Wednesday, April 15, 2009


DAMNIT! My Schedule!

Listen Up!
Sorry again that I'm late with this post, it's just been so busy recently I haven't had the time to do anything like new art or whatever, much less keep up with this. I will be able to in about two weeks when classes are finally over, but for now, argh!
Well college is nearing the end, and it appears that I'm going to pass all my classes. But I still need to do the final assignments for each, and they all suck. In photo class we need to do a series of pictures to tell a story, but at least we can finally use digital! Applications in Business (AKA most useless class ever) I've still got 2 nice juicy assignments to do, that are simply "Copy the typed stuff into the program one bit at a time", easy as hell, but time consuming, that and I've got the final powerpoint presentation to do. 2D Design luckily we've just got one more project to do and it's done in class, and my last engineering class seems to just have quizzes and tests left which I'm totally ready for. But the bottom line is, I've got so much busy work it sucks....
The job search? Ugh.... I'm still waiting for responses from AMC and Shoprite, and I'm also looking at what other jobs I know people that work there. AMC I can't keep calling because they said the next round of hiring is done at the end of the month when the movie season begins, and Shoprite my uncle just said he's talking to the manager on Saturday when she gets back. A bit frustrating....
Now as for the talk I made last week about possibly doing a video for Juggle This, I still want to, but the footage kind of sucks the more i watch it, and I don't have the time to edit it anyways, so I'll probably still do it, just not until a week or two from now.

Daily Life:
Well I guess yesterday was a good enough example of how busy my life is that I can go through it and you can see what's going on with me. So Monday I stayed up to around 4:00 or so doing the usual stuff I do at night and catching up on all my forums and internet sites. I stayed up that late because I had class from 6-10PM that day, so it was really just 6 hours of free time I had, which is just enough to catch up on the TV shows I want to watch, check all the websites and forums I visit, and manage my daily needs. I had to wake up at 10:30 in order to get to my first class of the day at 11:00. So basically I'm running off of 5 hours of sleep to start, which has been a BIG trend recently seeing as how I have class at 11:00 two days of the week and one day where it begins at 1:00 PM. So I've just been tired all the damned time this semester, even falling asleep in some classes, which has never happened before since high school. But I digress, moving on....

That class ends, and it's now 1:00. I set up a to-do list of things to go do before I got home and so I went to it. While I was still on campus, I went to the student activities office to keep up on a thing for Tech.MCC, and then after that happened I went to my advisor to talk about my fall semester courses. This all took a little time up, so it's now 1:40 as I'm starting the engine to the truck and heading off to do the other things I need to. I went to the bank, the post office to mail something, the gas station to fill up, and finally to Subway to eat for the first time of the day. This all took about an hour and a half, so it's 3:00 now. On my way home, I pass by someone's house a few blocks from mine, and I see a big rear-projection TV that was on the curb, perfectly undamaged. I pass it and then decide to circle around and stop. I go up to the door and ask if it was being thrown away, if it still worked, and if I could take it. Yes, yes, and yes I got in response, and so I took the ten minutes to pick it up and heave it into the truck. When I got home I spent another 20 minutes or so wheeling it into the backyard and covering it with a tarp on all sides, including underneath. Why'd I pick it up? Well it's a free big screen TV for if/when I move, and even if not, inside is a wonderful parabola that can be used as a juggling device. Besides, a free working TV!

So after all that was done it was about 4:00 or so, and I've got to leave at 5:30 for class at 6. So I basically have only an hour and a half to relax and take a shower while helping grandma and doing stuff around the house. Well needless to say the two hours go like butter and I haven't gotten anything done, and now it's suddenly time for my last class of the day, which afterwards I was going to head out for dinner with friends. So class goes until around 9:30, and now I'm off to Houlihans to hang out and keep up my actual social life, because recently I've been feeling the need to keep my friends closer. It's not a bad time, and there's not really much to talk about other than that I ordered a burger and hung out until midnight when we disbanded. And now I'm on my way back home, and I arrive at around 1AM, with 3 hours left to catch up on all the stuff I'd missed today before I need to go to sleep and do it all again.....

Juggle This:
As you can see from the aove section, I really haven't had much time to practice, and Jacob I haven't seen since Juggle This because he's been absent from class, but I did find the time on Monday to practice and get an awesome trick on tape. I made my first qualify of a 5 ring half shower! I'd been struggling with the move for SO LONG and recently I just clicked about how high the over throws should go over the straight throws, and I managed to get a run of 16 catches in 6 minutes of trying! Yay! I'm so happy to know that even with hardly any practice, I'm still improving.

Well I figured I've made the last few posts a little short, and I've got a few nice rants I've made to other sites recently, so here goes nothing...

So this discussion went around on the central Jersey craigslist Rant and Raves section for the past day, and I thought it'd be goo to share. Here's the first post that kicked it off:

Person 1's original post
I had a conversation with someone recently, he's not a believer, which to me is a non-issue, I never considered it my business to discuss faith with him or debate with him or try to get him to see things the way I see them. Why? Cause I'm related to him. I love him. I enjoy his company and his conversation. We can talk for hours and laugh. That is until the topic of "religion" comes up.
He's pretty hostile about it. I shy away from discussing it, not out of fear, but to keep my own lid on. I think that if my own can of worms gets opened around him, it's sure to escalate. For now, I just prefer to lay low. I like to listen to his point of view on things, and it's educational for me to hear his opinions on why God simply cannot exist. Even though I disagree (and know he's wrong), still, I listen intently and try to see where he's coming from. I respect him and I show it. (no, I'm not talking about my father.)
He, however, has yet to master the art of giving the same in return to me. It's ok.
So in dealing with him, I've gotten a better perspective of where atheists are coming from. I understand. I also know that from a sensible human standpoint, the atheist point of view makes perfect sense. But I also have come to realize, they simply have yet to experience the spiritual.
This is something I brought up with my relative. He's really knowledgable in financial things, investing, the stock market, etc etc. This is a bermuda triangle area in my life. I have very little interest, knowledge, and understanding when it comes to finances. To me, it's as basic as this: go to work. Earn paycheck. Deposit in bank. Spend some. Save some. Period.
I suppose this is why I am nearing 40 years old and still have the mindset of a teenager when it comes to money. I'm smart enough to realize, it's due to my own ignorance. I pointed this out to my relative. I said, I have a feeling that if someone would have taken me by the hand and walked me through the ins and outs of money and investing and what-not, and taught me how to be successful with it, and maybe even enjoy it, and let me experience first-hand the rewards of making a profit- maybe then I would embrace it and want to learn more. But as it stands, I'm an outsider in that realm. I'm inept, I've tried and failed to get ahead financially. So I gave up, and I get by on the bare minimum.
He just stared at me and wondered why I was saying this.
I told him, I have a feeling this is how you are when it comes to believing in God. You simply haven't experienced the spiritual, or witnessed any miracles first-hand. You don't know Him. Your sensible mind can't fit Him into your own understanding, so you dismiss the whole thing.
I honestly feel that this is what's going on, big-picture, with atheists. They don't get it, so they throw the baby out with the bathwater- to hell with it all, it makes no sense!
After we had this conversation, the ridiculing tones from him ceased. But it really got me to thinking about it. Why are atheists so quick to mock and ridicule us? Does it make them feel superior? Do they think it actually helps their case?
I just want to let it be known that it's hurtful, and unnecessary. There's a way to debate and conversate without putting the other person down. If you really want someone to hear you out, watch your tone and treat them with respect.
I see this growing debate between atheists and believers, it seems to have gotten pretty nasty. I wonder if all the stress from the economy is making us all a bit tense.
I got some good insight from the guy I was talking with- he was raised in a legalistic, religious kind of way, grew up in a small town. He grew up and moved on, and I think he's associating God with his sheltered upbringing. I get it. I understand why he views believing in God as small-minded and ignorant. The problem is, he's quick to make others who believe feel the same way.
All I'm saying is, I think it's time to start listening just a little bit more.


Person 2's response
It's not just Christians, we question Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, seventh day aventists, Scientology (which is a joke) and pagans as well. And it's not mocking, it's asking you to really really think about your beliefs that are based on fairy tales.

The bible is not the word of god. It's the word of long dead leaders that would rewrite it to control their own people. Look it up, the KIng James bible took alot of things out.


Person 3's response, aka THA ASSHOLE
Yes Billions of people around the world are wrong and you are right, call the paper we will all stop believing in historical facts because you think its a fairy tale. If you do why do you care what we believe? Think of it this way, if we are wrong nothing happens but if we are right YOU are so SCREWED!


MY first response
"call the paper we will all stop believing in historical facts because you think its a fairy tale"
Historical facts? HISTORICAL FACTS?!

I wasn't going to post, but that sentence just irks me beyond anything. Where is the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE to support ANYTHING in the bible? If it can't be proven, atheists and agnostics don't believe in it! Simple as THAT. This is EXACTLY why atheists hold any sort of grudge against most religious folk. They just blindly go along with what a certain book says or the magic tricks a certain guy names Jesus did nearly two thousand years ago, without EVER looking for hard evidence that anything in the bible ever existed, and IGNORE all the other evidence that CONTRADICTS IT! The bible says the earth is only a few thousand years old, then why the hell to we have astronomical evidence that the earth is BILLIONS of years old? The bible says that Noah piled EVERY type of animal (take a look at the size of THIS. It's the list of all ENDANGERED species on earth. JUST THE ENDANGERED ONES) into a SINGLE boat that didn't sink and that he built in less then a lifetime by himself, even though it's physically impossible and that we haven't found ANY evidence of this MASSIVE boat ANYWHERE.

But I think the thing that separates most atheists from any religious group, is that we can believe that we're wrong. How the FUCK do you, sir, know that the Buddhist faith is wrong? How do you know for a FACT that Hinduism is wrong? How the FUCK can you POSSIBLY consider that you got it right and everyone else has it wrong (including the agnostics, of which I am, who basically sum up their religious beliefs by saying "I don't know if there is or isn't a god. There's just no way to say EITHER is true"), when you have nothing else except the word of the person who wrote the book telling you so? I say stop thinking you're right and throw your arms up in confusion when asked if there's a god, because WE JUST DON'T KNOW AND THERE IS NO WAY TO KNOW.

And to respond to your very last paragraph. YES If you're right, every other person who ever chose any other religion is screwed, but reverse it, if you're wrong and atheists aren't right either, BOTH of us are screwed. So don't go looking at it like "It's our way, or the wrong way", because there are HUNDREDS more paths then just Catholicism and atheism asshole. As as for why I should care what you believe, I DON'T. I COULD GIVE A SHIT WHETHER YOU BELIEVE AN OMNIPOTENT BEING MADE THE WORLD IN SEVEN DAYS OR WHETHER THE EARTH WAS CREATED BY SPACE ALIENS! THAT'S YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TO BELIEVE WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT! But don't go claiming you're right and everyone else is WRONG, because that's forcing your beliefs on others which IS unconstitutional. I'm not trying to convert you, I just want you to STOP BITCHING about us atheists and agnostics and let your religion be your own. If someone bitched at you when you DIDN'T try shoving religion in their face, then yes, they were wrong, but anything else and you deserved it!

Now that post actually got me about 2 responses on the boards saying that I'd made their day, and one woman who actually emailed me and said thank you for being so clear headed and stuff!


Person's 3's bold attempt at insulting me....
Excuse me raving lunatic. I believe YOU started the rant! I really don't give a rats ass what you believe but don't stop me or anyone else from our faith. Catholics, Jews, Hindus, Buddists whatever we believe is none or YOUR FN business. Go crawl under a billion year old rock moron.


And my final respone to him, posted but 30 minutes ago
Excuse me raving lunatic. I believe YOU started the rant! I really don't give a rats ass what you believe but don't stop me or anyone else from our faith. Catholics, Jews, Hindus, Buddists whatever we believe is none or YOUR FN business. Go crawl under a billion year old rock moron.

Ok, I'm not going to get pissed off, I'm just going to point out where you are wrong with this response.

Excuse me raving lunatic. I believe YOU started the rant!
Uh, no, I did not start the rant. There was the Original Post (Of which I have respect for the guy who posted it, he seems to have a level head and an open mind), the First Response (whom I do agree with, but I don't agree with the bluntness of his statements), and then YOUR response (which provoked me into writing MY first response.). So don't say I started it, because two other people before you started it, and then I made the 4th response.

I really don't give a rats ass what you believe but don't stop me or anyone else from our faith.
I don't give a rats ass about what you believe either, and had you actually read my response you'd know that. To quote myself:
"As as for why I should care what you believe, I DON'T. I COULD GIVE A SHIT WHETHER YOU BELIEVE AN OMNIPOTENT BEING MADE THE WORLD IN SEVEN DAYS OR WHETHER THE EARTH WAS CREATED BY SPACE ALIENS! THAT'S YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TO BELIEVE WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT! But don't go claiming you're right and everyone else is WRONG, because that's forcing your beliefs on others which IS unconstitutional. I'm not trying to convert you, I just want you to STOP BITCHING about us atheists and agnostics and let your religion be your own."
And I'll leave you to wrap your brain around what I'd already said. Or to summarize, "I'm not trying to convert your faith, so don't try to convert mine."

Catholics, Jews, Hindus, Buddists whatever we believe is none or YOUR FN business.
I completely agree, and I sincerely hope that you follow that sentence yourself, because if you don't, that would make you a hypocrite. (And just in case you don't understand the english language well enough to see what I'm saying in that sentence, I'm not calling you a hypocrite. I'm saying you COULD be one if you don't follow your own advice, which is the definition of being one. If you do follow you're own statement, then you are NOT a hypocrite. )

Go crawl under a billion year old rock moron.
To that I can only think of one response. "Go find and see if you can get back into the garden of Eden, myopic imbecile."

A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150

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