The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Tuesday, September 02, 2008Doing What I Must, Because I Can![]() So guess what's coming out on the 5th? My new [Juggling] Series Video! About damn time right? After having been about 3 months since "Not Yet Famous". I always hate the summer, one of the reasons being because it's too hot to go outside and juggle, and the only good spot to juggle nearby is basically an eighth of a gas tank round trip, and gas is too expensive for that. But regardless, I got enough footage throughout to finally have a new video ready. So get ready for "A Faction of One" :: Jugglers On Juggling has kicked off with it's new season. Seems to be doing well, I guess. Well, the thing is that I've got about an even number of replies saying that the podcast is awesome and the replies saying that it still sucks. I don't know what the hell everyone wants, but I'm doing what I can to make things interesting. I think, if I had to diagnose the problem, it would be me. Some people just can't stand that I ramble on and just say whatever's on my mind regardless of the point I'm trying to make (like right now, it's another wonderful trait of having ADHD). BUT, since noone else is willing to step up and make a regular podcast besides Luke (and I'll admit, he's giving a good effort, but he seems to be dropping in how many episodes he's putting out recently), I have to do what I must, because I can. (PORTAL REFERENCE!!!!) :: Other than that, my situation with employment is still too screwed up to describe in less than three paragraphs, so I'll just say: I've got 1 certified awesome job that I can't work on right now because of equipment issues and another employees unwillingness to fix it; One job that is basically me just getting called out for something to make a quick 80 bucks once a month or two; and another job that cannot be defined as anything other than "all freelance work". :: ![]() What happened recently worth talkign about... Well there was Marv's end of the summer BBQ, but then again it really didn't do much there besides watch Gabriel Iglesias, juggle a bit, and play Smash Brothers. So that's that, but I guess I should mention the AWESOME game of BS that we got going near the end of the party. One of the guys I met there was a really traditional Russian guy, and was obsessed with getting people to learn this Russian card game, of which the rules could be compared to the rules of Fizzbin, so while arguing over whether to actually try and learn the game or not, I thought real quick about what game is really easy to pick up on, and I thought back and remembered BS. The most awesome game EVER. Here's the Wikipedia article. So I immediately started trying to convince him to play BS, and as soon as other people overheard this, they remembered the game and drew their attention to me. So eventually, I said fine to play his game for a round to see how good it was, and after that, I basically was calling in as many people as possible to get a HUGE game of BS going, because the more players the more awesome the game. I got a game going with 9 people, and it was so awesome. BS is one of those great games that everyone can learn and get into instantly, and once the momentum picks up, it's just as much fun as any good match in Smash Brothers. ![]() So, let's talk JoJ. I just released the first new episode, and it was about the subject that I really think I know the most about and have had the most success with as a juggler. Finding time to practice without interfering with everyday life. To sum it up real quick, it's all about realizing that you have a free couple of minutes EVERYWHERE, whether it be a break between classes, your lunch break, or hanging out somewhere waiting for something, and simply putting that time into practicing. It's a really great tactic I've been using to continue improving my overall abilities, without needing to spend hours at a time every day practicing. That's the first episode topic, but what I really want to talk about, is what people think of the podcast. I do the podcast for everyone else, it's a hassle for me to bother coming up with ideas to rant about, setting up the camera, spending an hour or two recording a few episodes, editing them, and then finally putting them online. I do it because noone else has the guts to do it, excluding Jason Garfield (he's too busy), Issac Awesome (the format lends itself to only a few episodes), and Luke Burrage (he's actually putting in an effort). I also do it because I have fans, believe it or not, people that love the podcast and want me to do more, and being the nice guy that I am, I can't stand to hear people complaining. I do it for all of them. ![]() go on, and on, an on, without really saying anything", are just the way I talk, and I can't change that without two semesters of speech courses and a prescription of aderol. "not every sentence has to include the word basically", well, that falls into the same way I talk, and because I don't want to reduce the show to me reading from a teleprompter, I'll say things a lot without being self-conscious about it. Someone also said that I had received a lot of good ideas back in this topic, and that I should go back and read them again. I just did, and I am taking almost all of the advice that I received on there and putting it into the new episodes. Whatever, I don't want to go on about how people say I should listen to the advice given earlier when I already have and applied that advice as well. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |