The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Tuesday, December 02, 2008The Doctor Is Golfing![]() Ok, let me get the first thing out of the way here because it is most pressing. Jugglers On Juggling. There hasn't been a new episode for 4 weeks now, and I realize that. That's why I feel bad about it right now. But let me explain to you why I haven't had the time... :: FINALS. It's about damned time the end of the semester showed up, well, actually this semester went by incredibly fast, and that's caused a problem or two. Because now I have all these final projects that are due this week, PLUS finals to study for, and I've got to prepare for other things at the same time. So if I was busy BEFORE, I can only imagine what word would suit what I am right now. :: My job hunt. So I've sent out applications to Blockbuster and to Fed-Ex now, and I have put on there that I'm not going to be available until 2009. So I'm not expecting anything to come from them soon, but everything else I tried, looking back, I guess fell through because I was aiming way too high. I was looking for a bunch of jobs with AutoCAD and Art related stuff (you know, RELEVANT things), and I don't have the paper qualifications yet. I can do either job, but they want the documents saying I can. I hate the system... :: Other news is pretty dry because there was no meeting for Tech.MCC last week because of Thanksgiving, and everything I've been doing recently has had to do with either college or, well, college. I've absolutely been beaten over the head with college for the past week, so I'll be done venting at the end of this post. Thank god there's only 1 more week left... Ok, I DEFINITELY don't have a story to come close to the epic failure of last week's story, so I'm not going to even try. What happened in Photo101 this week then? Well, RELIEF. Complete, unabridged RELIEF. First I was worried all for the past week that my negatives from last week's hell-trip to New Brunswick weren't going to come out because I was using the college film camera. To refresh your memory, the college camera has NO LIGHT METER, and has an absolutely horrifying habit of not advancing the film. So I was sitting there opening the canisters and developing the film for 30 minutes just sweating like all hell because I knew there were only 2 outcomes. 1: The film advanced and the pictures will come out. Or 2: The film did NOT advance and I'll have two developed blank rolls of film. It advanced. I was saved from going back through hell again. Of course a lot of my shots (not the majority) looked like SHIT because I didn't have my light meter'd camera and had to use the hand light meter, which NOONE in the class knows how to use, and having to use the B setting on my shutter dial... Basically, for all of last week's trip I was so far out of my comfort zone I was amazed I got the shots I did. If you're curious, here's the contact sheet that I got out of it right there on the right side. (Yes, I know they're all flipped different ways, it was how I shot them, just flip them around with your normal image editor like mspaint or something.) Of course, when I get there I pass by the library on my way to the classroom, so I was going to print it out there. Guess what, the first computer I try, won't recognize the USB. The second says the file is corrupted. The third says the file is corrupted. The 4th says the file is corrupted, and now I'm worried. I pull out my laptop to check and see if the file really is corrupted, because I wrote the file on my laptop, and guess what... YUP! "This file has been corrupted, please purchase and use our data recovery tool to recover this file." "Ugh...", and I stroll off to class with a hung head because now I'm late, don't have a hard copy, and know that that was the only copy of the file I have. Luckily the professors copy I emailed to him is fine according to him, so he'll be emailing it back to me to print out and hand in next week (which I find odd, but I'm not dwelling on it). OH! And lest I forget, my Solid Modeling professor, everyone say it with me, IS AN IDIOT. I really don't need to, nor do I WANT to describe the shit he's making us have to do within 1/3rd of the time it will take us to do... ![]() So I'll talk about JoJ later. Right now, I've released Zero Sixteen, to an AWESOME response in one way, and a horrible response in another. I've gotten over 400 views on it so far within it's first week, actually it's first 5 days to be specific, which is better than any of my previous videos for the series. However, none of the topics about it got more than a few general comments, and the comments on youtube haven't really been much more than "I like it". HOWEVER! Sondre, my new best friend lol, sent me a private 10 minute video telling me EXACTLY how and why he liked the video over the others. THAT made my day when he sent it to me, bottom line. I'm not saying that's what I want everyone to do in response to my videos, no way. That'd be just way too much work for YOU guys. I am saying that it was a hell of a lot more than I was expecting and it absolutely just made me so happy that night. I have a quote that I like to use a lot and it fits perfectly to describe it, "You couldn't wipe the smile off my face if you used a sledgehammer!" So after that happened. I went back and continued practicing rings for WJF5. Of course I'm not sure why, but now I'm obsessed with my higher numbers with rings. I guess since now I know I can get a 7 ring flash once every few tries or so, and all of the sudden 6 ring fountain is no longer really that much of a hassle I feel like doing them more than my 5 and 4 ring stuff. Well, that and I KNOW that my 4 ring tricks that I'm doing for WJF5 (all except for my mills mess and cross-arm columns) are absolutely 100% ready to go. I just need to go through them two or three times to know that they're still good and ready to go. It's my 5 ring stuff that I'm struggling with. My 64 and 6x4 are absolutely no problem at all and I can do them first time every time, but my full reverse and 744's are slowly feeling like they're slipping away. It's frustrating as all hell because those two are my massive point getters for the routine, and I don't want to have to try them twice or three times, but it looks that way for right now. Well at least I know my 6 ring pattern won't be a huge deal anymore :P... A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |