Listen Up!JoJ16 is released, finally. Sometimes I think god doesn't want me to do JoJ... :: My new WMP job is working, I think. Still working out the kinks, I'll have more details later. :: Still gathering footage for Video 9. Starting to get some good stuff. :: Nothing else to report on here.
Daily Life:So if you hadn't read my last blog, or been a member of the meetup group, today was the day for my show at my old elementary school, followed by the NYC Diggnation Meetup. Both were awesome. So let's start with the shows.

Now, I'd planned and wanted to do a show at my old elementary school for a while now, but have never had the proper insurance to perform during the regular school year. So finally, when Camp Pace started, the school was then covered under district insurance, and I could perform. I did my standard 30 minute show, twice, and the both of them were good shows. I got a lot of hard tricks, also some of the audience participation ones, and the kids loved it. The original plan was for me to come in at 10:00 and give 2 shows back to back, and be out by 11:00. But they decided to split the shows a bit more, so it was one at 10:00 and one at noon. Gives me time to practice and go ea something.
Note to self, never go to the local Indian owned Subway again. I asked for Italian Herb and Cheese bread, they gave it to me, but neglected to put the cheese on it when they were making the bread. That's forgivable. I asked for some extra sauce on my meatball sub, because he picked out the meatballs, and there was barely any marina on it. He pulls out a tub of sauce and drops some more on. He asks if I want it toasted, I say no. I pay and begin eating, luckily inside the store. Something's off, and it's not just the bread. He put on COLD sauce. How much of an idiot do you have to be to assume that I want my sub toasted, put cold sauce on, and then when I say no, to not even put it in the microwave before I pay for it? That just made me not want it, but I was still hungry, so I told him to put it in the microwave and heat it up a bit. I ate it and left, never to return again.
But back to the performances, they were good, $100 a piece, and coupled with my paycheck from Shoprite and the other performance I performed, I just put $500 back into my bank account. Awesome.

So now I go back home and get ready for the NYC Diggnation meetup, I stocked my 3 clubs, 5 rings, and my new set of 5 illuminated balls and caught the 3:30 bus in. The first place I stopped when I got there was the bathroom, because I hadn't gone all day. After I left the bathroom and caught a cab, I then headed over to Nintendo World. I heard a rumor that if I go there, I can unlock new side-quests for Pokemon Diamond. Apparently, this is not a true rumor, but regardless, I was there, and I was having a great time. Ok, so it wasn't all that exciting, but I did get to see the museum portion, where they have a still working, half melted GB from the war. They also have every handheld system they've ever made on display there. It's cool to see some of that stuff. Otherwise, I got a new high score on the Excite Truck demo station there, tried a few other games I already own, and almost bought a vest. But regardless, it was ok overall.

The next place I headed, because I had 3 hours to kill and only spent about an hour at Nintendo World, I caught another cab to the Turtle Bay, and started walking around the block. I found my way t5o the Citigroup center, and the Barnes and Noble Bookstore inside. I found the "for Dummies" section, and found an interesting book. Podcasting for Dummies. I start reading it, for tips on how to improve JoJ, and god knows my extra hour was gone like it was 5 minutes. I buy the book, and head back over to the Turtle bay, where someone walking alongside me on the sidewalk recognized me, AWESOME! But I had to get to my thing, so I asked him to contact me on the phone, and ran to the Turtle Bay, where everyone was waiting in the downstairs lobby.

I started talking with this guy who was a member of Improv Everywhere, which I'd always been interested, but had NOWHERE near the time needed to be involved with. Either way, we started talking about podcasting, because he wanted to start his own, and I've started two. So after a long discussion of why you can't host a podcast solo and why you want to have someone else be an equal partner to help you edit and organize the cast, we headed upstairs for the show. The show started really early this time, and after the show, everyone immediately left. This gave me absolutely no chance to do what I was planning, record a video and send it to them asking them to come down for the next meetup (them being Kevin and Alex of Diggnation). Regardless though, a couple people were interested in my juggling, everyone always is. Everyone was playing with my balls, which I really enjoyed ;). Regardless though, there were actually two people there that knew how to juggle 3 balls! They weren't any good, they could just do a cascade, but still, it was enough that I could steal the cascade from them and just do some simple 2 person stuff. None on video though, but still. So as things were winding down, I started gathering footage for my video, because hey, it's what I do, I got a 66661 and a 3b 3up 360 from a shower. Very nice indeed. So I stayed up until absolutely every last person left, which was around 11:30, got a cab, waited for the 12:15 bus, got on and came back home. Another great day.
Juggle This:I went back and tried flashing 7 balls once again, because I had just gotten an order from Dube for 3 more illuminateds and 2 more squosh bags, bringing me up to 7 bags. I actually got, on camera, and without using my body to collect, a straight 7 ball flash standing under my 8' roof. Sweet. Also, I was screwing around at both my performance and Diggnation, I got a new 5 ball string piece, a 66661, and another 3up 360 that are all going into Video 9. So wait for it. It should be done before this month is over. Otherwise, not much else in juggling news, so I'll see you next week.
Oh, and I've uploaded a crapton of new photos to facebook, so check my profile if you haven't already.
Photo AlbumsA Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150
# posted by Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut @ 8/15/2007 03:05:00 AM