The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007WRITE YOU LAZY BASTARD!![]() Listen Up! I just noticed how my weekly blog suddenly became a bi-weekly blog. That stops now. :: "The Stage" is coming out as my next youtube video. Remember I talked about it about a month ago? I'm finally posting it this week, so watch my youtube page for the sequel to "The Park" :: Job hunting right now is more of job waiting. I'm waiting on either a yes or no to come from a very lucrative job (if I can get it), and if it's a no, I have another job waiting. At this point, I'm just waiting to hear the no from the first, because I haven't been able to get in touch with the man who I've been talking to for the past few weeks. :: Just got Mario Galaxy. Review will come later. :: Juggling gigs are running completely dry right now, but that's ok, because once the spring comes around, I'll be doing a few charity shows if all goes well, and then that will lead to more paid gigs. :: I think that's about it, unless you want to hear me be nostalgic about how great Titan A.E. was and how it shaped my life, and my love of sleeveless shirts. R2150's Reviews For The Intelligent Human: ![]() I only just got it today, and I've only played through about 3 of the 7 sets of "galaxies" in the game, but I'm straight up hooked already. It reminds me of when I was playing the last Mario game, Mario Sunshine back on the Gamecube. This one I think is better so far, but it has some drawbacks. So lets point them out first that way I can go on praising it later uninterrupted. What sucks about this game most is the camera. It's ok, but it does get really annoying when you can't manually control the camera at all except for centering it behind Mario by pressing one button. I'd be fine with it, but because of the game's big feature of basically having worlds as planets which you can run around on, it does get annoying a little quickly. Nothing you can't overcome tough. Another thing that sucks about this game is the fact that the levels are REALLY small. In the grand scheme, yes, they are actually normal size, and some are very vast, but the fact that every stage you'll play on is some 3 dimensional shape that you can explore all the surfaces of, it just feels small. Comparing to stages like the Harbor from Mario Sunshine, all the levels here feel ridiculously tiny. Now onto what's great about this game. It's a Mario game, and I'm not saying that as in "Every Mario game ever made is good, so I can automatically assume this one's good without even playing it", but as in it deserves to be a Mario game. So most of all, I'm absolutely absorbed into the levels of this game, which is key. I was barely able to pull myself away from the game in order to make this post. The level design is as awesome as it is original, and I know anyone who's a Sonic fan is going "but they ripped of the space level from SA2!", believe me. SA2 had come up with the original idea, but Nintendo just took it to the next level and made it actually ENJOYABLE. But back to describing the levels, they have managed to blend seamlessly into each level, 3d play portions, and 2d style portions, and the both of them work great. I was playing the 2d section of one of the levels, and all the sudden I flashed back to world 1-2 of the original Mario Brothers. That's how good it was. What's also great is that they've gone back to the old Mario 64 play style, which I think is still unbeatable to this day. Simple levels, and rapid changing between them. Always making you adjust to a new setting with each star you collect. I normally don't like talking about graphics, but this game looks fantastic, like watching a Disney movie. But like I said, this is just what I've seen after playing through about 1/4 of the game, so it's only bound to get better. Final recommendation, if you have a Wii, get this game. If you want a Wii, get one, then get this + Metroid 3 + Legend of Zelda TP and you'll be set until 2008. ![]() Well, I broke a few of my personal records in the past 2 weeks. Yesterday, I got 74 catches of 5 rings, which is amazing considering I haven't barely touched my rings for about a week. I also broke my 6 ball record, and I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not, but now 20 catches of wimpy and 12 of an asynch fountain are my new marks to beat. Diabolo. I think I'm starting to really like this thing, and get the hang of it too. What I like most about Diabolo so far over regular juggling is how there's no "basic pattern" that you have to maintain. You do a trick, make sure the diabolo is on the string, correct the tilt, and make sure it's still spinning. That's it. I don't have to go back into a cascade or anything. Also, the tricks are much more muscle memory with diabolo than with toss juggling, because in juggling you have to adjust the trick for your base pattern, because nobody's cascade is ever exactly the same every time. Diabolo, you're pattern IS exactly the same, EVERY time. But listen to me going on about it all. The point is I'm starting to experiment with it, and am now to the point of trying duicides and triple half suicides where the last half suicide is tossing the diabolo back over the right handstick while the left stick is still in midair. Strangely, it's all coming really easy to me. Problem with it is, like boxes and other forms of non-toss-juggling is that it wears your arms out like a bitch. I'm still sore and have had to stop practicing it for a day or two to let my shoulders come back to feeling normal. JoJ is still going, but right now I had to skip last weeks episode because I couldn't find anyone available to host. That's the problem, is that I have to find a permanent co-host that's dedicated enough to stay as long as the podcast keeps running, and that isn't going to be moving or anything. Laura was good for a while, and hopefully she'll be able to come back soon, but for right now she needs to get settled into her new life, so I'm not making her do anything. No idea what happened to Marty, but after this long, I'm pretty sure he's never going to want to do it again, but who knows with him. Steve is, well, I don't know what's going on with him, so we'll see what happens. But if you want to co-host, I won't turn you down, just email me. Otherwise, I've started re-listening to some of the episodes, and I'm going to try and make the next ones a bit more interesting, because after listening to episode 26, I started realizing how dull it really was, and how all the others were. I've got a couple ideas running around, but we'll see what happens. I have to find a second host first. ... A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |