The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Sunday, March 21, 2010Things! They Are Happening!![]() Well my month long break from my blog is over and I really feel a desire to write them again once a week, which is GREAT! I think I'm going to be writing them was things happen though, because to force myself to do them on Monday just makes me put it off until the next day, and the next, and the next. So that's going to be a good change hopefully. :: So first off, I gotta talk about college. I Fucking HATE havign morning classes. Granted I haven't missed or been late to them, but they will be the death of me because I cannot get my brain to work at 10AM no matter what I do, and I will NOT resort to getting addicted to caffeine and gaining 30 lbs from drinking the Mountain Dew required to get the proper dosage again. Next semester I am not taking any classes before noon, no matter whether that limits me to 2 classes a semester or whatever. :: Secondly, I'm getting a huge leap in terms of working :D Since my last post, I went to an open interview at the new Giants Stadium, and was accepted pretty much right away! I went back and got my ID taken, and training for this job starts next month. The awesome bit is it's paid training, so regardless of the fact that we have no idea when we start work (probably only once summer begins) I'll have a few hundred in my pocket from that! But since it's a ways away before that will start generating money, I saw an ad in the paper looking for bartenders, no experience necessary, and I'll get on with this story later on because there's a LOT to say :D ![]() It seems like for once the Tech.MCC Big time semester-long project is actually gonna happen! Granted it sucks that only me and two other members are actually showing up to any of the meetings at all, but when I'm getting the packages of pinball machine parts and plexiglass at my house, and the design layout made in AutoCAD (as seen on the left here) it's hard not to get eager about actually having an assembled playfield wired up and working. :: I knew my youtube videos would get me someplace someday :D My latest video, Pong Progression, which a couple people, including one of my friends who I respect a ton, said it's like a work of art XD and I'm not exaggerating, read the comments! But back to the point, out of nowhere as I'm browsing youtube a couple days ago, I look at the top of the page to see my PM inbox has a new message, and so I open it up, turns out it's from a guy who runs a website about beer pong tables and he was asking me to be in an interview for a podcast episode! So I basically set up the soonest time I could and spent a half hour over Skype answering his questions and such, and essentially, I'm going to be featured as one of the "50 greatest beer-pong players" series! Awesomeness! :: Another minor milestone I had recently was finally having an inspiration about how to transfer VHS tapes into my computer without spending extra money on a damned card or external device. We have a DVD player/recorder that I bought while I was working at Shoprite years ago, and as I opened my closet and looked at my old VHS tapes for the first time in ages, I realized I could simply plug the VHS player out into the DVD recorder in, record the VHS's to DVD's, and then rip them back onto my computer. And that's exatly what I did to my old Car Wars, Heroes On Hotwheels, and Junkyard Wars tapes from back in the 80's/90's which aren't up on bittorrent. Of course now they WILL be up on bittorrent thanks to me ^^ since all are old enough that they are basically abandoned licenses. :: ![]() So let's talk bartending! It's been something picking at the back of my mind ever since I got anything good at juggling that a bartending job would be a good job for me. I'm good with customer service jobs (requiring good Reacting skills, not Proacting skills like manufacturing and working man jobs that I'll rant more about another day), it's a practical job (where I'm not typing, ringing up, or doing anything else, I'm physically just handling and pouring the drinks), obviously when I get good there's the juggling aspect, it's primarily a night job, and while I don't drink that much myself as I've said before on here, helping others to get a bit drunk definitely doesn't seem too bad (almost no matter what the customer will like you ;). So there was quite a bit of skepticism about it being a scam, because what I essentially found in the paper was a middle-man company, the National association of Bartenders, and they pretty much hired me on the spot and asked a fee of 300$ for the certification. It turns out it is legit though, because after I got the ok form my parents to put it on their credit cards, the weekend came and I went off to Red Bank to start training, and the deal about training is that it's free and you can go to as many lessons as you want at any schedule you want, and once you pass the test, which is making ten randomly selected drinks in ten minutes, you get the certificate and go out to work. So far it's been a bit of a struggle, since the job is all about memorization, which has never been a strong point with me, but I'm learning my high ball drinks, Manhattans, and other drinks slowly but surely. So far I've been to two of the training sessions and we'll see what happens from here on out. ![]() So, as a direct result of me releasing Pong Progression a little while ago, my high school group of friends got in the mood to play beer pong on Saturday of last week. This is always good, because I love beer pong and it'd been a while since I got hammered, and their parties always got me there. So along comes saturday, and this was the day the nor'easter hit, with flooding EVERYWHERE, huge winds, and road closures all over the place. I left the house and tried to get there, but found all the routes I knew were closed and so I had to turn back and call them saying I couldn't get there. Of course they're the types to not take no for an answer, so they piled into the SUV of theirs and drove down through the flooding and through all the side-roads to get to me to pick me up. So I'm there now and we start off immediately with my first ever shot of Yeager, which I was amazed to find was like drinking liquorish, and quite good! I think I've found a new favorite shot besides vodka! But either way, we quickly setup the table and cups, and the game begins with coors light and wine split between the cups, and after a few throws to get my eye in, I start making them, and keep making them, and the games continue with the wins/losses pretty much sided to my team, until I'd drank enough to be drunk. At that point we continued to play, struggling to get every single shot as the game went on for quite some time, at one point Alpha even getting to his trademark puking on himself way earlier than usual! So once that got cleaned up we continued play until the game was finished, and then got down to watching Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, another first for me since I'd never seen it before, and I'd heard the ![]() One or two of them wanted to go out, but I'm pretty responsible even when drunk, and I knew that noone was sober enough to go out driving, especially in the torrents that were beating down on the roads. Luckily, the other level-head of the group who was hosting, decided it'd be perfect to make an upside down pizza to split between us, and holy crap was he right! The 30 minutes it took to prepare were the longest 30 minutes I've spent in a long time, but man was it worth it for a homemade, upside-down, true NJ pizza. After that I don't remember much, because it was around 3 or 4 AM and we were all ready to finish Harold and Kumar and get to sleep or home. As the movie finished, the host wa basically napping on the floor in front of the TV, and the other two were sober enough to leave, so I spent a little time and cleaned up some, checking my email and such on the laptop upstairs, and then finally falling asleep myself to be driven home the next morning. ![]() A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |