The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Monday, February 25, 2008The Approaching Storm
Listen Up!
Let me put this simply. I finished all 3 major juggling video projects I was working on. Video #13 for my [Juggling] series is done, and I'm calling it "Cold Physics". I'll release that on the 2nd of March. So until then, the preview image is here for you to enjoy, I guess. Down at the Juggle This section. :: I also finished editing together the long working "Stupid Tricks Video". I used footage going all the way back to 2006 for this video, and it actually works really nicely. It's not what I originally had in mind, but it's interesting enough. I don't have an idea for releasing it yet, but sometime after Cold Physics for sure. :: I made my ass a promo video with footage from a bunch of my performances. It's pretty much done, but I want to tweak it to make it more non-juggler friendly. But yeah, I MIGHT release it on youtube, but I'll probably be just updating the "Hire Me" section of my website with it. We'll see what happens, but the main editing is done. :: Also, just a quick note, "Juggle This" is coming upo soon in NYC, and I'll be going. YAY! I just need to figure out what I'll be doing for sleep, and I'll discuss it more in the Juggle This section. Fitting, eh? :: College sucks, but what else is new. I'm doing ok with keeping up with grades and stuff, it's just that the early physics class is killing me like nothing else. -- Music Release -- Ok, I really wanted to use the Ceasars for something, and the problem was that I couldn't find an open space in the lyrics of Jerk It Out that I could put anything into, and having it as the main song was just overpowering everything else. So I decided to just use the underlaying beat from Jerk It Out as a secondary part to Hoobastank's Without A Fight, another track I've been wanting to mix. The two didn't seem to fit at first, and I was having trouble getting the right levels to block out the lyrics from Jerk it Out. That damned song is just one giant level, it's damn near impossible to pull out or block just the lyrics or just the instruments from it, and it's just such a powerful song it just pushes everything else away. This was most definitely an interesting mash to make, but I figured out the levels for the most part and got it sounding good. Hoobastank vs The Ceasars - Without A Jerking Out Daily Life: I completely forgot to mention last week. That the DIGGNATION NYC MEETUP HAPPENED! And there's another one coming up in exactly one week, but I should really talk about the last one, shouldn't I? It's a fairly straightforward meetup. A group of entrepreneurs, multimedia people, and general IT guys, and geeks who are all fans of Diggnation come into a bar in NYC, watch an episode and hang. I haven't missed one since the second meetup happened, and I plan on continuing that tradition. SO basically, I tried to persuade the members of the Computer Enthusiast club at MCC to come to NY and join. Gordon was the most interested guy, and he said he'd definitely go. So I catch an early bus because I saw the weather was going to be hell, and I literally spent about 2 hours on the bus, not only waiting for the Lincoln Tunnel, but right after it when they decided to close the main entrance ramp to the Port Authority Bus terminal from the tunnel, thus forcing all the buses to go around the block, past that Javits center, and finally into the station. In the night and with the snow, I arrived at the terminal around 6:00, after leaving the house at 4. On the way there, somewhere on the NJ turnpike, I decided to call Gordon to make sure he was going, because dealing with people, I've learned that if you suggest something, and the person agrees, unless the action is taken immediately, they will most of the time not bother with it. So I called him up, and made sure he went, and if it wasn't for that, I'd have been the only guy there from MCC. That being said, back to chronological order. So I get to Port Authority, finally. The meetup starts at 7:30, and it's at a bar down past Greenwich Village. Now, the snow was coming down a good amount, but it wasn't that bad at all for the road conditions. I was especially comfy because I'd just gotten the day before a nice down vest from JC Penny which was regularly $60, but I got for $4. So I was perfectly fine with waiting, especially waiting for a cab outside of Port Authority, I've learned that a lot of cabs don't come down that way. HOWEVER, every empty cab coming down the street skipped right past dispatch, for about an hour. I was 5th in line and it literally took 50 minutes before I got into a cab, and I counted at least 70 empty cabs passing by Port Authority and just not stopping at all. A few even dropped someone off at PA, but didn't pick anyone up. Gotta love NY. So either way, I finally get a cab, get there about 5 minutes late, but still before a lot of other people, and Gordon shows up about a quarter of the way through the show 20 minutes later. So we introduced everyone around, he ordered some drinks, and I just juggled and discussed whatever I knew about, including the Yahoo/Microsoft offer, the HD DVD deal, and other big things at the time. It was great. The only thing is that the Turtle Bay for some reason no longer hosts our meetings, so we got a tiny little bar, and there was no lounge, no tables, no nothing. But hey, I'm not complaining, at least we're finally holding meetings again. I just ope I can convince more people to come to the meetings from CEC this week. I also completely forgot to mention that I downloaded onto my Wii, The original Kirby's Adventure for the Nes. No there's a trip down memory fuckin lane for you. As for things that happened this week, I finally saw Live Free or Die Hard at CEC's movie night last week, cool movie. Most of the hacking stuff was basically impossible, but hey, it's an action movie, not "Hackers" or anything. Another random thing is the night before CEC last week, I went in to Spencers to get next week's schedule, and on my way out I stopped at Radio Shack. No idea why, I didn't really need anything, and I found something that I've wanted since I started doing photography around 2003, a full fledged Unipod. I picked it up, it looked good, and I said "If this is less than 20, I'll get it." It cost me ten bucks. Frickin Sweet! Juggle This: So Juggle This is coming up, the convention for NYC, and if all goes well, I'll be going for all 3 days. The problem I have to figure out is the whole "Sleep" thing. Here's the deal, I always take mass transit (usually the bus) into NYC, and that only runs until midnight. Yes, I could go on a train but that defeats the purpose, because it would take even longer to get back to my house from the train station that I just don't care to bother. Renting a hotel room in NYC is pretty much a waste of money, and the whole reason I'm fretting is because after every convention I've been to, I've learned that open juggling is SUPPOSED to end at either 11PM or midnight, but it never does unless the building gets closed up, and in that case everyone just juggles at the nearest open place with a high enough roof, or outside. So basically my deal is that I CAN if I wanted to, jump out every night early at around 11:00 or so, catch the bus and basically for three days spend 15 dollars for the bus round trip plus 20 or 30 for the cab round trip. I just don't have that kind of money to spend, plus there's no reason to do that. So my big thing is I have to find out where I'll be crashing with, and I really have to put a message on for that shouldn't I? Eh, I'll get around to it. But either way, this'll be my first time at Juggle This, so I'm not sure who'll be there and how it's going to be, but I expect it'll be awesome. So in other news, like I said up top, my next video is finished and I'll be releasing it with next week's post. It's pretty awesome in terms of what tricks I've managed to get into it, and the editing ain't half bad either, but I'll leave that for you to say. Because if I've learned one thing, it's that my tastes do not reflect the majority. I thought my December and January update videos would get hundreds of views, and that "The Haircut" would get maybe 10 views. In actuality the update videos are still under 100 views a piece, and "The Haircut" is my most viewed video on youtube... Getting a lot better and more comfy with all my 5 ball stuff. I can now get at least 2 rounds, usually 3 of 744 on command, I can double qualify 6x4 almost every time now, and I seem to have suddenly recovered the ability to do 360's after not being able to do them for months. Not sure what it is, but don't question the good things that happen, that's what I've learned. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |