The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007Drink Of The Gods![]() You wanna know what happens when you don't have a Dew in 4 days, you get sick apparently. I ran out of Mountain Dew on Friday (which Saturday just happened to be the best day I've had in a while, more on that later), and yesterday, I came down with a cold or something. It was bad enough I had to stay home from class on Monday, and that was my ELT Lab, my favorite class of this semester so far. My parents still don't believe me, even though they know how much I like that class. Bah... :: The WMP project, is done. Absolutely, finally, fantastically done. I sent out the final version, and I shall hopefully get the rest of my payment soon. It should be posted up on when they finally launch the service. It'll probably be up here first though. :: JoJ hit a snag, I've postponed this weeks episode because of 2 big reasons, first of all, I'm sick and unable to record, at least Sunday and Monday I was. Second, and probably bigger, is that the host I've been using for JoJ just crapped out over the past weekend, and isn't back up yet. Episode 20 will come back next week, or maybe a late release this week if I find a recording time and minorcrisis comes back up. :: Daily Life: Saturday, one of the most polar days I've had in a while. First, I got up around 10:00 AM, because we were getting in a new couch, I don't know why, but we're getting one. So the guy shows up around 4:00 PM instead. Wonderful. In the time before then though, my dad and I went and brought the old couch and table down into the basement. What a great time we had there. I nearly fell down the cellar stairs trying to lift the thing because we couldn't slide it down the steps. So we got that done after about 20 minutes, and then like I said, the guy came at 4:00. So now, we have to get all the parts inside, take them out, and assemble them. Thing is, they gave us all the right parts, but the wrong instructional sheet. Took us about 45 minutes to figure that out. ![]() The rest of the day involved me just relaxing. But once 8:00 came around, I went back downstairs and realized I had a package come in for me in the mail. I open it up, and find the Yo-Yo I had ordered with some of the money I got from that last WMP skin project I told you about. I immediately go upstairs, open it up, and try it out. Glorious. I love how with manipulation, you take a month or two off of something, come back, and you're better than before. I love that. Oh, and then there was a new podcast that came out called the Revision3 Gazette, it's a behind the scenes show of the podcast studio, Revision3. I love behind the scenes stuff more than the actual content sometimes, so I was so happy that I'd already gotten my subscription, and that now I could watch this new show. I love seeing how stuff gets done, that way I can do it better myself, yup. And then I spent the night playing Red Faction 2 again, which is the best FPS ever. Go get it and try it, you'll think both Halo, Farcry, Half-Life, and everything else sucks ass after playing that multiplayer. So an interesting day all in all, and then I got sick the next day with a cold or something, and was out for the next 3 days. ![]() Lot of stuff to cover and not much time. So I'll quote myself from WJF Forums here. "Ok, today I spent about an hour working on ONE trick. 94444. I tried it over and over for a full hour, then I just got into a "Screw It" mood, and decided that now my goal would be to just grab 7 balls, run them for as long as I can, don't even think about collecting. I got 11 catches to a clean finish. Hellz yeah. I've just found the most effective way for pushing your numbers records. Just leave the collecting to the subconscious mind, and throw what you can." Yeah. So after I did that, I did a lot of other cool stuff, and basically I just went out and recorded some footage for a mini-video. Hopefully I'll get that made soon. But other than my actual accomplishments, JoJ is getting just interesting. At least this week it is. I get sick at the same time our hosting service goes down. So I had to ditch recording the episode, much less releasing it if I did record it, and yeah. I'm better, except for one thing with I really hate (let's just say my cold started in my body, moved to my stomach, then to my lower back and continued downwards), but the host ( ) is still down. Either way, I'm set to record episode 20 tomorrow, as for releasing it, well, we'll see what happens. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |