The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009Clouded Future
Listen Up!
Ok, before I start, I'm not talking about work in the Daily Life section, so I need to get something off my chest here. The people in HQ who determine what we get in terms of shipments are completely insane, lol. Thursday, they sent me boston ferns when I asked both my supervisor and my rep at HQ for NO MORE BOSTON FERNS! They also sent me three full carts worth of stuff when we had no place to put any of it to both stores last Monday. I know it's what they're supposed to do with the weekly refresh shipment (Monday), but for gods sake listen when my supervisor tells you that WE DON'T HAVE ROOM FOR ALL THOSE DAMN KALANCHOES!!!! XD :: Besides that though, I'm really considering letting the summer meetings for Tech.MCC go right now. It seems that noones attending them, and the two that we didn't cancel had a total of three people, and then one person show up. I love being able to go out once a week, but I really am not sure what to do. I really wanted a less meeting-like thing where it was basically a once every 2 or three week party at a mmbers house, but so far noone seems to be willing to host. Well I'll see what happens there, it's a little low on my priorities list at the moment unfortunately. :: ![]() So let me talk about my day today. I knew last night that today was gonna be busy and/or suck, because either we were gonna get a shipment at work and I'd have to go in and make room for all the stuff they sent me, or I wouldn't need to go into work and instead have to run errands that my mom has been bugging me to do for the past week. Well it turns out I didn't get an email from my supervisor, so no shipment came in, and I was off to do errands. Before I even managed to do that though, I needed to put away my clothes "BEFORE THEY GET WRINKLED!" *grumbles* "Watch this mom," *smoothes out the wrinkles with my hands* "TA-DA!" but if I did that for real I'd get a nice slap for sure. So I did all that for no reason, and then I was off to the Department Of Motor Vehicles to get my license renewed, as my mother had been panicking about for the past two weeks at least. My old license would have expired at the end of the month, that means I still had 16 DAYS TO DO IT, but alas she's panicking because she still believes I haven't gotten my old habit of waiting until the last minute to do something, but whatever. So I tried going there a few days ago, but the route I know was blocked by a bridge that was out, so I had to turn around and go to work after trying to find the detour unsuccessfully. Today I go to the alternate route my parents told me about, and guess what, IT'S BLOCKED TOO! Luckily I was able to follow the detour and make my way there somewhat easily, filling out the forms and getting my new license without much trouble. Went back home to drop off all my Id's and my passport and now it's off to college to apply for my CAD Certificate. I'd just completed all the required courses last semester, and now was the time to get the fancy piece of paper I deserved. Of ![]() So after I get the run around and things go through, I move over to the theater, where I am free to use the stage to practice juggling on and gather footage while the theater majors watch and do their own thing. I made a few easy tricks, tried a couple things including 5 ring cakes and a nice 4 ring string of tricks, and then I felt I was ready to move up and try to match some of my best tricks for my next video. I was going for three things after that first half hour or so of easier tricks, an 8 ring flash, a clean 7 rign qualify, and 6 ring flat-front wimpy's for more than just a flash. I worked on swapping them around for a good hour before finally pulling off one, the 8 ring flash. My arms are already sore enough, but thn I am committed to doing the other two, especially because I know that I'm not gonna be back on campus to go again anytime soon and I'm as warmed up as I would ever be. I continued to struggle with the 6 ring wimpys before getting a good 8 catches and deciding that was plenty. I hit the camera again, took a brief break and then went for the toughest trick of the three, the 7 ring qualify with no drops. I qualified twice with a drop after the 15th catch, and though that's good enough, I want this next video to be perfect, so I threw that out and kept going while the skin on the back of my pinky peeled off and the nail on my left index finger separated from the skin. I made it and collapsed into a chair immediately afterward, happy as hell about making the trick. I made my way home before the soreness kicked in, and spent the rest of the night relaxing and converting the videos I'd just gotten. ![]() So if you haven't been paying attention, I'm heading to the IJA, but I need to talk about two things with it. Firstly, my roommate bailed, and now I'm stuck with a reserved room that I absolutely cannot pay for by myself and only a few weeks to find someone to stay with me, at a time when everyone's already figured out where they're staying! *grumbles* But on the flipside, I got an email from Matt Hall saying that my workshop request was good and that I will be heading up the videography workshop on day two! *cheers* For the workshop I think I'm gonna end up splitting the hour into fifteen minute segments, because there's three parts I want to cover and then I'll leave a fifteen minute bit at the end for practice. The three segments I'm thinking will go like this... Equipment and setup, Framing/Lighting/Angles, and then editing/footage tips. I don't want to give away the entire workshop right here, so that's all I'll say about it, but I am eager as hell now to be in charge of my first workshop, EVER. Granted, as I look at the schedule, it seems the IJA has at least 3 workshops constantly goign on, so I have no idea how many people will show up for mine, but whatever, I'm ecstatic regardless! Like I said in the daily life section, I've been doing some CRAZY stuff recently for my next video, and looking back at the trailer, I'm glad I did put in what I did, because at the time I made the trailer I really thought I wasn't gonna get much more footage before releasing the video, so I was debating whether to show all the good tricks in it or not, and eventually I decided to put in some of the best footage I had. So I'm gonna see about starting to edit the video when I finally have the free time to, and I expect it to turn out incredible A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |