The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Tuesday, May 06, 2008The Groove![]() Back to the weekly posts, I hope. :: It has been WAY too long since the last video in my [Juggling][ series. I think I've got enough base footage, and some REALLY good tricks, that I can start editing the new one. SO I just got the name and music settled, and the trailer is on YT. :: College semester is ALMOST over. Already had my Hydro final and it was easier than I expected it to be, so yay!. Now all I have is my Statics, which isn't going to be too bad. :: Work is going well, I still haven't really found any major things I hate about working at a machine shop other than the early hours. It's been a great job so far over the past few weeks, and hopefully I'll work there more hours during the summer, which I anticipate will suck because of the heat, but eh... :: Let me think, what else. Oh, Gordon has stepped down as president of the Computer Enthusiasts Club at MCC, meaning that I am now the president. :: The new lap[top still kicks ass. I can't see how I lived without one for so long. Check that, I HAVEN'T lived until I got my laptop. :: Daily Life: SO I've started becoming more normal than I think I want to be. I'm not sure what sparked it, but all of the sudden I've decided to use the exercise equipment in the basement of my house daily, eat less (or at least I've realized that I'm not as hungry as I used to be), I'm finding myself studying for finals without being told to, and all of the sudden, I'm looking for women to go out with. Strange indeed. At least I haven't gone to sleep before 3:AM yet. As for what's actually happened recently, absolutely nothing. Literally. I haven't done a damned interesting thing over the past week, which is a big shocker for me, because something usually happens. I think the most interesting thing was part of my job, where we had to go finish installing a glass railing on the deck of a house in Toms River that was right on the beach. Now I know why those houses cost billions instead of millions, not only do you walk out onto the deck and the ocean is right there in front of you, but the houses themselves are worthy of being on TV. A sign of things I'll never have unless ABC, NBC, of FOX suddenly realize my potential as a TV personality and make me the star host of their next reality TV series... As for the job, we didn't have to do much, just clean up the glass, install the top railing onto the glass, and install the waterproofing at the bottom. It was all good, and it took up and entire shift with the nice cool ocean breeze coming in. That was great. Juggle This: I have been getting better with my practice schedule. I realized recently however, that I'm practicing Balls, Rings, and Clubs (especially clubs, with my new found love for them), however ALL of my other props have just been sitting there, and I picked up my boxes to see just how bad I've been with them after not practicing for months, and DAMN I suck with them now. I guess that's the bad part about trying to learn everything, is that some things just get too pushed aside. Hey, at least now I can hold my own with 3 clubs against a street performer in NYC. Before I was having a bit of a hard time with doing a full reverse, now that's cake. So I guess it was worth it. Yeah, not really much else to talk about except for my new video coming out, and that's it. So enjoy the teaser for it. It'll be coming out later tonight actually, so hooray for you! A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |