The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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I've got ADHD, and I am an artist. You do the math... Linksarchives
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Tuesday, March 30, 2010Wins and Losses
Listen Up!
As the title may suggest, the last week has been an interesting week of ups and downs, a lot of them really way too widely ranged to make one single sentence for, but essentially, as one thing was going great, another thing was doing plummettingly bad, the Neutrality Theory of mine in full effect it seems. :: I tried taking the bartending exam for the first time over this weekend, and though the absolutely WONDERFUL thing was how much I'd learned in the past 48 hours before taking the test, from memorizing ALL of my hihg-ball drinks finally to learning Daquaris and other fancy drinks and even a few All Alcohol High Balls like the Alabama Slammer, I went way over the time limit of tthe test and ended up not making it this time. It's perfectly fine though, as not only was I not expecting to pass it for sure this time, but it's free to take and you can take it an infinite number of times. I think next week I'll have it down though ;) Another upside of the very same 48 hours of bartending class, was I met and befriended 2 girls there, who I've already gotten the numbers for and have been texting over the past couple of days. :: I finally managed to start working on the pinball machine project for Tech.MCC, of course the meeting where I did everything literally NO OTHER MEMBERS SHOWED UP. Ugh. Well hey, next one hopefully will be better when I post pics and stuff to the website of what I got done last week. :: I haven't done anywhere near the amount of juggling I want to because my wrist if hurt a bit in my left hand, however, judging from the responses I've gotten from people with my Tutorial entry for the IJA contest ( to vote for me ^^) it looks like I've got a good shot at being in the upper half of entries, aka the winners and runners up! :: Let's see, what else, well I've been sick this week along with my whole family, but I had the house all to myself this weekend coming up! Which is good and makes up for it. I've also gotten my last order in for Cutco, and I will finally be turning my stuff in coming up and then putting that job officially on hold unless someone else wants to place an order through me, which can still be done at anytime and I'd get money for it! Though i doubt that'd ever really happen. :: Ugh, the screen I was using for my Wii setup is busted, somehow the power is not getting to the battery to charge it at all, so I need to pull it apart AGAIN and see if I can fix it, otherwise it's 30 dollars down the drain. At least I have my backup PS1 screen that can be used, though it's not as big. :: AH! I managed to encode pretty much all of my VHS tapes into DVD's and ripped them to my hard drive to watch, now it's just a matter of conversion before I can share the lot of them, however I already have one torrent up that's gotten a moderate number of downloads ^^ not saying which but it's good stuff for sure. :: Unfortunately nothing really big and story-worthy has happened this week, or last week after the blog post, so this is pretty much it for this week's post. Though that will change next week after Juggle This takes place :D Where hopefully my Renegade act will do well. I still have no idea if it's good or not, probably not as good as last year's Muffin Clutches, but hey, I think that was my absolute perfect routine anyways. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |