The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Monday, July 28, 2008Ok. Go Time.![]() Well, my sick is over, I'm rested up, and ready to fill you in on all the details you missed out on from last week's non existent post! I made another batch of uploads to and they got really good responses already. Links are at the bottom of this section, and I've already got a dozen more photos that I'm going to wait to upload. :: The Fall semester for Tech.MCC (Computer Club) seems to be shaping up nicely. I've got to work the numbers for the budget from last semester and receipts out of Gordon, but all seems well so far. :: I know that Ive still not given any words, preview, or anything for either JoJ 3 or my next [Juggling] series video. Trust me, I'm working on them. I just recorded the preliminary stuff for JoJ3's first episode, and some more footage my next juggling video. :: What else, uh, My site, it';s at a bit of a standstill in actual updates that I'm implementing, BUT! I am working on my new bio page, juggling page, and another page I can't remember right now. :: So I've confirmed the 3rd appearance I'm making at Goddard of NB juggling, and now that I actually HAVE a planned out and fully scripted show, I can make things just a little bit better in terms of job returns. :: OH! Also, if you're a non-juggler (chances are you aren't, so just don't pay attention to this), I've produced a DVD with a video teaching you how to juggle and over 30 minutes worth of footage. Only $5 dollars, PLUS I'm putting in a set of 3 juggling balls with it. Just email me and I can mail it to you. DeviantART stuff ![]() Ok, I haven't been doing anywhere near as much music mashing as I really should be doing, so here's a new one that I was hoping to do more work on, but I really don't think will get any better. Fort Minor vs Analog X. I always thought since I started doing some mashing that Analog X would be the perfect artist to use for a background/underlayed track because he always makes really stripped down, not overly complex electronic songs with no lyrics. So I thought about what songs I've heard that I thought needed a big electronic bit that was entirely absent. I immediately thought about Linkin Park, then after trying one or two mixes with LP songs, I remembered how Fort Minor REALLY didn't have anything electronic in any tracks. So I then did this and thought it still felt really stock, so I threw in a couple effects and samples and this is the end result. A bit crude, definitely something that'll be forgotten about soon enough, but good enough that you won't feel like you wasted your time. Fort Minor vs Analog X - Over Belief ![]() Not all that much happened last week. I basically stayed home and tried to get sleep because of my cold, and then on Friday was the Panera Bread Meeting, which was awesome. Otherwise, absolutely nothing happened really worth talking about. So I'll just go right past all that and talk about the big giant gig at the Iselin Fair. So, let me tell the story of how I landed the gig first, because I don't think I talked about that yet. I realized sometime near the end of June that I had not booked ANY gigs for the summer at all. Summer is basically, if you couldn't figure out, prime0-time for jugglers to get paid jobs. So I come up with my new promo video and flier to hand out and put up. I still don't get anything, so then I start looking through craigslist and I happened to stop on the help wanted ad that said it was looking for magicians, performers, and etc for the Iselin Fair. It said right there that it's a charity gig and that you won't be paid for it. I wasn't getting jobs at this point, so I thought at least it'd be great promotion for me. So I jumped in and called them up. Immediately they say yes, and tell me what day I want to perform. Now, since i juggle every day anyways, I say that I'm able to do whenever they want, except for Thursday because I'd be hosting the Tech.MCC Meeting, and that I could perform more than once a day. So they say yes and I wait for the schedule. So besides realizing I had nothing to sell, I also realized that I basically was going to be performing at least 6 times, and I did not yet make up an act at all. All of my shows before now have been completely improvised. So I spent a little while at home coming up with jokes, facts to tell the audience, and figuring out what tricks go where. Basically, I went from nothing, to having setup a 15 minute, 30 minute, and 5 minute show that I'll be using for the rest of 08 at least. So I basically get there, and it's right next to the spot where I used to go to boyscout meetings back in the day, and it's only about 10 minutes away from me to get there. So day one, I set everything up on my section of the sales table and make myself a quick poster thing for the prices. I didn't sell a single DVD on day one, however, the first run of my new performance went great. I had only 2 drops the entire routine and the first group of audience volunteers I got was almost perfectly what you want. A person that will try to upstage you but can't, yet also willing to follow what you say. Absolutely perfect for providing comedy and quick witty remarks during the show. So I had one show that day, and things weren't that bad. It wasn't that hot outside, and the only real problem I had was that I had to use a mic stand for the entire audience participation segment, so I'd be leaning into it as I'm trying to juggle 3 balls and make banter. Fun. Now, on the third day, I had the great idea to bring with me my laptop and use it to show clips from my DVD at the sellers table, and I also reduced the price of the DVD there from 5 bucks to three. I actually sold every copy of the 5 that I brought with me. The show wasn't bad, and the night show I had was a good one too, not dropless again, but there were only about 4 drops per 15-20 minute show. It was amazing to me, because the temperature coming in, was a hundred degrees. ![]() A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |