The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007One Large Sleep with a side of Plague
Listen Up!
Sorry about last week's non-existent post, I kinda forgot about it while I was planning for tests and Cornell. I've gone youtube happy. I released "Day Is Night", and it's done very well. I released JoJ 24, the video episode with Laura Ernst, and it seems to be doing well so far. Also I've released a performance update video. And guess what, I've still got at least 5 videos in the que waiting to be released, including "The Stage". :: JoJ's going to hit a snag in a bit, now that Laura's finished her road trip, she emailed me saying that she won't be able to do JoJ for a while, until she gets settled and gets a new computer. So I'm looking for more hosts for the next few episodes. :: Cornell trip report to follow. So otherwise, I got sick as soon as I got back from Cornell. I always have perfect timing with that, I got sick about a month before WJF, about a month after WJF3, and 1 day after Cornell. I have good timing. So then came the games, which I took part in whatever I could, and filmed whatever I couldn't. The best thing was that I made my trick and placed in Best Trick, and watched my competition, namely Matt Hall, own their tricks. Matt won it by borrowing someone's set of boxes, and nailing his 3up 360 to foot catch on the first attempt, which was the first time he'd ever made it on the first attempt by the way. He had two more attempts at whatever he wanted, and made an awesome siteswap trick and almost made is excaliber duicide. He was on the floor afterwards, and after the next competitor went, said to the guy who owned the boxes he used "Dude, I will pay you one million dollars for these!" Epic. So then all the performers and organizers have to leave for the big show, and for everyone else to go get something to eat after the gym closed. There were plenty of groups breaking off to go get a random selection of foods randing from Thai to Mexican. I ran with the pizza group, and the best part was, the pizza place was downhill from campus. So walking to it was no problem, and once there, we spend 10 minutes waiting for all our pizza, and playing "Snapple Sliding", where you slide a Snapple bottle along a table and get it to hang over the edge without falling, first to 10 wins. The pizza was good, and then came the walk back up to the public show. Back uphill, and me complaining the entire way. "Why is it that EVERY college campus I've ever seen in my life is built on a HILLSIDE! Can't they just level the land, THEN build the campus?" But once we reached the line for the show, all that vanished as everyone started passing and screwing around with whatever props they had happened to bring with them. There was an awesome bit of club passing after the show where someone randomly ran into the pattern of the other 2 people passing, stole a club out of the pass, and replaced it with a giant box of Goldfish Crackers. Epic. Speaking of Epic, that show was insane. Vova's act was probably the best I've ever seen out of any act whether it be from a Broadway play, cirque performance, circus performance, juggling routine, or anything. He doesn't want me talking about it in detail, so I'll move on to some of the other performers. Matt Hall was struggling a bit with his tricks, but it was great to see him on stage nevertheless. Nick Flair, who I completely underestimated, blew me away with both of his acts. Lastly, Jonglissimo, the most insane passing act I've ever seen. Now I know where they got their reputation from. So after that, the Renegade show started, which was great, and just so much was going on I can't even remember all of it. I just remember Laura stealing the show about halfway in with her light poi act. Matt getting beat at his own game of Rock Paper Scissors, Look Over There by Mike Karas. And the whole running act of the performance, the Juggling Fear Factor. I'll let you image it for yourself by naming the three acts, Razor Blades, on-chair 360's, squid juggling, and yeah. So then came the after party at the Billing's house. Was ok, I finally recorded the JoJ segment with Vova and Lindsay before they had to run to catch a plane. Chatted a bit with Matt, Jeff, and Sky. And went to sleep on the very comfortable floor. The next day was pretty uneventful, I woke up REALLY late, around noon, thanks to the lack of sleep I had gotten the night before. But I rolled out, went to the con center, bought myself a Diabolo and Wes's DVD, and headed back to NJ. Overall, a good convention, and during the convention, Jason announced that the next WJF is December of NEXT YEAR. So now I've got another full year before I can go to anything. Maybe I'll do IJA next summer. Here's hoping. Juggle This: Didn't do much else outside of record a quick video of what I could do with Diabolo 36 hours after first learning it. Otherwise, nothing else happened. Next week I'll talk about what happened when Laura Ernst came over, maybe. We'll see what happens. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Wednesday, October 17, 2007Underly Saturated![]() The Park did amazingly well. I thought it was a neat video, but people are really liking it a lot. I think right now it has almost as many views as some of my worse music videos. And what's worse, is I've got another one just like it that I made today. :: JoJ. The past few episodes have done pretty well, especially because we're taking advantage of Laura's road trip. Granted, we haven't gotten any comments or replies on either Rec.Juggling or the WJF forums, but no news is good news. If people aren't complaining, they were satisfied. Oh, and by the way, Episode 25, will be a video episode with Laura broadcasting straight from my fireplace if you haven't been listening. :: Don't know what else is going on. OH! Cornell's Big Red Juggle Fest! I will be going if you haven't seen, but I still haven't entirely figured out whether I'll be driving or not. Or whether I'll be doing a JoJ episode from there, or just a wrap up like Joe did last year. :: Also, don't forget that "Day Is Night" releases on Saturday! :: One last thing, I released a few things to DeviantART, maybe you should check them out, no? Bah, why do I have to tell stories. Ok, so yesterday, I had a break between my classes, and I was bored. I had on my orange sleeveless shirt and had brought in my clubs today. Why? I have no idea, I randomly get up every morning and go, "What props do i want to bring to college with me today..." Yesterday happened to be clubs. Also, I had recently discovered that the theater in the college center (where I always practice anyways) was lit up and open to anyone at the same time when I have a break between classes. So I've been starting to practice in there. Also, the great thing is, the 2 people besides me that know anything about juggling are taking classes in the theater for their performing arts classes, so they're usually in there too, although busy. So basically, yesterday, I have my camera, clubs, rings, orange sleeveless shirt, and about 2 hours of free time. Can you say "Sequel to The Park"? Yes, I spent the 2 hours I had gathering footage for another video in the same artistic style as "The Park", and I'm calling this one "The Stage". Original, ain't it? So yeah, last night I spent editing it all together, and I now have another video cued up to go on my youtube profile. I remember when I was struggling to find things to put on each week. So yeah, that was a fun day yesterday, I probably lost some weight I was sweating so much when I was done. Juggle This: Ok, Yo-Yo's. I just realized today that I have 2 yo-yos when I thought I only had 1. I remembered as I was staring into my prop box and seeing my 10 year old Yomega X-Brain that my new one came with an extra string! I suddenly had the bright idea to tie that string to my old one. (The reason I stopped using yo-yos after Standard Deviation was because the string from my old one, which had never been replaced, snapped and I never had bothered to get a replacement. So I just stopped doing yo-yo for a while.) So today I put the new string on my old yo, and now I've been practicing with both today. Good times. Also, I recently found out that, like has for what roller coasters you've been on, has a database where you can put in you're personal records and see how you compare with everyone else. I recently just tried holding certain patterns on there for as long as I can on the first try and put them up. I'll see what happens and if I remember to update it. "The Park" released for those who didn't see it yet. It got really good responses for what I thought was an OK video that turned out to be a really good one. Hey, if people think it's good, it must be good right? Check it out if you haven't already. Also, don't forget that "Day Is Night" releases on Saturday! A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Monday, October 08, 2007Why Bother? BECAUSE!![]() Yes, I know this post is being made a week late. It was a combination of business with classes, laziness, and my idea that "I may be able to do a quick visit to Philly Fest on Saturday, maybe..." Sadly I've decided against doing the day trip to Philly, seeing as how I'm a little squeezed for cash, time, and responsibilities right now. I hate that word, responsibilities. I'll make a rant on responsibility later. :: Classes are really starting to suck now that we're about 4 weeks in. Now's the time when "they" are hounding me about midterms, even though those still don't come for another 3 weeks or so. Right now I have to worry about lab reports and quizzes instead. :: JoJ's gotten right back on track. Of course this week's episode may end up being a little bit more difficult to record because Laura's on the road, and this weekend everyone but me will be at Philly. I'll figure something out. :: Yeah. Daily Life: Stories, stories, I need more stories. I need them, but I don't have them. Sorry. ![]() Well, I just released my WJF Profile video, and Joe asked "Why did you make this video?". So here's your answer Joe, because I can. Actually, there are a few reasons. First being I knew as soon as Jason announced it that he'd need at least 1 person to get everyone ELSE motivated to make one, otherwise noone would make any videos and the idea would die again. So I took advantage of how bold I am and made one. Second reason is that I had a lot of great technical footage of single tricks that I didn't think would fit well in my next music video, so instead of having these videos of me doing 94444, a 5 ring flat reverse flash, and a bunch of other tricks, I figured I'd use them in the video, and I wouldn't have to record anything else except for the spoken part of the video. Third, I liked Jason's idea about making 2 videos, one now, and then another right before the convention to show the progression. As I seem to be progressing really fast recently, look at the difference between even "No Sleeves Attached" and my profile video, I'm getting better by the day. So I figure by the time WJF5 comes around, I'll have progressed even more and make another video to show it. So that's why I made that video. Either way, I'd give the WJF4 Convention DVD a 6.7 of 10. For the footage that was there, it was really great, but only an hour and a half just isn't enough to give someone the feeling like they know what happened at the convention. Also, on another quick note, my youtube profile is going to get hjit a lot more within the next 2 weeks. I've decided to finally release to it my artistic video, "The Park", and I just finished editing video 10, and am calling it "Day Is Night. That will hopefully release on the 20th if everything goes along smoothly. In the meantime, I hope you've enjoyed this week's pictures. They're all from "The Park". That releases on the 13th. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |