The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Sunday, January 20, 2008Three Flights To Joy![]() THE GIANTS ARE IN THE SUPERBOWL! I WENT TO THE NEW YORK JUGGLING CLUB! SUNLIGHT NONE IS GETTING BIG HITS! I AM HAPPY!!!!! Ok, so maybe not that happy, but Go Giants, hell yes. :: So music mashing is doing great, I'm starting to understand the idea of the multiple layered recording. Where you'd record the initial mash of just the instrumental layers or whatever, then record a mashup of THAT and whatever big lyrical hit points you want, then record a mash between THAT and something else, etc. The track that I'm really using this really well in sould be out in 2 weeks. :: Windows Media Player is cold. Haven't done anything for a while, but still people are coming to me for help with whatever they need. I'm not even up on the latest code changes in WMP11, but still they come. That's how you know you've left a mark in a community, when people who have problems come to YOU for help, even after you've "stopped" (not really) doing it. :: I've decided to redo my personal website, and the first step was redoing the front splash page. Looks a hell of a lot nicer when you go to now doesn't it? More to come on that. :: Juggling videos. I have one recorded, edited and ready to go when I feel like it's been long enough since Sunlight None. I also have The Stupid Tricks Video, which is ALMOST ready to go, but I just need a little more footage to better it up. As always, I've got another idea for one that I haven't started yet, but that should be cool when I do it. :: College is about to start up again. Goddamnit. AT least this semester again though, I'm getting help with gas money. I'm driving Mark S. in Mondays and Wednesdays and I'm getting 7 bucks a week for the gas. Heya! Oh, and one more thing. GO GIANTS! ![]() Satisfaction To Eternity. This is actually the first mashup I ever made and thought good enough to record. I did this one back at Middlesex County College on Gordan's laptop, and I'm amazed when I think about how I haven't released it yet. Fox Amoore is an incredible pianist, and I've used his piece "Dance To Eternity" before as part of my competing in the World Juggling Federation. But that's enough about that, it's an incredible track on it's own, and I figured it'd sound even more awesome switching between another song and it. The other song is just one of the sample songs you receive when you get a copy of Virtual DJ. DJ N'Erick - Satisfaction. It's an ok track, but it's really great for mixing with other tracks. So here it is, an all instrumental track, Fox Amoore vs DJ N'Erick - Satisfaction To Eternity ![]() So before I talk about my trip to NYC this past Thursday, I need to talk about some things from work. At least one strange, bad, or noteworthy thing happened at Spencers the last 3 days I worked. So the first was something that happened on Saturday that I forgot to mention in my last post. I was working the closing shift, which is the usual now, and the entire shift was pretty much uneventful. Just like any other day, stopping shoplifters, helping confused customers, and cleaning the store. Then comes closing time, and I'm sent to guard the door for a while. Every night at closing, at 9:30 or whatever our closing time is, we'd close the front doors, but not lock them, and for 5 minutes, one of us will stand there to keep people from coming in and let the people out. We've got me, Lora, and Megan working, so it's just the three of us. There's about 4 customers left when I'm closing the doors, and I close the doors and everything is normal. 5 minutes later, I start cleaning the shelves and putting away all the products, then I realize that there's still a group of two left in the store. Lora and Megan notice them too, and we decide that they look like they're almost done and let them finish as we start cleaning up. The problem is, that they weren't done, and they basically kept looking through the shelves for about 10 minutes while we were coming in and cleaning after them. They finally decide their done just as we're about to walk them out, and they head to the register, so Lora takes care of them as we continue cleaning. Note, Lora is supposed to count the register every night to make sure everything adds up, and she can't do that until the last customer is out of the store. The customers suddenly start looking back at stuff they put back and at the stuff on the front of the register, and it basically takes them ANOTHER ten minutes to finally pay and leave. So we only can NOW start to really do the things we're supposed to do, and it's 9:50. We're only supposed to be there until around 10:00, but because of them we all punched out around 10:20. So that sucked. ![]() ![]() Juggle This: So I took a trip to New York on Thursday, I was originally going to go to the Diggnation meetup, but it got canceled the day before, and I decided that instead, I'd head over to the Carmine Street juggling club. But before I went there, I got to go to the Dube store again. But let me start right from the beginning. ![]() ![]() So I spent the 3 hours there, didn't take as many pics as I wanted to, and didn't even get any pics of myself at the actual club outside of video footage, but hey whatever. I got back into a cab, took the next bus back to Jersey, and now here I am blogging about it. Kewl. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |