Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Figures Right?

Listen Up!
BASIC6 has been pulled from cryo and I'm working on it as much as I can before I leave for WJF4. It's at about 95% complete, but the hardest and most tedious part comes after I finish all the coding, debugging and optimizing. That will kill, and it'll hold it from being released until the end of this month probably. :: MX. Who knows what's going on with MX right now. Things are a bit hectic, and I've just decided to see where Dan goes with it now. The whole hacking incident turned the entire foundation of MX on it's head, and though I'm #2 on the site's command structure, it is Dan's site. So I've stopped working on it (not that I could work on it anymore anyways), and I'll come beck from WJF4 and see what he's done. :: JoJ's last episode before the live WJF episode has been released, episode 12, Pole-Tacular, featuring Adrian Frickin' Pole. Listen, Enjoy, and I'll see you in Hartford. :: WJF4 is pretty chaotic now, because I asked for volunteers for judges and JoJ hosts, and I only got about 2. Since I don't want to pull random people from the con, I'll start emailing now, see who's willing and able. We'll see what happens there. Plus I have to figure out whether I'll drive up or take a train in, and the usual hassles before a major vacation.

Daily Life:
Figures right? I had all hell break loose on me last week, enough so that I filled up what took up about 3 pages of text with what happened, and this week? Nothing. Well, I'll have some great stories from WJF4, so just wait for it. I'm planning on bringing my old Palm machine, so I can type out a new post each day, and just post them all in either one MASSIVE post when I get back, or whatever. Bottom line, there will be a section for every day at the convention.

Juggle This:
Well, I just got in my new airflites. 2 new ones, bringing my collection up to 5. I can already do 4 fairly well, and I have flashed all 5 once. Otherwise, I've just been training like hell for the WJF4 beginners comp.

Either way, this is my last blog post before the WJF4 report. So there will be no new blog post next week unless I can get access to a computer there, which I doubt will happen...
A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150

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