Wednesday, November 25, 2009



Listen Up!
Damn, I don't know whether it's just I'm getting old enough that a week seems like a much shorter period of time now or what, but every time I make a blog post it seems it's time to do the next one! Though to be fair, this one definitely has a worthy story or two for it.
So college stuffs, god damn do they suck. My current classes seem to be doing just fine, but at my parent's proposal I spent the past week registering for the next semester of classes, so let me explain my situation. I'm balls deep into my current degree major, I only have 5 classes left to take, and they're all top level specialty courses if you know what I mean. The type of classes that have at least 3 prerequisite classes for EACH. Next semester the college is only offering FOUR of these 5 classes, and TWO of them have the other three courses as prerequisites. So I am FORCED to take 2 useless or "Fluff" courses next semester to stay full time. NOT ONLY THAT, but all of the classes that I needed to take are only available at one time, 9AM That mean no night option, no option PERIOD. I am again FORCED to come to the college at 9AM, when I'm most at risk of falling asleep right in the middle of class and my brain is not working, AND I have to deal with the crowded parking lots, AND I have to deal with pretty much every factor outside of my comfort zone I can imagine. Not only that! They're building a useless new "Green" building, and they're not putting it in the middle of one of the numerous unused grassy areas of the campus, no... THEY'RE CUTTING THE MAIN PARKING LOT IN HALF AND BUILDING IT THERE!!! FUCK YOU MCC!
Where was I?... Oh right, well Tech.MCC is meh. We're working on stuff, and the college is still making it hard for us. We do have one big thing coming up, in the Robotics meeting, which will be the nesxt meeting, where we'll be building LEGO and circuit based robots! So yay for that!
What else is happening, ummmm, well I'm still browsing around for a job, my latest attempts have brought me around all over Woodbridge avenue, and hopefully something will turn up there, but in the meantime, I'm still taking surveys online and am slowly building up money with them, of course it's a bitch to find the time to take them and remember to take them when the parents are trying to make me change sleep schedules (unsuccessfully I might add), but I'm working on it all nonetheless.

Daily Life:
So I've been bonding a bit with my dad recently. We've started tearing down the wallpaper in my room and are going to be painting it shortly, which was awesome and interesting. I'll have a report on that next week, but what I want to talk about today is what happened when we went out to get the spackle for the walls. We took a trip down first to get the spackle, and then drove down to Monmouth to drop a few things off for my sister. I fell asleep as we started driving south somewhat, and when I woke up, I found my dad had taken me to Asbury Park. I was wondering why he needed me to come along to pick up spackle and drop off a thing for my sis . So we got out and figured out how the parking meter system worked, and my dad couldn't stop remarking about how busy and alive the city was, seeing as how it's been desolate for years, and now the business district is alive and well.

So we made our way up the district for a bit, eventing ourselves at the destination, a pinball museum, which was placed in the basement of a store, and had dozens of old machines from the 60's through the 90's. It was definitely a interesting place, and I proved I'm a better pinballer than my dad, doubling his best score on the Mars Attack machine. It was really interesting seeing how similar all the machines were, especially the older ones, where they all had like 3 bumpers in the middle, small fippers, and one set of drop targets. There were a few interesting innovative ones, but it mostly got me thinking about how simple and easy it would be to build my own pinball table. Nothing complex like modern tables, but a set of bumpers and drop targets like the older ones. Hell it'd be a great big project for the next semester of Tech.MCC! Back to the museum though, they really should have had more historical info I think, it was more like a vintage arcade than a museum, and that's fine, I just like more historical context than the single plack above only half the machines giving a single paragraph of information about how many were produced and by whom. Then again, their business model is more about BEING a vintage arcade than a museum, which is great, they got the right idea, pay up front and unlimited play on all the tables ensues. So overall it was in interesting experience, the big table I wanted to play on, the "Challenge" table, where two players played at once from opposite ends and against each other on one table like a game of soccer or foosball was broken, but hey, you can't have everything.

So as our time ran out from there, we got to talking on the hour and a half long ride home about random stuff like how I can sing pretty well with some songs (which I'm thinking about putting one or two up on youtube sometime soon) and other random stuff. It was interesting, and I was admittedly thankful when we got back home because I was quite sleepy, and that was that day.

Juggle This:

NEW VIDEO COMING WITH THE NEXT BLOG POST! Definitely gonna be good, more detail about it then!

A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150

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