Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Forward To The Past!

Listen Up!
Well, it's about time. My windows Media Player project that I was hired for is now done (my part at least), and I can move on to better things that I'm NOT getting paid for, such as JoJ! :: JoJ16 is still making the rounds, and I'm debating re-recording episode 17. Chris Merra was the co-host, and neither of us seemed to be having a good day. It wasn't our worst episode, but since it's already late by a day I'm not sure whether to just scrap it or merge it with a new recording or just re--record the whole thing. I'll figure something out. :: OH! My new Juggling video is about to release! "No Sleeves Attached", my 9th major video, and the one that Adrian Pole said was the best so far. We'll see how it stacks up when it releases on the 24th. But besides that, I've just gotten more footage of great tricks and stuff, it always works that way doesn't it? At least now my youtube profile won't run dry fr the next few weeks like it did for all of the past 2 months. :: Mobius-X's forums are down yet again. All I have to say. Dan's now MSN mass chatting all of the admins and staff at MX about what we should do now to MX. Problem is, these chat sessions quickly turn into pure stupid orgies after about the first page. We'll see what happens.

Daily Life:
Shoprite was actually really low on customers the past few days I was there. Nothing really interesting happened at a-

I take that back. Sunday. I arrive at 3:00, as per my agreement with manager M----- a few days prior. And I'm scheduled to stay until 9:00. Problem is, I've got that WMP project, JoJ, and my video to work on. And on top of all that, I've just worked 8 hour shifts for the past 4 days here at Srite, thus my legs are about to collapse and my feet burn. Just another day.

What made today awesome and sucky was that it was raining, hard. I know, I love the rain, especially when it's coming down in gallons, but as soon as I go to my register and relieve the other guy, literally not 18 seconds pass, and the power goes out. Completely out. The last time this happened, I blogged about it, the machines didn't boot up for 30 minutes and then it took them 90 more minutes to work again at 100%. It wasn't like that this time. The power got killed for only about 7 seconds, and then came right back, but we were only working at half power, in the entire store. Basically to summarize things, my open light didn't work, neither did my conveyor belts, and neither did my coupon printer. Everyone else seemed to be fine, but my register had to suck.

But what was even more interesting was realizing the power was half off throughout the store. That meant the hot foods were getting cold, and all the massive refrigerators in the aisles and in the back, were only half on, so all the ice cream in the store began melting. Nothing to the point of needing to be cleaned up, but still, refrozen ice cream is one of the worst kinds, and now we have a storefull of it.

So things stay like this for basically 2 hours. Nothing is working properly, and every cold department is busy covering up everything and making sure to keep the cold things as cold as they can. Made getting at my hot pockets interesting, because they stringed shut all the freezer doors. Good times.

So then, on my lunch break, out of nowhere,t he entire Sot clan decides to roll in and hang out. Nyhus, Contini, Jimmy, Corey, and Berlew all came in and just hung out for my entire half hour lunch. What did we do? Absolutely nothing. I threw something at Nyhus though and made an awesome shot into the garbage can that noone respected. Whatever. Still, good to catch up every now and then.

The rest of the night was pretty normal, I came home completely drained and ready to fall asleep, but I had too much stuff to do, but that's a separate story and I'm too tired to tell it. I think in my next blog post I'll post a story about my home life instead of the usual Shoprite stories.

Juggle This:
I've been coming up with quite a bunch of good stuff now that I've finished editing my latest video. I came up with, and did, all of the following:
4ring full reverse synch under 8' roof.
3club 1 high 2 handspin with the high throw as a flat, then as a reverse double spin.
4ring asynch 5551 in full reverse under 8'.
a couple other things I can't remember right now.

As for shows, I have one coming up tomorrow, and another on the 30th. Good times.

A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150

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