Monday, January 28, 2008


Off The Shelf

Listen Up!
My next couple juggling videos are in the works, including video #13, and one I just started working on, my promo video for non-jugglers. Also, The Stupid Tricks video is almost done. I'm betting that I'll have it done before the end of February. And speaking of videos, it was recently the one year anniversary of my releasing Tossik. Just a little side note. :: Yes, I couldn't help it, actually out of boredom it was, I've begun posting onto Mobius-X again. Not really much to post ABOUT there, but regardless. I don't think I'll be doing any coding work over there though, because I'm already too deep with my own personal projects. :: JoJ30. I keep hitting myself in the head with my fist for not working on it. I'll make everyone that happens to still care a deal. I have the base recorded, and I have to do just the editing, which is the hard part. But here's the deal. If I don't release it by the end of this month (4 days) I'm going to leave it behind and not do it. Then I'll be doing one hopefully t the next convention I go to. :: I beat Elite Beat Agents last week and have been trying to get video of the replay, but doesn't seem to be working. Expect that vido on my youtube when I can actually get it.

-- Music Release --
A bit of a weird one this week. A geek track mixed with another even geekier track. Daft Punk - Technologic vs Dr. Reanimator - Move Your Dead Bones. Yes. I. Went. There. Call me a nerd for listening to that track, but I've always thought that it needed something to juice it up a little, because it was always so open sounding, with lots of time between the lyrics. So what better than to add a song that is nothing BUT lyrics. This tracks a bit of a throwaway while I'm waiting to finish the MXPX track that I've been working so hard on. Still good nonetheless, I think. And if you agree, chances are you're a dork, LIKE ME! Daft Punk vs Dr. ReAnimator - Move Your Tech.

And you know what, as a bonus I'll throw in my very FIRST record-worthy mash. This one I did on my friend's laptop at Middlesex County College, and I just recorded it. I have no idea what the first track is, but it said it was something by Ramstein, and I crushed it together with Daft Punk - Around The World. It kinda works, but I have no idea. Ramstein vs Daft Punk - Techno Gud.

Daily Life:
Well, I'm willing to assume that noone reading this can guess what was happening at Spencers on Thursday. It was inventory day. Yes, the day when my boss's boss's boss comes in and we literally count every item in the store, twice. Luckily I had the closing shift, so I only had to count everything once (to double-check everyone else's numbers, and I heard that the manager had basically been there since 5:00 AM to start the day off), but it was still a fun day. So I come in and have absolutely no idea what to do, fortunately, the higher ups that were there understood my position and told me exactly what to do before kicking me into it. I got assigned to count the back-left corner of the store and the back wall. That's not such a bad section considering how there are not many deep shelves and everything was pretty much up front and easy to count. At least everything on the left wall was. The back wall was covered almost entirely by the boxes we'd gotten in earlier in the day. I had to use a flashlight to see behind them and count everything, and it was a bit of a hassle when I kept knocking items off the shelves behind me. The one big problem with the store is that there's only about 2 feet between displays, so it was even more fun when there were boxes taking up 1 and a half of those 2 feet.

Regardless, the day went by really quick and without a hitch during inventory. This was partly because literally EVERY employee of the store was working at the time, but regardless. I went a full 5 hours before I even felt tired, and then I took my break and went to have a cheese-steak at Charley's. So coming back, I still didn't feel at all tired, and I only had about 3 hours to go, and all the higher ups had left, inventory was finished, and it suddenly turned into just another day. Not really much else happened in the week, so yeah.

Juggle This:
I REALLY need to practice rings more, especially if I still want to compete n ring intermediates at WJF5. I seem to be doing a lot better with balls however, and have begun experimenting with my 5 ball siteswaps and combining other tricks. Just today I managed to do a 744 from a 5 ball half shower, and back into the 5 ball half. I've also pretty much perfected a similar move where I do a 645 in the middle of a half shower. I'm also getting much better runs of my 4 ball siteswaps, and recently got 5 rounds of 7531 to a qualify. If this keeps up I might be more likely to go into intermediate balls instead of rings, but who knows what'll happen in the next 10 months.

A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150

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