The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Sunday, February 10, 2008In the Lifespan of a Fly
Listen Up!
My next video for the [Juggling] series won't be out for a while. I just did the prelim edit and realized that I have nothing but ball footage, and nowhere near enough footage to fill up 4 minutes much less 6. I have decided on my music, however. Metallica - Enter Sandman. :: Just released another photography batch on DeviantART. Links are down below. :: I've still got plenty of videos cued up to release on youtube. Including another potential music video, tutorial, a talent show video from long ago, and a few other things maybe. :: BIG NOTE. The next Diggnation Meetup in NYC is coming up on Tuesday. Can't wait to get there, and a few people from the Computer Enthusiasts Club said they'd go, we'll see who shows up. :: Oh, I said last week that I'd beaten Elite Beat Agents and was going to put up a video, well, here it is. Look to your left. And now for the DeviantART links. In order from best to worst (in my eyes): A Warm Winter, Half Man, Half Mother, Talk About A Sunroof, The Shot Taken A Million Times, Uno Anevue, Gloom Thy Name Is, Fly Towards The Sun ![]() Turns out I was able to come up with another one to fill this week's slot. We'll call this one the Wes Peden mix. Audiobody - Alright vs The Eels - Fresh Feeling. Both of which were used in videos by Wes Peden, and both great slower tracks by themselves. They fit so wsell together, I really wanted to add more to it after the first recording, but I kept finding that the more I did to it the worse it sounded. Less is more in this case I guess. So until my next one, which will be the complete opposite in terms of speed and intensity of the music, enjoy this nice slow bit. Audiobody vs The Eels - Feeling Alright. (and I forgot to add meta tags, but you know who did it.) ![]() Nothing really happened at work recently, however I did pay another visit to the Carmine Street Irregulars (the New York City Juggling Club), on the same day as the second Computer Enthusiasts Club meeting. If you somehow missed it, I'm in charge of meetings weekly as a vice-president and I have to attend. What, Like I wouldn't anyways? So I wake up on Thursday and start packing my stuff. My original plan was to stay at CeC and discuss things and do whatever there until around 4:30 or so, at which point I would dart back to Sewaren where I would catch the bus to NYC at 5:00. Problem was, I went to the night before and they seemed to have confused themselves and didn't show any pickups from Sewaren, even though the stop is still sitting on Port Reading Ave. Either way, I did some checking while I was at CeC and found the best bus for me to take was from the Port Reading stop at 5:15. It's literally a hop over the bridge on Port Reading Ave and it's a nonstop to Port Authority Bus Terminal in NYC. So I hung out until around 4:45 at CeC watching Blue Harvest and some other things with the guys, also talking about the Diggnation trip coming up, and whatever. So then I had to leave and I got home earlier than expected. I had packed up all my juggling stuff and my camera and everything the night before, so there really wasn't anything left for me to do but sit outside and wait for the bus. The bus ride there was a fun trip. Since it's the after 5 bus, it's scheduled to hit traffic going into the Lincoln Tunnel, but we literally sat there at the entrance ramp to the tunnel from around 5:50 to around 6:20. I had my DS and was playing it for all the while, and we literally sat in one place, and didn't move for about 15 minutes. That was fun. But otherwise, we got to the city at around 6:40 and I was able to catch a cab and arrive early for the juggling club downtown. The club meeting itself was great. Paris Paris was there, Ross Berenson was there, Sean Blue was there, still no Sky King, but I'll catch here there eventually. There was still no combat at the meeting, but me, Ross, and 2 other guys started coming up for ideas with a 4 person + sign passing pattern. We'd alternate in four count throwing Singles, doubles, then singles, and both teams would be in sync. So one team's clubs would pass ove the others. Worked better than I expected, and I got some footage of it. In the middle of our attempts, I got smacked in the face with a club, but hey, as I always say "At least it's on film. If you're going to do something stupid, get footage." So the club ended pretty nicely, I headed back, and yeah, that was my day. Juggle This: I've been a bit bad with my juggling recently. Not as in like I can't do anything, but as in I have nothing to do. I've been doing almost nothing but siteswaps and stuff I already know, and have been getting bored with them. I was making the first test edit of my next juggling video, and I realized that I was doing nothing except learning to run siteswaps for more cycles like 4 cycles of 7531, 3 cycles of 744, 2 cycles of 66661, etc. That's impressive in itself, and I've been doing things like throwing a 645 and a 744 in the middle of a 5 ball half shower, but that's the problem. I'm doing not only the same stuff over and over again, but I haven't even gotten anything creative or new with any of my other props besides balls. So the next chance I get, I am having a serious jam session with nothing but rings, clubs, and boxes. Also, I've decided to see what other 5 ball siteswaps I may be able to do with throws of 6 and under, seeing as how I haven't learned a new one since I got 645 down, which was over 2 months ago. I stumbled upon 663 today, and DAMN. I haven't tried any 5 ball swaps with a 3 in them, and it's really weird feeling, I haven't felt this challenged in a while, and hopefully now I'll get down to practicing more. We'll see what happens. So I've just released one of the video ideas I had that I HAVEN'T been talking about for the past few months. So I had this idea for a 3 ball trick a while back, where I'd throw a high ball, then throw the other two balls as 4's and then catch them both as reverse shoulder throws. I finally got the chance to practice it a month ago, and I got a ball stuck on the ledge on the very first attempt. I spent about 18 minutes throwing to get the 1st ball down, and I even got a second ball stuck up there while trying. So I had to move on to another object. Got them both though. I decided to keep my camera going for the entire thing because I thought it'd make an interesting video, which a lot of jugglers would go "THAT HAPPENED TO ME YESTERDAY!" So that's that video. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |