The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Monday, March 03, 2008Sleep Is For The Week
Listen Up!
Ok, before I even get STARTED with my rantings for this week, I have to plug my latest video for the [Juggling] series. Cold Physics. Go watch it if you haven't already. :: So. Juggle This is coming up this weekend. Next weeks post will be a report from the convention, and then after that an episode of JoJ for it. We'll see what happens. :: I've been scheduled for work 3 days this week before Juggle This. It's great and horrifying, because there's a quiz coming up in one of my classes and I have to find time for homework, plus gather sleep for Juggle This, nurse a warped knee, and work at the same time. It'll be great when my paycheck comes in 2 weeks from now, but hell is right now. :: My parents, wow, I haven't said anything about them here in a while. That must mean they were not even annoying me for the past months since the big talk that I never mentioned where my sister broke down and I was the only person there to mediate and negotiate everything. All of the sudden though, they are absolutely freaking out about me doing homework, and studying for my classes. Have I not been doing that? Have I not been doing alright in class? Granted yes, this semester sucks, but I can muddle through without them adding 2 metric tonnes of pressure onto my already Atlas-like daily load. Thing that confuses me the most, and the last thing I'll say about them today is that they're supposedly great at psychology, yet they don't seem to have a grasp on the notion that the more you force something (especially if the subject already doesn't like doing whatever it is) the less the subject wants to do that action. All I'm saying. And now, on to things that matter not. ![]() I fussed with these two songs for the past 2 weeks, and only just got them to match up the way I wanted them to. I had the revelation a few weeks ago that I hadn't released anything even remotely Acapella or Motown at all. That may be attributed to the small amount of both that I have in my music collection. But I found the Soup Dragons - I'm Free, and an old Stakka Bo track, Here We Go. I didn't think of combining them at first, until I realized after listening to them back to back, then right on top of each other, that they are practically the SAME DAMN SONG. They are exactly the same length, exactly the same bpm, and they have a similar sound, and as such, I got the great idea to try swapping between them mid-track, so I made a few test recordings, and after finally getting the beats to line up, it sounded great. The hard thing about these Acapella tracks is that you can easily follow the beat, but it's damn near impossible to PINPOINT it to within a few wavelengths. So I got them to synch up, then tried switching them in different ways, until I found this one match that seemed to work best. Here's the end result. Soup Dragons vs Stakka Bo - Go Free Yup. I tweaked my knee somehow, I have no idea when or how, but 2 days ago or so it started acting up, and now I can't walk further than a quarter mile before starting to feel like it's getting stabbed fro the side. Good times. Bum knee aside though, Smash Brother Brawl is about to come out, and I can't wait for it. I've had it pre-ordered since September, and I'm eager to see what it'll be like. Especially with something other than the GC controller (which I'll probably still use primarily). I know I'm going to be rusty as hell, because I haven't even touched SSBM since around January, and that was a few quick rounds, and then the last time before that was summer, so I know I'm screwed. Eh, I'll see. OH! I hosted the photoshop themed meeting at Computer Enthusiasts club last week. It was a strange meeting, because I know exactly what I'm doign in Photoshop, and noone else in the meeting knows photoshop anywhere near as well. So I basically also had no direction as to how to teach, so I was basically just asking for what people wanted to learn, so I showed them what they wanted. Now everyone at CeC knows how to transplant heads onto other people's bodies. Yay. Other than that, uh, yeah. Nothing really noteworthy happened, at least nothing I can remember in my current sleep deprived state. Not practicing anywhere near as much as I should be right now, but I'll get plenty of time at Juggle This. As for what I've actually been working on in the time I HAVE gotten, well. A few days ago I was practicing my different pulldowns with rings, and I realized that I only have two ways of going from 4 rings to 3 besides dropping. A regular catch then pull down, or a pancake down to a foot catch. So I was wondering whether I could combine the 2 and do a pancake pull down while switching to a 3 ring juggle. Took a while to hammer out, but I can get it pretty consistently now. I've been working on a few 3 ball improv things, and just improving my general 3 ball improv so that when the seasons come in and I start getting calls for performances I'll be ready for it. Um, what else. AH! I've also been working on my 5 ball stuff, more specifically not trying anything new really,m just improving on what I've already done. I've managed to make 66661 an on command move for myself now, and I can consistently get 2 rounds at least of 744 every attempt. Not bad I'd say. But other news, well, I just reviewed Peden Tricks Sweden in the first episode of season two for JoJ. Just in case you're living in a hole somewhere, and it seems the rule I made for myself that in any long review I make I MUST point out positives AND negatives, has caused some people to not like the episode so much. Wes was cool with it, after I explained myself. But my view still stands. If I'm buying a Wes Peden video, I don't want to see a minute and a half worth of someone else doing solo stuff, even if it is great stuff. So that was that, and hopefully season two will get a much better response than season one, but we'll see what happens. Oh, and I also happened to upgrade the JoJ website, so now you can leave comments easier and I can make announcements right into a box on the left side of the page. Much cleaner. JoJ Online A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |