The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Monday, June 23, 2008Plus Stuff, Minus TimeSo I've got a bunch of things to do this week that I haven't done in a while, and of course NOW is when my buddies at the machine shop actually have installations they need me for. I love life... :: So I just realized I NEED to upload a new batch of stuff to deviantART, seeing as how it's bee way too long since I uploaded more than 3 or 4 things, and more specifically stuff that isn't exactly the same style as the other deviations, so we'll see what happens there. :: I've also got to speed up work on JoJ. The planning is not going anywhere near as fast as I'd like it to go, and more and more often I go the entire day without working on something related to JoJ. :: Juggling has also fallen into a bit of a lull, but I HAVE picked up something I haven't touched in far too long, the Picture Frame routine I've been working on for years. :: I have been playing Wii Fit, and so far, it has strangely been working! I am getting slightly lighter and more balanced. :: I'm trying to get gigs juggling now, so more on that later. :: Too much crap. ![]() Intergalactic Pogo Sticks. I wanted to add more to this one, but after listening to the base recording for enough time, I found out two things. Any more and it'd be just a bit too complicated (seeing as how the two tracks switch off the lead well enough by themselves), and that the ending of Intergalactic REALLY sucks. Well, you gotta deal with it... This one came about because I was listening to the Animusic and trying to figure out which track actually had a steady enough beat to do anything. I found Pogo Sticks to be the only track that had a regular beat, and even better, it felt like it bounced. So I ran with that for a while, and after a bunch of listens, I figured out it'd be perfect when used as a background track to a hip-hop song. Beastie boys are my fav hip-hop group that are actually mashable, so this came together. So yeah, I'm still working on that uber-mix I promised, it's just not working out as well as I wanted. Still, this is pretty good, and I've got a few more ideas that I need to find time to flesh out. Animusic vs Beastie Boys - Intergalactic Pogo Sticks ![]() So. Out of nowhere on the 16th, I get a message on facebook from Joseph Jaeger, saying that he's free to go to MCC and juggle sometime, and luckily I catch him while he's online, so I chat with him and we agree to meet tomorrow at MCC around 4PM for a big session and maybe make a video. Little did I know what I was getting myself into... Starting the day, I wake up and do whatever I normally do every day until around 3:00 comes by. I pack up all my juggling stuff, plus my laptop and camera, and off I go. Now, I believed that the raquetball courts you had to pay for, but it turns out that all I need is my college id, so that was the first great thing. Next, I'm able to find a power outlet close enough to use, so I can set up the camera and some music for myself while I'm waiting for Joe to show up. So he gets there a little bit later and the first thing we do, is get the idea to pass off the wall, and we get an 8 ball ultimates flash off the wall on camera, and we just keep coming up with wall bouncing stuff for the next 5 hours. It was pretty damned awesome. The problem is, after I got home and the adrenaline wore off, I found out exactly how sure my shoulders, back, feet, and body were. So on Saturday, right after I worked last and the day I had planned to start getting everything I talked about in the announcements done, I wake up and the first thing that happens is my dad walks in and tells me that he's going to New Egypt speedway tonight because they have a sprint car feature. He asks me if I want to go, and I pause because sprint cars on dirt are the one thing that I will usually go out of my way to go to. So eventually, I say, "It's tempting", and he runs off. I figure he took it as a no, so I start working on my next deviantART batch. Around 3:30, he jumps into my room again and says that WE're leaving in a half hour. So now I've got an hour ride with him to get to the track, and I manage to bring my camera to get a few pictures of things, and that was it. Overall, it wasn't a bad night, but it definitely wasn't worth the hour long drive. The last thing we watched was the sprint car feature, which was 30 cars and 25 laps. They went 23 laps before a single car spun out. A cautionless race. The worst kind. At least I got a few nice shots for my deviantART bacth. Yay, time for an update on what I've been doing with my summer gigs. Well, right now I only have one coming up. So what I'm doing right now is that I was going to redesign and update my website anyways, so I'll be making a better for hire page with a promo video and information so that people who I pass out flyers to at schools will get a better idea of what my shows are like.I got the promo video mostly done, and the flyers I'm working on right now. Not much else other than to spread the word, do a free show somewhere, and just start street performing somewhere. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |