The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Monday, May 25, 2009Ready At Checkout
Listen Up!
Fuck. I got in my grades for this semester and if you're a regular to my blog you know the deal I have with my parents. They pay for my semester as long as I don't get any D's. This semesters past tuition was 1700 bucks, I have 500 in my bank account. I got two D's (photography and Manufacturing Materials). And of course you also know I have a convention coming up in July that's gonna cost me at LEAST 500 bucks. I'll say it again..... FUCK..... :: As for how work is going, things seem to be doing well, my supervisor watched over one of my recent shifts and basically had nothing bad to say about the job I was doing. This is all great, and with me starting to get comfy with what I'm required to do whenever I go in, I think this job is gonna last me for a while. Of course my mom is now hounding me to get ANOTHER job, why? I have no idea why, I think they're just intent on watching me squirm as they force me into debt with them for the first time in my life as my plans for the IJA stand on muddy ground even though I've already been planning it since JANUARY. :: I've heard a couple people talking about how they miss Jugglers On Juggling, and my youtube account seems to be running pretty dry lately, so even though I'm not fully set up with a list of topics yet, I'm probably gonna start work on Season 4 for you guys :D :: ![]() Well I wish that my current job was good for stories, but seeing as how I deal with foliage all day, there's really not much for me to talk about. "I overwatered the plants and because there was no drain in the floor I need to mop up after myself!" Yeah, not really exciting stories. That said, the drive to and from turns out to be a bit of a challenge, especially coming back home. I have two possible routes that I can take, either I can jump on the Parkway, which runs south-WEST too, when I need to go south and East, or I can take 27/35, which goes right where I need it to, but is full of lights and a lower speed limit. I've still not been able to time which way is faster, but let me jst say getting off the parkway and onto the right road home is hellish. What else can I say about this job. Not much really, but something I can mention which I don't think I have is that I'm mowing lawns on the weekends. I hate doing it, but not as much as I used to since i haven't done it that often for the past year. I'm basically using that money for gas money, which speaking of which why the FUCK are gas prices going up?! Nevermind, I don't want to go into that rant today... But yeah, that's about it for my working details, let me tell you about Saturday then. I'm sitting there in bed, having just gone in at around 5 AM (yes, I sleep late during the summer), and I find myself waking up to the screams of my mother, who is in the room and yelling at me to wake the hell up and clean my goddamned room. I look over at the clock to find it's not even 10 yet, I've slept for little over 4 hours. I can tell by the mood she's in, and the fact that my dad, as usual, was backing her 100%, that I wasn't gonna win no matter how legit of an excuse I had that I needed to sleep in order to get to work tomorrow on time. I was forced to not only do the usual dusting and vacuming, but to go and fully reorganize my room as well. This took about 3 hours total, and though my room has never been cleaner, there was nothing wrong with it before other than that a clothing basket full of shirts wasn't hung up and my chair needed a spray of febreeze. Then, once that was done, I was ushered in to vacuum all of the upstairs bedrooms. Okey, not too much of a problem, but as soon as I'm done with that I'm ushered away and told to get some clothes on because I needed to help mom go buy mulch from Home Depot. I grumbled and did as I was told, quickly being rewarded with a free subway sub on the way back as we stopped for lunch. Overall, very nice indeed, and luckily I didn't need to do anything else the rest of the day. But I have something else to gripe about before we move on to my recent juggling accomplishments. I hate it when my sister is home. It has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with her, or how I feel about her. We get along just fine and everything, but my parents made the rule that when she is home, since she has to sleep downstairs on the couch, I am not allowed to go down. This means I can't watch TV at night, or eat what would be my dinner. And they're strict about it, I swear they've got a stethoscope rigged to the top stair of the staircase, and I hate it. I've gone to bed hungry at least a half dozen times because she was here and I got caught trying to go down to satisfy my hunger. I friggin hate that rule, but I do understand it, the downstairs is essentially her room whenever she's there, and I don't expect anyone to come barging into my room when I'm sleeping, even though they do.... Actually it's kind of hypocritical now that I think about it..... I need to end this rant now before it SERIOUSLY pisses me off :P ![]() Hey, I've actually gotten a few new tricks for my video in the past two weeks! A few I'm pretty proud of, so let's get the obvious stuff out of the way. I've been working on my 4 ring flat front tricks, and I've made a run, on camera, of 4 ring wimpy's, to synch, to asynch fountain, all in flat front reverse, and each of them qualified. That I was really proud to get on camera, but another rather inventive trick I came up with is a 4 ring grind trick. Basically, I throw a multiplex to a grind in each hand, then instead of my usual trick where I'd swap the two spinning rings, I throw the entire set of rings, both the spinning ring and the ring being grinded on, in a 31 pattern, catching it and going back to a fountain as the grinds ended. It looks fairly spectacular I think, and it's a lot easier than I thought it would ever be, I made it on the first try ever. Let me think, what else, OH! I went to my local dollar store oe day, and I found something amazing. It's called the yo-yo-stick, and what it is is essentially a 16 inch long stick with a string coming out the center, but the string is attached to twisted rubber bands inside, so that when the string is pulled out, it will snap back towards the stick. Essentially, the entire thing is a stick that will return to your hand when thrown, and I've found it to be quite an amazing skill toy. I'm currently recording a video of simple tricks I've discovered for it, and if my video editors work soon, I'll have it up before the week is over. RANTING TIME: if you haven't figured out by now, I have the rant and raves section of craigslist constantly refreshing in one of my firefox tabs Recently, a guy on there complained about people who hold up the line at supermarkets. Being a former cashier, I felt I should throw my hat in. Guy 1:
I also got an email from a girl praising me for my response as well, I won't post that, but yeah it was nice and it made my day. Than came..... The asshole's response:
I didn't bother to respond, because I'd already made my point, it was late in the day, and I already won the argument A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |