The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Tuesday, June 30, 2009Off Into The Abyss Once More![]() Listen Up! Damnit, not again. Sorry I missed last weeks post, again! I really am busy and tired now that I've got a full job that I'm working at and all the random stuff like jobs for my parents, keeping up with TV and movies, and socializing with everyone I know and love. I'm just absolutely swamped each day, and I really do have to apologies about it. :: Well Tech.MCC is hit a snag. The summer meetings I've officially dropped, partly because noone seems to have the time or money to go, but that everyone's really lost interest in them since last year. Part of the reason is because Tech.MCC is going through a change in it's core members, because a lot of the older members are graduating and being replaced by new freshmen and sophomores, and though this is wonderful in terms of what new stuff we can do as a club, it really is mixing things up. Since the summer meetings are not happening I had the idea to have at least one or two summer parties at a members house (maybe even my place), but right now I don't have time to think about that. :: WORK! Work, work, work work, work...... I couldn't be happier about the amounts of money I have coming in, but it has the terrible price of sucking up time like you wouldn't believe. It takes an hour to get there and back, that and managing two stores, especially on shipment days, arew absolutely insane. I mean, especially now that shipments only seem to be coming in on Thursdays and nothing else the entire week, it means I'm sitting there and only working for 3 hours total on non-shipment days, and then thursday I'm there from 2 PM until closing time trying to find room to put everything! Granted, it is a bit exciting trying to beat the clock like that.... :: Well, I'm still waiting for my degree certificate to process..... I've already paid them and submitted my application for it back a full month ago it seems, and still no word on whether my certificate is there to pick up or not. I mean, granted, right now I don't have the time of energy to go out and search for a new job in the CAD field, but it'd be nice if they had a system that took less than a full damned month to send me a piddly little certificate :P :: ![]() So let me think, what stories do I have from the past two weeks that would be moderately interesting... Not much I'm afraid. I mean sure I've had a few hard days at work, especially the Thursday Shipments on the 18th, but reall I've said the exact same story before. I have 3 carts worth of plants per store and I spend an hour throwing away half-dead plants and rearranging stuff to make room. It's a tedious and time consuming thing, but it's not very interesting at all. "I put the hydrogenias up front and they instantly started selling before I was even done, I brought over the kart full of Kalanchoes and put them out next to the Hydros..." Yeah, not very exciting or interesting... I haven't been doing much traveling or anything thanks to me trying to save money for the IJA, so no go there. I've been hanging out with my old friend from last year a bit recently, but not much to talk about there other than I went over her apartment, played Rock Band and Mario Kart with her and her friends, and then watched a few movies. Again, something interesting to do, but not really to talk about. See this is why I miss working in customer service jobs, because granted I LOVE working for Kurt Weiss, where I basically set my own hours and schedule, and the work is fairly easy, but I don't get to deal with anything interesting like I did back when I was working at Shoprite or Spencers. I don't get to say "And then this one customer came in wearing just his robe and asked if we had any marmalade" or anything... No interesting stories, just the same thing. It's actually a slight bit of a bummer now that I think about it, but again I have the wonderful paycheck and flexible schedule and easy work to offset that and make me love this job! One thing I have done recently is get SmartFTP working again, so I've finally updated my website with stuff. I'm redesigning some of the pages right now and planning to add more, but for the moment I've uploaded a bunch of new pictures to the gallery, added my deviantart gallery slideshow to my photography page, and updated the juggling page to showcase my juggling videos. I'm planning to make a Stories page, where I'll post story videos and excerpts from my blog to, and I'll also be copying my window media player guide from onto my website as a page, hopefully with visual examples so that it will be even EASIER to follow for everyone, because I have received a few emails with questions and it's been WAY too long since I've done something relating to windows media player... The IJA is coming up QUICK. And my plan is to release my next video "Adverse Reaction, right before I leave. Right now I think I've got just enough footage, but I'm looking to get one more absolutely INSANE 4 box trick I came up with before I start cutting it all together. What trick? Well, I'm really eager to get it and I want to be the first person to get it because I've never seen anyone else do anything similar, so you're just gonna have to wait for it I'm afraid, heheh. That said though, I talked to Michael Karas recently about finding a roommate for IJA, since I had a hotel room already reserved and the deposit already put in, and he came up with a wonderfully amazing suggestion and tipped me off to something I had no idea about. The Bindlestiff guys had rented out a nearby orphanage and were housing jugglers for the convention at $25 a NIGHT. That is AMAZING. As soon as he sent me the info I reserved the room, and though originally we though "well I guess I'll be eating hundred bucks, I realized that I could just modify my reservation to be for one night, that was I have one night at the end of the con to sleep in a nice suite and then the other 6 days I'll be staying in on the cheap! Thanks so much Michael! You really did save my ass there! Because I'm sitting here looking at a bank account balance of 500 dollars, and I have to pay for gas, the room, food, and whatever stuff I do there. So yeah, thanks a ton. Other than that though, just yesterday I found a strange little mini-routine that I found to be quite addictive and probably entertaining. I'd be starting off doing a 3 ball box, and then switch the pattern around to other patterns like a shower or a double box, or a [6,4x][3,0]* and I'd do it all in time as I count from 1 to 8. So I'd do 8 rounds of a box followed by 8 rounds of a shower, etc. Then after going through the basics I'd mic and match it so that it's almost musical. I really liked what I was doing, and I think I'm gonna see about developing it into a short thing I can perform, or at least turn into a mini-routine video. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |