The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Friday, April 03, 2009Double Juggle![]() First off, sorry about missing last week's post, I was pretty low on sleep all week and I just didn't have the energy after midterms. And as for why this post is late, again, same thing, a mixture of no enough sleep, job hunting, and college. :: Well my job search has gone down to focusing on two final candidates. Lowes Cinema in New Brunswick, because it's a job I'm qualified for and my uncle Jerry works there. Then I could also go and try to work back at Shoprite again, because I was a good worker and my uncle Pete still works there as a manager. I've just sent in the application to Shoprite, and I've already talked to the hiring manager at Lowes. I really hope I get the job at Lowes, it's a job I think I'll really like. :: College seems to be running smoothly. My grades are good, and I haven't missed many classes. Of course now is the time to register for Fall courses, and wouldn't you know it, they hate me. They schedule the classes I need right on top of each other, and they say I need to finish the prerequisite course in order to register, and the prerequisite courses are what I'm in right now! How much sense does that make?! I'm gonna go talk to the supervisors tomorrow or sometime about that, cuz it's crap. :: Now, with my podcast, well, if I'm having trouble finding time for my BLOG, I have absolutely NO time to do JoJ. Season 3 is over anyways, and I met my promise to put out a half dozen episodes, so I'm happy with season 3. Even though I don't have the time to plan out season 4 yet, I'm still thinking about it, and for this upcoming season my idea is to do it over the summer and have it be a debate show. Basically take a classic juggling related debate, or whatever isn't being talked about, and go between myself and another co-host in a debate format where we explore the topic and just try to generally provoke thought. I think that'd be great, who knows if it'll work though... :: ![]() So you all remember Jacob right? Youtube user "TheRisingIris"? Well, I told him that there was this juggling convention in Brooklyn coming up and he instantly wanted to go with me. So we ended up running around with all these different plans and eventually it turned out that he'd drive us in his car on Friday and Saturday and stay over my place which is right next to Staten Island Friday night. So that was the plan, we'd go to the class we had together at Middlesex County College on Friday and then as soon as it ended head back to my place to swap cars and barge ahead to Brooklyn. We managed to drive in really easily and as we walked in, I couldn't help but say to him "Welcome to my world", like an absolute dork. But alas, I dropped off my equipment at the bleachers along with him, and quickly introduced him to Adam, whose place I had stayed at last year and who is also a novice juggler. While tI let the two of them get to know each other and practice a bit, I went around and looked for the familiar faces I know and love seeing, faces like Michael Karas, Emmanuel, Paris, Jacob (from Canada), Jake Ledermen (there really are a lot of jugglers name Jake aren't there), and others. I then proceeded to juggle my ass off and socialize with the lot of them before Jacob and I decided to go get ourselves Pizza. ![]() So day two, the real day I'd been looking forward to. We got up around noon and made our way into NYC to get to the Club Passing workshop, because if I wanted Jacob to learn one thing, it'd be club passing, because there is no greater joy in juggling than passing, especially clubs. So we spent time at the workshop and he managed to get 3 passes in 6 count before we went back and hung out more. The rest of the day until 7 was pretty much a repeat of yesterday, going around juggling and mingling, and for me I spent an hour hanging out and throwing around ring ideas with Michael Karas and Emmanuel, which was an absolute dream for me. I managed to learn from them a backcross pulldown and pulled off a 3 ring pancake pulldown (where I throw all three rings up as cakes as a flash and catch them all on the head.) It was all just great. ![]() Then came the time waiting for the Renegade show to start, where I would debut my "Muffin Clutches", but that comes later, they opened up the cafeteria right next door, but failed to mention the ice cream, smoothies, and drinks were not being served, so I stood in line for about ten minutes before hearing from Paris that they weren't selling any of what I wanted. Oh well. The renegade show started and I got ![]() A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |