The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009Excuses are REAL![]() WOW, sorry guys, I didn't realize at all how busy college would make me, I seem to have absolutely NO time for anything now, between the work I'm being assigned and the time of the classes. I'll see what I can do about continuing things I've promised to do, like this blog, Jugglers On Juggling, and being president of Tech.MCC, but man is it gonna be tough to do all of them and still get done with all my college stuff. :: Most of the reason college is gonna drain my time is freehand drawing. My Sociology course looks like it's gonna be cool and easy, same with my salesmanship and 3d design classes, but not only am I horrible at drawing, but I am gonna have to buy and fill up a 90 page sketchbook by the end of the semester. That is SCARY. That and the thing that sucks is that that class is from noon to 4:00 PM on Thursday, the day Tech.MCC is supposed to meet and ending 2 hours into the meeting. I talked to my professor, and it seems my options are stepping down as president, changing the meeting schedule, or dropping the class. Wonderful.... :: Well Tech.MCC, obviously I think I'm gonna try rescheduling the meetings, but the thing is, I sent out the first mass email, and I hadn't heard anything back from ANYONE, about ANYTHING. And noone showed up to the meeting, andI'm about to send a new one asking people to decide when we want to hold the new meeting time, but I'm completely unsure about everything right now. That and the college and noone so far is willing to take the TV off my hands, and after checking my N64, I found the screws cannot be undone, so we'd literally have to tear apart the casing to get at the guts, and there's just so much right now. I hate having ADHD at times like this...... :: Well, I suppose now it's time to let everyone in on the biggest news. I don't have a job anymore. NO FAULT OF MY OWN, I got a voicemail from my supervisor last week and followed it up with a phone cal, and she basically said that the higher ups have re-taken control of the tropical plant sections in my stores area and that now the Home Depot employees from the seasonal section are gonna take care of the tropicals. Basically, what was a separate job in my stores suddenly got merged with another job, and now I'm left without one. I have heard though that because I wasn't FIRED, I may qualify for unemployment! Sweet! I've yet to do any real research thanks to my not having the time or ability to remember at the right time, but I definitely intend to check. :: Jugglers On Juggling. Alright, I have to apologize for this massive delay, I just haven't gotten the time to plan out the episodes fully. I've got so many ideas for what's going to be the structure of the next 4 episodes, but right now so many things are running through my mind I can't concentrate on actually putting these ideas into a plan and making the episode. I really do want to make the next 4 episodes of the podcast before bringing an end to season 4, because the juggling videos are the area where I really do think I have some expertise I can offer my listeners. Just stick with me I think, and I'll get them out eventually. :: ![]() Well now that college has started, I have a wonderful ability to go to the theater and practice my high throw moves again. I could not be happier, and have been looking at my schedule to see the regular times I can go in and get some practice and footage gathering time. Right now, Thursday seems to be the best time because all my classes end at 6:00, and so I can stay there as long as I want. I've already been very productive on the first Thursday of the semester, managing to get my first ever 5 ring 5up 180 to a qualify, once without a clean finish, and one with a clean finish. Oh man was that a good feeling to get my first 5up anything. I'm also looking at other times, but mostly it looks like Thursday will be the best. I'm also really hoping to get a lot of footage, and good footage too, because Adverse Reaction absolutely sucked. I mean, the tricks in it are the best tricks I've ever done, and the lighting/backgrounds are overall the best of any of my videos, but I'm not sure what it was, the video just didn't seem good at all, and I desperately want to make up for that. I'm gonna try something new, if I get the time to. I want to try having some sort of plot to the video, or at least in-between clips with non juggling to give it some sort of story or something. Maybe I'll do something simple and easy like picking up my backpack full of props and walking to the next location where I did a trick, almost like it awould be a tour or my campus. So it could be like a clip of me doing 5 ring stuff in the theater, then it cuts to me picking up my bag and walking out the stage door to the hallway, where it cuts to another trick I did in the hallway. Maybe that could work, I have no idea, but I just know I want to do something. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |