The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Monday, February 02, 2009Time To Write Yes?Well, once again it's Monday. Time to update you on everything. Let's start with Tech.MCC, because it's the most complicated thing by far. I was able to get the GPS over with from last semesters contest (remind me never to do that again because it was such a hassle for so little of an effect). But what I was REALLY happy with, was about how we finally got down to actually taking apart a monitor and building the digital projector that we decided upon last semester. Of course, he got the wrong kind of projector for it to work, so we have to get him to find someone willing to trade his front-lit reflective projector with a backlit projector. We'll see what happens, but at least we were about to take apart the LCD screen we needed without a hitch. I was able to get video of the entire process, and should have it up on as soon as Gordon gets it setup for me. Speaking of Gordon, he showed up and basically we had a massive thing with all the members where we figured out what we wanted to do this semester and how Gordon is now in charge of the off-campus meetings and events. There's a whole lot more that I don't have the typing space to cover, but let me say it was an awesome meeting and we got a LOT covered. :: Now, let's move on to my classes. Good god is my Computer Applications in Business course crap. Today we learned how to create a file in word, save it, and email it to the professor, and then we learned something completely irrelevant, the history and origin of the internet. Wow is that useful in business. As for my other courses, well, 2d Design is looking more like middle school arts and crafts class than anything else, but I'm cool with that, because I am experimenting with 2d Design physically again, instead of all in Photoshop, and it is a good artistic path for me to go down. My Photography class was canceled due to snow, and my Strength Of Materials class couldn't be more awesome. Bottom line, things are going as smooth as a milkshake. :: Where am I getting money right now? That's the big question, and the one that doesn't have an easy answer at ALL. Basically, every job I've looked at is not hiring because of the alleged economy (I say alleged because I think you have to always just ignore the economy and spend. Because SPENDING STIMULATES THE ECONOMY AND KEEPS IT GOING! More of that rant later). So I've got a few alternative options, Gordon is showing all the members of Tech.MCC sometime how to setup an anti-virus computer clean-up service that each of us can run by ourselves and make money with. This will be great because all I have to do is run a few programs and defrag a drive, and it'll net me about 40 bucks a pop if all goes well. Another option I've got is one I'm REALLY trying to hunt down, and that's the job my professor is looking for in Materials. He''s looking for an AutoCAD person with a background in electronics, as I explained last week, and I've gone past the resume stage and am looking to receive an application sometime this week. Bottom line, I may be down, but by no means am I out. :: MY NEXT JUGGLING VIDEO WILL BE OUT WITHIN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS! I just wanted to say that, because I've been putting quite a bit of work into it over the past week or two, and it's almost ready to go. just need to finish up a few things in editing it, save it, promote it, and then upload it. So anyone that knows my history, or even just watches my main video series, knows that I love half showers. Half showers with balls are absolutely one of my favorite tricks and I do them with any number I can flash. Right now I'm thinking about doing an 8 ball half shower flash, because I have flashed 8 balls (and rings), and it's the next easiest trick. But before I go that far, I want to qualify a 7 ball half-shower. My most recent record as of today is 12 catches, and I found something very interesting that I want to share. With higher numbers like 6 and 7, I don't like to go from a basic pattern and transition into the half shower, just because it takes so long, and I can only run 6 and up for a short time anyways, so I always try to cold start the half shower. This has been a bit of a challenge, because the way I like to do half showers, is in a timing rhythm I like to call "Quarter Sync". It's a timing that goes something like this. RL--RL--RL--RL Basically, very close to being synchronous, but with the hands staggered by about a quarter of a beat. I find it works WONDERS with the half shower pattern, but the hard part about this timing, is getting into the rhythm. Until today. I discovered, and I'll be using 5 balls as the example, that if you start with a sync set of 6x4, then make the next set of throws in the regular pattern of 6x4x, then the timing is perfect that all you do is throw the last ball, and when that first 4 comes down, it's setup perfectly for quarter-sync. Don't ask me how it works, all you need to know is that is you, and I'm using 7 as the example now, throw this sequence, [8x6][8x6x][8x6x], you will be setup absolutely perfectly for the half shower. My previous record before today was 7, just a flash, but then I found this method and my record is now 2 short of a qualify. (Sorry about the short post this week, I really couldn't think of any stories to tell or rants to rant about, so next week I'll have something good for you guys to read. For now, you've got a few extra minutes, go enjoy a sandwich!) A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |