The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Sunday, October 25, 2009Blasphemy RULES![]() FIRST UP, ANNOUNCEMENT TIME! I'VE OPENED UP MY NEW SHIRT STORE ON MY WEBSITE! Filled with a bunch of unseen designs before, and one of them has been featured on the homepage of! GO THERE! CHECK STUFF OUT! :: Well, let's say that past week of being home alone was AMAZING. I loved every second of it, and I wish it happened more often! Had all the time and the free schedule to work on classwork when I wanted, take a shower when I wanted, eat and watch tv when I wanted, and pretty much everything except go to class when I wanted! It was awesome! :: College stuff, well, like I keep saying, I am loathing my freehand drawing class, but not so much because of the workload anymore, not because of the drawing itself. My style is based on drawing things small, with solid lines and everything be outlined. The professor is looking for big drawings with blurred or even NO lines and all these center and structure lines. Ugh... At least my 3d design class couldn't be going any better and my other two seem to be doing fine. :: Tech.MCC is doing quite well now that we've had the schedule and venue change, our first social night is coming up, and we've got an idea for spending money on the budget now, as well as our fliers being up around campus now. Things are going well. :: ![]() Well I don't have a story to tell, but as I was forced to mow the lawn today, I had time to do some random thinking. A week or two ago while I was in my college advisers office, I made a joke about my being an atheist, and there was a hardcore christian in the room, the type that want s to convert everyone. So she asked me to stay for a few minutes after I was done to have a quick little philosophical debate. I learned recently that the best type of debate to have is with someone who doesn't agree with you at all, because that's when you get to actually have to think about things. We pretty much ended the debate in a stalemate because I had to leave for class, but she gave her proof as "when you see this picture (she didn't have with her, she said she would bring it in sometime and show me) you will say 'Oh My God...' and you won't be able to deny it's because of god." Now that statement of course is wrong because of course I'll be able to deny it, but let's look at the part where she put words into my mouth, because that's what I was thinking about as I was mowing the lawn today... "Oh My God." She thinks that if I say that I'm agreeing with her about Jehova, Jesus Christ, and the Christian god. Let's break that saying down though. "Oh", "my", and "god". in that, the "Oh" is just an enhancer/expletive, so let's take it out and say that I'm saying "Oh God." which is the same thing in almost every way. "MY" according to the rules of English that I learned as a little boy, is possessive, it means "MINE" or "to convey ownership". When put into the context of "My God", it turn out I am saying "MY god", as in "The god I believe in". Now, being an atheist, I don't believe there is a god, so I'm really calling out to someone that doesn't exist, like someone saying "Holy Shit", they don't actually believe in a divine piece of poop. I could easily replace the entire thing with "Oh President Gore!" or "Oh my million dollar bank account!" it doesn't mean anything, especially that I believe in HER god. But while I'm on that train of thought, before I go on to another example of an expletive taken at more than face value, let's examine her logic. To her, my crying out "Oh My God" would mean that I believe in the christian god. The ONLY way I could deduce as to how she could think of that is to solve this like I would solve for X in a math problem. Input x X = Result. In this case, Oh my god x Her thought process = Belief in god. Now, let's look at this as two layers. There's the words at face value and there's the meaning behind why I said them. In this case I would say "Oh My God" as an expletive, like as if I was saying Holy Shit. She disregarded that meaning and took the words at face value. Her thought was, "Ok, so he's said 'Oh my god', what do I mean when I say 'Oh my god'? I mean 'Praise the lord Jesus!', so that's what he must have meant as well, He's saying he believes in Jesus Christ!" To which I slam my head against the desk. WORDS MEAN DIFFERENT THINGS TO DIFFERENT PEOPLE. Just because I said the same words you did doesn't mean I MEAN the same thing you do when you say them! So my conclusion is something I already KNEW about Christians, is that they only hear what they want to hear, and they don't listen to anything else. Now, I had another line of thought while I was thinking about taking words at face value in the name of god, I thought about something that I have said before that she would also take as me praising her god. "Jesus Fucking Christ." Now, let's take that completely without tone of voice and anylize it word for word. "Jesus", usually refers to Jesus of Nazareth, a dude who supposedly was born 2009 years ago. "Fucking", the act of having sex with usually is what that means. "Christ", the holy spirit, a divine presence or person. So when I say "Jesus Fucking Christ", I'm REALLY saying "Jesus of Nazareth is having sex with the holy spirit." That made me laugh so much. Why? Because that TOO can be blasphemous in more than one way. It either means that Jesus wasn't holy and that he was also fucking around with the holy one, which would be a huge insult. It can be even MORE blasphemous though by saying that Jesus IS the holy one, in which case the sentence would go "Jesus is having sex with Jesus", or in other words, Jesus Christ, who is supposed to be completely free of sin, is Masturbating, thus making him a sinner because according to Vatican rule, any sexual act that does not result in the production of a child is a SIN. I just found that to be funny as hell when I figured out the undeniable logic of it. So now I FINALLY have an explanation rather than just "It's a figure of speech" to give the hardcore religious nuts for when they "CATCH" me calling out "Oh My God..." A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |