The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Monday, September 22, 200824 Hours Of Whatever You Want To Call ItSo job hunting. Well, I've got a fallback job right now campaigning for the democratic party, but I really don't want to work that job. So right now I've already been hired, but I'm not working yet until I next week, which by then I'll know whether or not my drafting job with Gordon's uncle will pan out or not. the last time I talked to him, he told me to go ahead and look through computers to buy and send him a fax with the computer info and CAD software info. I'll be doing that tomorrow if all goes well. So basically, my plan is to get the job working with Gordon's Uncle going before I have to spend any time walking door to door and making sure people are voting for Obama. :: College seems to be panning out quite nicely however, and so far, 3 out of my professors are not idiots, in fact quite the opposite, and the one that is an idiot is in a field that I know almost as well as he is supposed to. The sucky part I am seeing right now is my Photo class, in which I need to spend MORE money on film and supplies still, and I'm kinda running low at the moment. That being said, my other two courses are doing very well. :: Tech.MCC, well, so far, last week was the best week ever and this week was a complete bomb. Who knows what's going to happen this week. Luckily this meeting is movie night, so things are going to be pretty easy for me and everyone, I just need to make sure the pizza is warm and that people pay for the slices they eat... :: I really do hate going back on something that I said I would do, but in this case I absolutely HAVE to. I'm going to be making episodes of JoJ Season 3 bi-weekly now. Let me explain the reason why. So I started recording episodes for Season 3 back in August before the fall semester at college started. That way, I'd have episodes ready to release as I needed them, months in advance. The I released episode 0 and 1, and everyone on Rec.Juggling told me they were crap. So I went back and tried out their advice on Episode 2, because I had enough free time that I COULD record and edit a new episode before the work piled up, just to see how it would go. Guess what happens, everyone loved it. So now I've got the burden of College and work and having to create new episodes from scratch, which was what I wanted to avoid doing. SO the best solution I can dsee, especially because I am in no way getting this week's episode up anytime this week, is to set a new time schedule. So from now on, starting this week, every episode will release every other week on Tuesday Morning. Again, I hate doing it, but it's what happens when you turn 20 and all the sudden you find yourself having to squeeze 22 hours out of an 18 hour day... :: Now, while we're on the subject of juggling, I've ordered my uniform for WJF5 and as soon as it comes in I'll be recording my first blush routine and sending it to Jason so he can confirm me as a competitor for ring intermediates. I just realized though yesterday that Joe Showers is going back to WJF5, and if he competes in ring intermediates like a WJF3, I'm screwed. I think second place intermediates get's me a medal or something, right? ![]() SO let's talk about what happened on Sunday. The Friday before, I schedule my interview for the backup job I talked about before doing campaign work, and he said he'd be available on Sunday at noon. So Sunday comes around and my plan was to wake up, go there, come back, and nap because I was still behind on sleep. When I get there, which it was a pretty easy place to find, I had very little info about what I was going to be doing or anything, as the flier I got from my mom just said "Campaign Jobs". I get there and wait till the guy shows up around 12:15. He explains to me and the 3 other guys that were there exactly what we'd be doing. Going door to door, and trying to get people to vote democratic. I almost got up and left right there, but I need the money, and I'm probably never going to have to work for this job anyway. After that ends, he says that we're going to go do or first days work right now, and I stop him because I have a plan to go home and catch up on sleep, I didn't come in prepared to do a 5 hour shift. So I split and get home just in time to see dad washing the cars. I know from experience that now this means I'm going to have to do something, either help him out or do some other chore, because my family always does it's chores on one day. So I can't go take a nap now, instead I've got an hour to wait for the temperature to go down a bit, and then I have to mow the lawn. The entire lawn, by myself, in the still just over 80 degree heat. Yay. Now I'm bummed because I'm tired from lack of sleep, and sore from mowing our huge lawn. I decide to take a shower, because it really does invigorate me sometimes when I take a good shower. Before I get the chance to go in though, my dad calls up to me and tells me that we're (luckily just me him and grandma) heading to Uno's Pizzeria for dinner because he doesn't feel like cooking. Normally, I love going out to eat, because I don't have to pay for a tasty meal, but I'm already tired and sore, and didn't feel like going anywhere, but I go anyways. So while there, thanks to the shower, I'm in an OK mood again, and we start talking about what I remember as a child. Things like Funtime America (an indoor amusement park that went out of business YEARS ago), and my trip to California, and everything I could remember. It's good to realize how well human memory works sometimes. So that finishes and I finally get home to realize that I hadn't done ANYTHING useful all day. I didn't work on JoJ, this blog post, my profile video, or anything else... Heroes, EP 03x01: So if you're like me, you've been waiting for this ever since the writers strike to see if it gets better or worse, because although season 2 a lot of people say sucked, I thought it was just bad by comparison to season 1. Basically, I'd rate season 1 a 10, and season 2 an 8. Not a bad score at all, but nothing compared to a ten. So season 3 premiered tonight. What did I think? Clutter. That's the best one word to describe it. It felt like there was so much going on that I was missing a LOT. Granted, everything that I did get was so great as to make up for almost all the setbacks of season 2, and they even listened to the viewers complaining about the characters of Maya and Niki, and they took those into consideration by cutting back on both their screen times. At this point though, they've only really killed off 4 main characters for the entire series, but have introduced at least 8 each season. It's getting to the point where they don't have enough time to explain what's going on with everyone, and it's jumping from one to the next so fast that I can't keep up. They need to kill off a LOT of characters in order to get rid of this, and they did get rid of both DL, Nikki, and Takezo/Monroe in the last season, but they need to do more. They need to clean house in order to make room for everyone. Hell, this was a two hour special and there wasn't enough time for everyone, I can only imagine how jumpy the one hour episodes are going to be. That being said, they've about 50/50 in terms of revealing stuff and explaining things. They're explaining away all the important stuff like ho shot Nathan at the end of Season 2, and what the hell is going on at Primatech, and they're revealing a lot more about the former generation, such as Angela's power (finally). However, they're also introducing and leaving a lot of things either unexplained, not well enough explained, or usig the excuse of "it was in the future, anything's possible". Is it just me, or do they use that excuse of "future events" way too often? Either way, they're making the episodes interesting and I'm definitely going to keep watching, but I think that they need to organize things a bit better before it can be made perfect. It is much better than season two so far, but then again, this was only the first episode, so we'll see what happens... (Sorry, no Juggle This segment this week, I'm just too tired and there's nothing I haven't covered in the Listen Up segment this week, so I'll see you next week!) A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |