The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Sunday, December 30, 2007Spirits For Me HeadNew Juggling video is on the way. More info about it at the bottom of this post. :: My winter session English 2 course doesn't seem to be as bad as I thought it would after the first 3 days. I've already done one project, and it doesn't seem like the workload is anywhere near what everyone says it is. That may be because I can write like I talk, and even better than I talk most of the time, and I can ramble on about something without needing to put that much thought into wording what I say at all. So that that way I can concentrate more on what I'm going to be saying rather than how I'm saying it. Makes papers and blog posts go by like I'm writing one sentence. :: I've been plying Zelda Phantom Hourglass on the DS recently using a Gamestop gift card that I got for Xmas. It's a pretty good game so far, I haven't gotten the chance to play it much outside of the bathroom, but I'll work on it and give a review later. :: Xmas. What did I get? Gift Cards. Lots of them. I now have $25 to spend at JC Penny, and a total of $125 in gift cards for Gamestop. Thing is, there's nothing else coming out that I need and I've already paid off Brawl. So now I have money to spend on nothing. Sweet. ![]() Yup, I made another track. This time combining Eiffel 65's greatest hit with one of Aerosmith's least known yet greatest singles. Eiffel 65 - Blue vs Aerosmith - Sunshine. I really think this is the best mashup I've made. Better than anything I already released, and better than everything I'm working on right now. So yeah, I haven't been able to stop listening to it. I even burned it to a CD so I could listen to it on my way to work. It's that good. The best part was, is that it was a pretty easy mashup to make too, I really just hit play and let the tracks slip together at just the right times, I didn't even need to add any fance effects or edit either song in any way. Give it a listen, it's awesome. Eiffelsmith - Blue Sunshine So I met this guy while I was working at Spencers a few days ago, actually it was right after the last blog post. He saw me in the front of the store and noticed the juggling shirt I'd worn. He approached me and started challenging me to tricks with a wrapped up poster. Simple things, a hand balance flip, balancing on the chin, and that's about it. He said he was a juggler also, and he was actually able to do the hand flip and chin balance after less than 2 attempts. He then told me about he'd just started getting back into juggling after learning it many years ago. He said he's really good at Devil Sticks, but not so good with everything else, though he can do some tricks with 4 balls (which for a randomly met juggler on the streets (in a mall, but whatever), is pretty damned good). I told him how Devil Sticks was the one thing I didn't know how to do, and we kinda suggested that we'd both teach each other whatever the other doesn't know if we ever met somewhere. I had to get back to working, so I gave him my business card and said, "check out my youtube profile." and then he left to go shopping, and I went back to work (which I was actually doing the entire time, just no customers were coming in that I needed to greet. That was the last I heard from him until 2 days ago, when I got a message from him on youtube saying about how he watched Tri BX 2 and was inspired to go buy a set of boxes. YAY! Another box juggler inspired by me! So I've messaged him back and hopefully we'll be able to meet somewhere and juggle. We'll see what happens. As for what else happened at work, well, Thursday was an interesting day. There were originally 3 people scheduled to work the closing shift that night, but then someone called out, leaving me and the manager Lora. It was a fun day, because she then finally instructed me on how to use the cash register there (which I already knew, just waiting for the formal lesson to learn what keys to hit). So we spent the night switching between register, helping customers, and inventory control. It rotated every minute or so for the entire 5 hours. Which I have to admit, was a little tiring, but not as much as it was "fun". What I mean by that is that basically, I completely forgot about my break until I only had about an hour and a half left until closing. It was a FAST day, and I'd actually prefer to have a day like that, because I somehow felt like I was actually working and in a way that didn't leave me tired and bored and watching the clock. So then after I took my break we closed the store, I arranged the shelves while Lora counted, and we actually went over our daily quota by a couple hundred dollars. I'll explain that in next week's post maybe. So that was a good day. Juggle This: ![]() Other than that, not much else in juggling news. I made a couple good tricks while my parents were away in the garage. It's only 9 and a half feet in there, but it sure beats the hell out of 8 feet. I can actually do some 6 ball stuff in there past a flash. I managed to break my record in 6 balls wimpy, and now I have 29 catches as my new number to beat, and I should bye able to do that with no problem. I also qualified a 6 ball half shower clean. Also, I tried a 5 ball false shower, and somehow, it worked. I got 7 catches to a clean collect. It's all going to be in Sunlight None, so check it out on the 10th. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |