris caught it in another scissor catch. Adrian got a video of it on his camera, and I'm gonna get it from him later. It was awesome. Then we found that Airflites also bounced off the floor well, so me and Freddy then tried to bounce one from me into Freddy, who caught it from 3 clubs into 4 clubs. It was insane when we got it. Bottom line, if you ever have a concrete floor or pillar, and a few Airflites, go for it. And now the first pillar in convention hall B of the Connecticut center has a bunch of dents in it, imprints in the dust where the clubs hit, and my Airflites have now got grey paint embedded into the plastic, and the handles are now slightly warped. Airflites do not break, they can only warp. But other highlights of the day were when me and a bunch of other people were learning really complex passing patterns with 4 or more people, and we got a bunch of them working. I just wish I had video of them. Ss I'm tired, so I will write more tomorrow. ![]() Well, today was cool as hell. I wake up and run out to the con as I did yesterday. I love having the con center attached DIRECTLY to the hotel, I don't even have to walk anywhere! Either way, so I get there, and the first thing I see is up on the white-board. Harry Potter at 10:00 PM. I've been wanting to see this movie, and I figure why not do it here, but that part comes later. So I arrange to go and get on with the con. Simple enough, I spend the first few hours just generally hanging out ad stuff. Planning the schedule with Laura Earnst about when we'll record JoJ because her competition is today. But nothing really noteworthy happened, at least that I can remember. So then comes the womens comp, which I was slated to help rally the competitors and organize them, but when I go up to Jason 10 minutes to the start, he says he doesn't need me for it. "Really? Uh, Ok then." and I watch Laura kick some ass in the comp, and then immediately afterwards was the freestyle competitions. Dude. There is a reason why I would never miss a freestyle comp at the WJF. Just a few noteworthy tricks were Dietz's db97531 back to a cascade and his 2 stage 720 in 8x6. Also, Vova got a 4 up 720 with 6 rings if I remember correctly, and Brett Sheets did the b666600 360 in the 5 CLUB freestyle, but that's just a few of the tricks we saw. Let me just say, it was pure madness. So that finishes and then we run to do JoJ upstairs in the main foyer of the con center. We did the video section this time, and we hit a few snags finding power outlets and having to run all the way back downstairs to get a fresh memory card (I've already filled the 2 gig one), but it was an awesome segment, and it's well worth it. She's stoked about just kicking ass in the womens comps, and overall it's been the best segment so far. But you'll see it when JoJ releases. After that, I then make the run to the local CVS that I've been meaning to do since getting here. I needed Mountain Dew, and bagels for breakfast. I decided to be the nice guy that I am, so before i left, I shouted on the convention floor "I'm making a CVS run, does anyone want any groceries!?" Needless to say, about a dozen people came up, so I made a system, since we had small manila envelopes there anyways, I said write your name and what you want on the envelope, and put the money in it. It actually worked out better than I thought. So it ended up being me, Dave McGaughty, Thomas Dietz, and another German (I can't remember his name right now) going to CVS, usign the shuttle to get there, and walking the way back. We ended up spending about a half hour there just looking for stuff for ourselves and others. CVS doesn't exactly have the same selection as Shoprite, but we managed to get a lot of stuff that everyone wanted. So that was awesome. The worst part about it though, was once we arrived, one of the guys who worked at the center decided to be a dick and kick me out for bringing in all of the groceries for everyone. Luckily, we'd already gotten rid of half and I got the idea to just go down to the attached Marriot (where I'm staying by the way) and leave the groceries as people specific baggage to be claimed. So luckily, that worked out alright. But that guy was still horrible, he even watched me walk out of the center and into the hotel to make sure I wasn't coming back with them. What an asshole. But on to happier things, such as Harry Potter, which really isn't all that happy anymore. But I'll put my review in the next post of the actual movie. However, the trip there was one of the most insane car rides I have ever had in my life. I piled in with Arash into the car being driven by none other than Crazy Marty. We almost got killed at least 3 times getting there, dodging overflowing sewer pipes and manholes, nearly missing exits, and trying to get a signal on the Garmin the entire time. The trip back was the same way. Fun. ![]() Today was actually a little bit slow. Not too much happened. I woke up, had some Combos and a Mountain Dew and headed for the con. There I chatted with the guys on the live webcam for a while, did some stuff, then came the first awesome thing of the day. "Crazy Marty" as everyone knows him, was watching me screw around with my boxes and passing them between another guy. The guy and I came up with doing tricks while passing all three boxes back and forth to each other, and we managed a few cool things. We only did horizontal tricks however, and when Crazy came over, he had the idea to do some takeouts. I then came up with the idea to do vertical takeouts from a balance, and we just kept building from there and also adding some acting to it until we got the above video. It was awesome and I've been showing it around the con for the past few hours. Then we both decided "This is too good of a clip to be put with something, we need to upload it to Youtube now." So we went out with his laptop to try and connect to the wi-fi in the con center and upload it. We spent about a good half hour trying and tinkering with windows XP trying to connect to the wi-fi points. Eventually we switched computers and uploaded the above clip, but man it was a pain. But either way, box passing and stealing kicks ass, and we also came up with an idea for an entire themed video that I'll be recording at Philly Fest this year hopefully. Also the rest of the day after that was pretty ordinary, Thomas and everyone gathered after combat ended and started doing some card magic tricks and stuff, which is strange, but ok I guess. I just want to get to sleep right now, so I'll write more tomorrow. ![]() I think it's not that less is happening, just that I'm getting used to all the stuff and sensory overloads that happen each day, and now it seems like everything is less and less interesting. There were a few good things though. First being my not deciding to wake up until 10 minutes before the competitions start and almost not making it in. That was fun. Then after that came a nice big game of combat that I started. I think it was like the 20th round or so, Malte Peter comes in, and he bashes me right on the f'n hand. He hits my thumb right on the nail and pulls it partly away from the skin, allowing it to bleed everywhere, and to hurt like a bitch too. So I was out for about 5 rounds, then I realized that it was also bleeding under the nail. Good times. I go back and try to nurse it, but after 3 or 4 rounds, I stopped playing altogether for a while. By this time, when I decide to go over to the webcam, Connecticon, the role playing convention taking place on the next floor, has swung into high gear, and now we have literally got for every one juggler, at least 7 people in costumes walking around in the lobby out in the con center. That was an interesting thing to watch indeed. I've got a plan to crash the other con with a bunch of jugglers sometime tomorrow. But that's another matter. So the advanced comps were today, and I honestly have no idea where it can go. Stuff like Arash's harder routine with more drops vs Thomas' easier one with less drops. It's going to be interesting tomorrow. But the advanced comps were really short and small comparatively. I remember thinking that WJF3 had to be the worst WJF of the string, I think this one takes it as the worst, despite the fact that now I know what I'm doing. ![]() Well today was the last day of the convention, and I'm left without a room to stay in until my train tomorrow at three, so I'll just update this. Wait, scratch that thing about not having a room, one of the jugglers just passed by and gave me a berth. Ok, well either way, back to what happened in the past. I missed recording the volunteering segment of JoJ yesterday, and the schedule today is PACKED. I got the OK from Jason to record in the empty arena, and there was about a half hour difference after the beginners comp and before the Extreme comps when I could record in. Since Krizzly was busy passing and I couldn't get anyone else, I got Sky. Yes, the audio woman who kicks ass and is at pretty much every convention anywhere. So we recorded that, and I think it looked good, but I just skipped right past beginners didn't I? Ok, so I had a blast about a half hour before the beginners comp started, because Arash said he'd judge the point values for the moves in the morning, but 30 minutes before the comp starts and I can't find him anywhere, so Chris Merra said he'd do it. Sure enough Arash walks in about 10 minutes later, when everything is done. Now, I wanted to stay as hands off as I could with the judging, and I did. I don't even know my own move scores (which was something I originally wanted to avoid in the concept for the beginners comp, but realistically this works better and easier for everyone involved). So we finish, people start piling in, and I start announcing the intro and everything, then hand the mic over to Chris, who said he'd also announce everything else for the comp, and run off to the back to prepare to compete. I'm actually pretty confident, I know I didn't walk around that much, but I did drop a lot more than everyone else, however I think I had harder tricks than everyone else besides Jack Denger. We'll see what happens. Either way, it was fun to compete, and then I close with another thing on the mic, then go do JoJ and come back again for the Extreme Comps. The Extreme Comps were the most fun of all, because I'd spent so much time practicing for, organizing, and generally stressing about the beginners comp, that I'd completely neglected to even think about the Extreme comps. So I'm sitting there announcing things on the mic like an idiot, literally making things up as I go "Uh, yeah. You get three tries. Yeah that sounds good." Fortunately the competitions were funny enough on their own to make up for the lack of preparation. Especially having Laura Earnst and Rob Crites being the official pelters for 5 ball concentration. What was even more awesome was Thomas getting 560 catches and Rob just trying whatever he could to get him to drop, and ended up balancing clubs on Thomas' head and poking him to finally get him to drop. Second place had only about 280 catches. That was insane. ![]() ![]() A Week In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Tuesday, July 03, 2007Figures Right?
Listen Up!
BASIC6 has been pulled from cryo and I'm working on it as much as I can before I leave for WJF4. It's at about 95% complete, but the hardest and most tedious part comes after I finish all the coding, debugging and optimizing. That will kill, and it'll hold it from being released until the end of this month probably. :: MX. Who knows what's going on with MX right now. Things are a bit hectic, and I've just decided to see where Dan goes with it now. The whole hacking incident turned the entire foundation of MX on it's head, and though I'm #2 on the site's command structure, it is Dan's site. So I've stopped working on it (not that I could work on it anymore anyways), and I'll come beck from WJF4 and see what he's done. :: JoJ's last episode before the live WJF episode has been released, episode 12, Pole-Tacular, featuring Adrian Frickin' Pole. Listen, Enjoy, and I'll see you in Hartford. :: WJF4 is pretty chaotic now, because I asked for volunteers for judges and JoJ hosts, and I only got about 2. Since I don't want to pull random people from the con, I'll start emailing now, see who's willing and able. We'll see what happens there. Plus I have to figure out whether I'll drive up or take a train in, and the usual hassles before a major vacation. Daily Life: Figures right? I had all hell break loose on me last week, enough so that I filled up what took up about 3 pages of text with what happened, and this week? Nothing. Well, I'll have some great stories from WJF4, so just wait for it. I'm planning on bringing my old Palm machine, so I can type out a new post each day, and just post them all in either one MASSIVE post when I get back, or whatever. Bottom line, there will be a section for every day at the convention. Juggle This: Well, I just got in my new airflites. 2 new ones, bringing my collection up to 5. I can already do 4 fairly well, and I have flashed all 5 once. Otherwise, I've just been training like hell for the WJF4 beginners comp. Either way, this is my last blog post before the WJF4 report. So there will be no new blog post next week unless I can get access to a computer there, which I doubt will happen... A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |