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Thursday, August 30, 2007Heroes Corrupted By 6x4 Perform Shows
Listen Up!
Yup, this entry is 2 days late. Wanna know why? So much has been going on in the past 3 days I can't put it all down at once. Also, I wanted to review some things that I haven't gotten the chance to go through entirely yet, and I don't like doing cold reviews. But that's besides the point. WMP Project is still in the air. I haven't gotten my payment yet, and they haven't gotten the finished skin yet, even though it's been a week. Things are a bit interesting there, but I'm leaving it to them. Hey, they don't have the complete skin and they won't get any more out of me until I get paid. :: MX is a little out there right now. The IPB stopped working because of our host, and now Dan's switched boards yet again. He's got me modifying the default skin, but at least he's not asking for a complete skin overhaul. I'll get that done when I have the time. :: I'm planning on also releasing a new deviantART batch that I've scrounged together from my archives when I find time. The problem is finding time. :: More comes later. ![]() I, am a HUGE Heroes fan. I've been into it since they first showed the commercials for it. It was so much better than anything else out there, and I would have had the entire first season Tivo'd if I had complete control of the DVR. That being said, it's awesome that now I have all the original episodes, in their entirety, in one awesome looking box. That's great by itself, but the features let me down just a little bit. Yes, they did a lot of good things and packed way more special content than anyone else normally does into their DVD's, but I felt like they could have added a lot more. The thing that I'm not sure the makers understand is that Heroes fans, are the type of people that will never be satisfied with the amount of content you put out, they always want more. Who can blame them, Heroes is phenomenal, and noone can get enough. That being said, spending the past 3 days and nights watching the entire series from first episode to finale was awesome, and I thought all the special features were really well made, and the fact that they threw the entire score in the set is awesome too, I just feel like they could have done more to make it even more awesome. But my final word, don't let that put you off, Heroes is insanely successful for a reason, and the episodes alone are worth the $50.00, so go out and get this now if you haven't already. ![]() I don't like doing cold reiews and I really should wait for this one, but hey, you want the early scoop, I'll give you my review so far. I've just played through to the 3rd world, and past the second boss; so far, it's proving very interesting. I can see how the control scheme works now that I'm used to it, and I can see the advantages it has over the old scheme, but I'm still only just getting used to using the wii-mote pointed at the screen as a right analog stick for dual analog movement. The rest of the game is awesome, for the first time ever in the Metroid line, you're actually interacting with other NPC's, and there's voice in the game. I know that's small, but it shows Metroid can be more than just a dungeon game, ad some people believe it to be. Also, the fact that now you're jumping between worlds instead of just parts of one planet or a dark and light realm, awesome. So far, I am loving it, except for the control scheme. Like I said before, I'm still getting used to it and have my reservations, it's already proving a hell of a lot better than the DS touchscreen thing from Hunters. So that's just my first impressions, the control scheme is killing it a bit, but everything else is bringing it right back up to insane. ![]() Well, my latest performance was today, but I'll talk about that in a minute. I started wondering about 6x4 recently, everyone's favorite 5 ball synch pattern, and realized that it's an "8 foot pattern" as I call it (you can do it standing up under an 8 foot ceiling) and I'm not practicing anything else right now, so I'd give it a go. I'd practiced 4x2 in the past, with the 2 as a small throw, and had gotten somewhat consistent with it, but how can you throwing a 2. Either way, I picked up all five and just tried making two sets of throws, and it worked perfectly. I said "hey, I might be able to do this", and kept going. I got the 3rd set of throws in about 10 minutes later for the first time. I flashed 6x4 within 20 minutes of deciding to work on it on Sunday. So then I keep going, practicing more, getting some successful flashes on film, and then I managed 4 sets. Now I'm pumped, but I have to go to work,so I stop and go. Monday I spent the day doing basically nothing, so I completely forgot about it. The next day I pick it back up again before going out to get my books for college this semester. I got a few more 4 sets of throws, and managed to THROW 5 sets a few times. Nowhere near catchable though. But regardless, I head out, get my books, the Heroes box set and Metroid 3 (story and reviews above), then I come back and I spend the whole day watching Heroes, not giving 6x4 another thought. Then Wednesday comes along. I'm still watching the entire Heroes box set (23 x 45 minute episodes = 3 days of constant watching), and out of nowhere, I get the nagging feeling to practice it again. I setup the camera, because by now you never know what you'll make and when, and first try, I sloppily made all 5 sets and all 10 catches. Thing is, I hadn't done the math in me head, and I figured sine 3 sets is flashing, 6 is qualifying. I qualified 6x4 for the first time on camera and thought I hadn't done anything except better my record, like making 8 catches of 7 balls. I kept going and qualified it probably 3 more times, then stopped and did the math. Finally I realized that 5 sets of 2 throws is 10 throws, and 10 catches by the same token, and then I fell out of my chair. I spent the next 10 minutes silently celebrating, as it was about 11:30 PM and my parents are trying to sleep. Juggle This: 2 of 2 Now, onto my show. I had to wake up really early, as I needed to make copies of my flier to hand out to everyone. I haven't been up before 9:00 AM since probably Last year when I was working the morning shift at Uhaul. That's besides the point though, I go to the school, setup everything in the same place as I did one year ago, and got ready to perform what I thought was going to be two shows. Laura (my mom, and the director of the Goddard School) then asked me to see if I could setup in a different location. The place I'm performing isn't exactly the best yard to find performance spots in. There's not a lot of open grass, and the most perfect spot, which has an amphitheater like hillside is facing East, so I'm staring into the sun for all my tricks. I tried practicing in the other location, realizing that there was a mosquito hive that neither I nor the kids would enjoy, and that they'd be staring into the sun. SO I tell her I'm going to do it in the hillside. I start with the first group, do some good tricks, and that performance goes well. Let me say what I did for this set of performances, I made it quite different than my standard one, as I'd been working on a few routines and other props that I wanted to test in front of an audience, that I really haven't noted yet anywhere, so I'll tell you about them here. First, I started with a new opening set of contact juggling, I don't really do good contact, but I can do stuff that looks cool to whoever I'm performing for. Then I went and tested out my new ring grinding routine. I normally just do the usual 2 ring grinds, and end with the 4 ring grind, I'm switching up juggling while grinding and stuff now in my new grind routine, and it went over pretty well. The next thing I'd been meaning to try is something I hadn't tried anywhere, and even thought about ever really performing anywhere. It's an act using one ball, and one soup serving spoon. The type you would find in a punch bowl or pot of soup. I found the spoon one day at Shoprite a number of months ago, and started playing around with it at home, kicking different tricks around and different ideas, nothing really coming together as spectacular or anything I thought would be anything more than filler material. It's actually a really easy act to perform, and I'll make a video of it soon, but basically it's using the spoon to throw and catch the ball in, and I'd do some stuff throwing both the ball and spoon, and you'll see. So otherwise, it was a pretty normal act I put together, the thing is, it was somewhere around 80 degrees outside, and I was slated to perform 3 times I found out after the second one was finished. So basically, I was tired after the first, dead after the second one, and out cold after the third. I pushed through though, and it all went over well. So hopefully now I'll have some more gigs coming up int he fall, as this was my last summer one. Actually, I just got asked to juggle at Shoprite again on Saturday as we're having a "carnival" there. So if anyone's in the Woodbridge area and am looking for me, drive down Route 1 until you hit the intersection of 35 and 1, Shoprite will be right there, and I'll be there pretty much all day after noon. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |