The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Monday, December 10, 2007Two Decades GoneToday is my birthday. 20 times I've celebrated this occasion, and I've really only cared a huge deal about half of them. So yeah, I'm 20 today, I feel old, but luckily I feel like I'm living life as opposed to just putting through it like some people I know. Either way, the big news of the day is that I received from my parents, a new LCD HDTV for my room. Granted, it's only a 16" x 9" display, but it suits my needs just fine. I was really pushing for it because my old TV I'd had since basically 2001, it only displayed 800x600 resolution (which really sucked when I was using photoshop or video editing), and it heated up my room like a furnace. So I just got this new display, it looks sweet, it's working great. Here's to my parents with the best gift they've gotten me since the launch of the Gamecube, actually before that because I bought my GC. Either way, cheers to them! Well, I also just released my latest juggling video. My first exclusive prop video since either 3 Ball Basics or the original Tri BX. It's dedicated to nothing but cigar box tricks that I've come up with, and it's called, oddly enough, Tri BX 2. It's already gotten hugely positive feedback and about 200 views on youtube within 24 hours of me releasing it, so I know it's good. I've really been getting box heavy recently, and I've skyrocketed by 2 box abilities. I seriously don't believe that some of the 2 box tricks I did in this video obey the laws of physics or biology. Example, how in the hell wasI able to toss a bix up from a one hand balance, knock it back up into a full rotation that barely went a foot into the air, and then catch it back in a balance before you can even spot the box? I made that trick on the first try after I started filming, it took me 20 minutes to get it the first time. Nevertheless, my new video is out, and it's awesome. Check it out if you haven't already. ![]() Lets see, what else happened today, or recently... It's the last week of the semester, and you know what that means. FINALS. Damnit. My mom still doesn't believe that I'm actually studying for them, but contrary to popular belief, I am. Granted, I'm not spending a grand total of 5 hours a day studying, but I'm cracking to books open, as it were, and actually reading over the stuff that I think I need to remember. And while that's happening, you're eyes are getting tired of reading, so I'll move on. ![]() So I finally got Virtual DJ working on my computer a few days ago, and have immediately started screwing around with it some more and doing more mash-ups. I'm actually starting to get a little good at it. Especially with the 3rd one I just recorded, Bon Jovi vs Alpine Stars - "It's My Patrol", I might actually be able to get into this. A thing I realized about mash-ups and DJing is that it's just another form of manipulation. I've been juggling for 3 years total, as many of you already know, so I'e got enough experience to know how to pick up almost any physical object and manipulate it with my hands in some way. It translates surprisingly well into the computer and audio world as well, I mean I've been doing video editing for about as long as I've been juuggling, so that's given me a bit of experience, but still I'm shocked at how easy manipulating music is. I'm finding myself now in either Audacity or Virtual DJ as much as I find myself using Photoshop. And that's saying something. So maybe I'll release a few mash-ups eventually, but for now, I need to conserve bandwidth for JoJ. Speaking of which... ![]() Jugglers On Juggling is doing good in terms of how the episodes sound. I'm wondering though as to whether I should wait to release this weeks episode, because to be honest, I haven't even started editing it yet, and I have to concentrate on Final Exams. So I'm thinking I may wait a week for episode 29 to come out,and then I have a week off from classes in which I can record another episode, and them I'm going to be plunged into a 2 week smash course in English. During which time I probably won't have time for ANYTHING else.So I'm not sure what I'm going to do. One of the things that's most frustrating about JoJ right now, is not the fact that I can't find co-hosts each week or that noone ever sends in an email, it's that I don't have an accurate way to count how many people are actually listening. I have to judge from the amount of comments I get between Rec.Juggling and the WJF forums. Judging from them recently, it seems like nobody's listening to it. I'm just not sure right now. It's kinda hit that point of "Ok, you're up to 30 episodes, and people are starting to get tired of it.". I don't now. That's why I hate not getting any feedback. I hate doing this, but if you listen to JoJ, and especially if you DON'T listen to JoJ, please email me and tell me why you still listen or why you don't listen. I can't make judgments about which direction to go in if I have no idea what my audience wants. Aside from JoJ though, I've actually gotten back to toss juggling a bit, and just had a HUGE couple sessions where I'm now focusing on rings more than ever. A few days ago I managed to get 7 catches of a 5 ring full reverse, and today I got 16 catches of 3 rings in one hand, flashed 4 rings in one hand, and qualified 64 with 5 rings. I'm doing good here. If I keep working on them, I may actually achieve my goal of competing in intermediate rings at WJF5.... A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |