Tuesday, December 04, 2007


No Rest for the Never Weery

Listen Up!
It's TIME FOR ANOTHER VIDEO ANNOUNCEMENT! I always seem to have a video coming out, don't I? Well, this one will surely not disappoint (like the others have?). On December 10th (my 20th birthday) I'll be releasing Tri BX 2. An all cigar box video, and my first one in over a year. I've been getting REALLY heavy into boxes lately, and have come up with more 2 box stuff in the past week than I've come up with 4 ball tricks in the past 3 months. This is going to be a great video, so watch for it. :: JoJ is getting back on track. This week's episode was a good one, and actually the best one yet I think, and I've got a co-host and topics ready for the next episode. Things are finally rolling with it, so let's see what happens. :: Job hunting is going well, I put in a big application for AMC Theatres, and I just had my interview today for Spencers Gifts. That corporate job looks like it has fallen through after all, and when I realized it'd fallen through and went back over to Strawberry's to say "I'm here and I'll be making pizza", I found that I'd waited too long and they got someone else. I knew I should have said yes as soon as I applied there and THEN saw whether the Corporate job worked. :: OH! I submitted a new DeviantART photography batch this past week. Check that out, because I got some really good stuff there. And actually, in another few weeks or so, I'm going to be uploading another batch. I can't believe it, but I'm starting to get back into photography. All the better, because I'm really good at it. Links at the bottom of this post. :: College seems to be doing fine. Of course with tests coming up soon you can never be sure of anything, but so far it looks like I'm prepared, so all I have to do is review my notes every few days to keep things fresh in my mind, and I don't want to say there shouldn't be any problems, because then there will be. So I'll just say, I hope it works, and move on to this week's story.

Daily Life:
YAY! Story Time! Ok, everyone gather round as I blow your minds with a new story about nothing.

So on Friday, I went out and gathered as many applications as I saw I needed all across Route 1 up to Menlo Mall. Which was fun in itself, considering that I was going at around 4:00, when the traffic is at it's absolute worst, but nonetheless. I went out, got applications, and came back home. I filled them all out that night and went to bed.

Saturday I went to return them all and ask for interview schedules. The big job I was looking at was the Cheesecake Factory, seeing as how the manager's kid goes to Goddard (where my mom is the director. We basically get discounted meals whenever we go there). The deal with it is, you fill out an application and get an interview immediately after you finish filling it out. This I learned on Friday, and I decided that I was basically wearing my college jeans and a juggling t-shirt, I didn't think that'd work for an interview. So they said that they lie to do their interviewing before the store opens between 8:00 and 10:00, which as you all know, for me is like someone who normally rolls out of bed at 7:00 waking up around 4:30. But I set my alarm, and managed to get up on time and leave on time.

Now, I don't really like bashing on my parents TOO much, but they have got to give me some credit and a bit of trust. I'd already woken up at 8:30, and sure enough at 8:45, in the middle of my getting ready, they come over and check to see if I'm awake. Then try to push me out the door at 9:00. Like I'm not going to make it in time. So sure enough, I get there on time, fill out the application, and then start the interview, which didn't really last long. She basically looked it over and said that they can't hire anyone who won't be able to work weekdays. Simple as that. So that was a big waste. I then headed back home to hopefully get another hour or two of sleep (seeing as how I fell asleep at 3 AM and woke up at 8:30, and I normally need around 8 hours of sleep in order to do ANYTHING without being either tired or short fused), but instead, I helped carry in groceries and stuff. Then it was tiem for me to jump to the mall again and hand out all the applications I'd finished filling out, and finally I could end my day and just relax.

Then came Sunday. A rather fine day, if you want to call it that. My plan was to catch up on the sleep I missed the night before, but instead I found myself being woken up at 9:00 yet again to help with X-mas decorations. Now, I don't want to get into too much of a rant, but when you're parents tell you that they're only going to get you one gift for X-mas (sub $200 gift, but still), it makes you not want to bother setting up the tree. Like I see the point in the tree in the first place? I absolutely hate X-mas decorations. Not the decorations themselves, I have absolutely no problem with it all, but putting it up, taking it down, and getting your hand scraped up every time by the holly and stuff that's wrapped around the stairway railings because you forgot it was there is a bitch.

So I wake up, help do that for a while, and then I setup with Dave Gaida to record Jugglers On Juggling around noon my time (seeing as how he's in Italy, I have to record early). I figure I can wake up before noon if I go back to sleep around 10:00. I find myself actually being woken up by my mom asking me if I wanted to go out for lunch at 12:07. Whoops. It's ok though, because I was then able to record the best episode yet, and then get on with the rest of my day later. The rest of it was pretty uneventful.

And that's my weekend in an extended nutshell. I love my life sometimes.

Juggle This:
Did a LOT of cool box tricks within the past 3 or 4 days. All going into my next video.

one handed heelflip (where there's a 2 box stack balance in one hand, a flick of the wrist, and both boxes complete a half rotation without switching positions, caught back into a stack balance with one hand. The kickflip goes the natural direction, bottom box goes clockwise from the performers perspective with the top box going opposite. Meanwhile the heelflip is the complete opposite direction.) is one of the big ones I like.

I also got a 1 handed kickflip where the lower box completed a full rotation under the top box's half rotation. Also a one handed Knock-Back (which I think should be physically impossible, but somehow it isn't) where I start in a 2 box stack balance again, toss the top one up a bit, then hit the edge of it with the other box to make it go a full revolution before catching it back in a stack balance.

Either way, I'm doing some crazy 2 box stuff now.


And as prromised, here are the DeviantART Photography links for this week.
Into The Night
Climbing Stairs
Perhaps Tomorrow Is
What's In A Lane?
Waiting For You
God Hates Clouds
Trapped By Choice
Golden Silver Slivers

A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150

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