The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Monday, January 07, 2008New Year, 07 Balls![]() Yup. 2008 time, woo! Maybe. Ok. :: So in youtube news, I've got my next big juggling video releasing on the 10th,m but you already knew that. Sunlight None. What you DON'T know is that I'm going to release a new video before then. January Update, in the same style as last years December Update, and it will have a preview for Sunlight None, as well as a lot of other goodies in there. That should be out either later today or tomorrow. :: My winter class is fun. I've got a project due again today, and then we're starting the final project stuff now, so I'm thankful that I've already finished pretty much every project on my list besides JoJ 30. Speaking of. :: Yes, I know JoJ30 is still not started. I really want to do it, but I really don't have the ability right now. When I DO make it though, I've decided the least I could do for everyone because of the wait is to make it a video episode with clips fro everything I'll cover from 2007. So hopefully that'll come out before the MONTH is over... ![]() Good times is what I say. This new one, which I actually made 2 weeks ago, was the first mashup I really spent a hardcore amount of time editing, re-editing, and then re-recording and everything. Because as I kept listening to it, I kept thinking I needed to do more to it, and I had more ideas. Eventually it all came together though, and I've got another mashup to add to my collection. Oh, and I've got at least 2 more good ones lined up to release after this one, so who knows what will happen with them, or if I'll be releasing my less good mashes, but for now, this is a mashup of Royksopp - Poor Leno and Scatman John - Scatman. I call it, Roykscat - Poor Scatman. Enjoy. Daily Life: I believe I said last week that I would describe how the daily quota works at Spencers, which I might mention hasn't laid me off yet, a very good sign! So seeing as how Spencers doesn't exactly sell 200 items a minute like Shoprite, every sale counts, and money is very controlled. Every day, in order to turn a profit for Spencers co, we need to pass a certain dollar amount in sales. I don't know, nor would I reveal what that dollar amount is, but I do know that when we pass it, good things happen for everyone. Prices may drop, raises may happen, and the boss gets in a good mood. All. Good. Things. As for what actually happened of interest this week, um. I really can't think of anything of interest. Just another week. At least that's how it feels today. I know it's only taking you a few seconds to read this, but I just sat here for ten minutes trying to think of something awesome of horrible that happened this week, and I can't think of a damn thing. Perhaps next week... ![]() Well, what to report on. I think I've gotten a hell of a big confidence boost in my subconscious mind after qualifying seven balls. Which if you didn't hear, check out the video right next to my daily life section. I qualified 7 balls on the 2nd, and getting that milestone under my belt made me think and feel like I could do anything. So after taking the 3rd off to rest, I tried some 5 ball stuff on the 4th, and I easily made 2 rounds of 744 to a qualify after only about 6 tries. I was shocked. I've done it a few times since then, and then yesterday I got the thought to try running another 5 ball siteswap I knew I could do for at least one round. Seeing as how I got this idea while I was at home, I decided that 66661 and my eight foot roof would be a good thing to try, and I got 2 rounds to a qualify on camera on the 4th attempt. I feel so good about this now, and my normal 5 ball cascade has never felt easier. I can't wait to see what I'll do by next week. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |