The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Tuesday, November 04, 2008WAY Over The DueOk, so I'm late. I've been busy making sure I don't FAIL MY MIDTERMS! I just gave my parents a heart attack with that line. hehehehe..... :: So, let's talk college. Midterms went by surprisingly smoothly, though I'm beginning to realize that my Photo 101 professor is just winging it. We haven't actually had to hand in any assignments for the past 3 weeks, and we're all learning how to do stuff like enlarge negatives ourselves. That and he REALLY likes to ramble at the beginning of class, enough so that it cuts into what he's actually planned for us to learn that day. I guess it's a thing with art professors... :: Jugglers On Juggling. Now this is getting to be interesting, because I've been receiving less and less feedback, especially constructive criticism, and especially on Rec.Juggling. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad omen. I'm watching my own episodes before I release them now, so I know that my quality of content isn't lacking, and the audio quality isn't bad either. It's all just kind of dying off slowly, and each new episode is getting less views on youtube. This is exactly what I was afraid of happening since I STARTED JoJ, was that it would be a slow death that is just slow enough so that people will completely forget about it and not care anymore. I know that the casual and beginner juggling audience will always be watching, they've been my core viewers since the beginning, but I really don't know what the future looks like for my fledgling little internet show... :: :: My job search. Well, I'm about to go pick up my last paycheck for Canvassing, and after that, I'm really not sure yet. All the CAD jobs I've found so far have fell through, so now I'm looking for some general labor jobs on craigslist again, and yeah. But basically, I really don't see a HUGE OVERWHELMING need to get myself a new job, because I've got enough money for my trip to WJF5 next month, and right now the only thing I'm regularly spending money on is food and gas, and that's no more than $40 a week when I average it out. So I don't really think I need a job that desperately, but a little bit of padding in my bank account won't hurt for after my trip to Vegas. :: ![]() Well, here it is. The second track I made just for my set at the MCC Halloween party. It went over a HELL of a lot better than I thought it was going to, because I really didn't think this track was finished. I kept feeling like it was missing something, but I couldn't figure out what to save my life, and then all the sudden here I was playing it at the party, and everyone just loved it. I guess it's another example of how the less conscious thought you put into something, the better it will be. I learned that lesson years ago, and I translate it into everything, hell, this rant right here is just pouring out of me, I have not a single bit of doubt as to what I'm typing, though maybe I should. Whatever. Enjoy the new track, because I really don't know how it's so good, but I guess it is..... DMX vs Linkin Park - X Gon Session ![]() I'm really not sure what to talk about here today. Nothing exciting really seems to happen anymore with me. The one thing I will say though, is that if there is a lack of excitement, there is definitely no lack of confusion and absolute hectic and frantic happenings. I've just got so much stuff I'm thinking about constantly now. I'm thinking about college, I'm thinking about WJF5 and how I need to practice, I'm thinking about Tech.MCC and what the hell I have to do and what we're going to do, I'm thinking about my money and job status, I'm thinking about JoJ and what I'm going to do next, and about a half dozen other little things. It's times like this I'm actually a bit thankful (well, more than usual) for my ADD, because I can swap between all of them and be thinking about all of them at the same time without needing to try. Though it does feel like everything is spiraling, well, not that's the wrong word. It feel like everything, is, FLASHING around me like I'm the mechanic trying to fix the haunted house ride WHILE it's running. Yeah, that's accurate, I think... Where was I again? Oh Yes! Spiraling out of control. Well, what else is there to say other than thank god Obama is our new president. And don't go all out and piss all over me because I wanted to vote for him (oh, it turns out that I wasn't on the list at my local voting station, even though I sent in my registration a month and a half in advance. Doesn't matter, Obama won even without my vote for him, so I'm happy.). Though I do agree with his policies and have read his plans from the websites and everywhere, the major reason why I think he's going to be the best president in the past 2 decades is because he's someone that CAN unite the country. He is a president that everyone can LIKE and that everyone will be rallied by. THAT is what we REALLY needed. The American people, while under GW Bush, did not give a crap about what the hell was going on, they were too conflicted about everything, and for the most part, it seemed as if noone was willing to do ANYTHING relating to politics at all except complain (the one thing Bush DOESN'T listen to). With Obama coming in, hopefully people will be rallied by him to try and make use of the government and actually know what the hell is going on as opposed to just sitting back and watching it like the hall of presidents at Disney World. THAT is what I'm hoping for. What to talk about here. How about how much my rings hate me? Yeah, that sounds good. Ok, so I'm competing in ring intermediates at WJF5, I've shoved that down your throat enough, but the big problem is starting to come up. I don't have access to any really superb practice space, especially when it comes down to needing a roof high enough to do 744's with 5 rings under with good lighting that won't burn my eyes, and the added bonus of not having any real time between classes to practice anywhere near as much as I need. I know right now I sound a bit hypocritical since I made an entire episode of JoJ saying how much time you have during the day to practice and how it's easy to make use of that, but I'm not being a hypocrite. My routine is REALLY pushing my abilities to the max right now, and I need to practice it A LOT more than I normally do. So yes, I am still able to practice, but nowhere near the hour SOLID every day that I want in order to better my 5 ring and 4 ring tricks. Right now, 90% of the tricks in my routine I can hit one out of every three tries, which is exactly what is needed for the WJF competition, but I want to do it better than that. And that's the problem. My normal practice regiment is made so that I simply maintain my abilities and whatever new tricks I happen to learn just happen every once in a while. I've never really bothered spending a HELL of a lot of effort to getting better like I am right now. It's really weird and really tiring. Half the battle I've got right now is that I have to REALLY warm up first, and that's what's killing me in terms of time, because to get warmed up enough to do 5 ring reverse cascades and 4 ring messes, it takes a WHILE. So I know that at the convention I'll be warmed up like all hell, but I just need to hope that the intermediates comp isn't held early in the morning, because that's the one time of day when I can't juggle for crap. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |