The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Monday, September 22, 200824 Hours Of Whatever You Want To Call ItSo job hunting. Well, I've got a fallback job right now campaigning for the democratic party, but I really don't want to work that job. So right now I've already been hired, but I'm not working yet until I next week, which by then I'll know whether or not my drafting job with Gordon's uncle will pan out or not. the last time I talked to him, he told me to go ahead and look through computers to buy and send him a fax with the computer info and CAD software info. I'll be doing that tomorrow if all goes well. So basically, my plan is to get the job working with Gordon's Uncle going before I have to spend any time walking door to door and making sure people are voting for Obama. :: College seems to be panning out quite nicely however, and so far, 3 out of my professors are not idiots, in fact quite the opposite, and the one that is an idiot is in a field that I know almost as well as he is supposed to. The sucky part I am seeing right now is my Photo class, in which I need to spend MORE money on film and supplies still, and I'm kinda running low at the moment. That being said, my other two courses are doing very well. :: Tech.MCC, well, so far, last week was the best week ever and this week was a complete bomb. Who knows what's going to happen this week. Luckily this meeting is movie night, so things are going to be pretty easy for me and everyone, I just need to make sure the pizza is warm and that people pay for the slices they eat... :: I really do hate going back on something that I said I would do, but in this case I absolutely HAVE to. I'm going to be making episodes of JoJ Season 3 bi-weekly now. Let me explain the reason why. So I started recording episodes for Season 3 back in August before the fall semester at college started. That way, I'd have episodes ready to release as I needed them, months in advance. The I released episode 0 and 1, and everyone on Rec.Juggling told me they were crap. So I went back and tried out their advice on Episode 2, because I had enough free time that I COULD record and edit a new episode before the work piled up, just to see how it would go. Guess what happens, everyone loved it. So now I've got the burden of College and work and having to create new episodes from scratch, which was what I wanted to avoid doing. SO the best solution I can dsee, especially because I am in no way getting this week's episode up anytime this week, is to set a new time schedule. So from now on, starting this week, every episode will release every other week on Tuesday Morning. Again, I hate doing it, but it's what happens when you turn 20 and all the sudden you find yourself having to squeeze 22 hours out of an 18 hour day... :: Now, while we're on the subject of juggling, I've ordered my uniform for WJF5 and as soon as it comes in I'll be recording my first blush routine and sending it to Jason so he can confirm me as a competitor for ring intermediates. I just realized though yesterday that Joe Showers is going back to WJF5, and if he competes in ring intermediates like a WJF3, I'm screwed. I think second place intermediates get's me a medal or something, right? ![]() SO let's talk about what happened on Sunday. The Friday before, I schedule my interview for the backup job I talked about before doing campaign work, and he said he'd be available on Sunday at noon. So Sunday comes around and my plan was to wake up, go there, come back, and nap because I was still behind on sleep. When I get there, which it was a pretty easy place to find, I had very little info about what I was going to be doing or anything, as the flier I got from my mom just said "Campaign Jobs". I get there and wait till the guy shows up around 12:15. He explains to me and the 3 other guys that were there exactly what we'd be doing. Going door to door, and trying to get people to vote democratic. I almost got up and left right there, but I need the money, and I'm probably never going to have to work for this job anyway. After that ends, he says that we're going to go do or first days work right now, and I stop him because I have a plan to go home and catch up on sleep, I didn't come in prepared to do a 5 hour shift. So I split and get home just in time to see dad washing the cars. I know from experience that now this means I'm going to have to do something, either help him out or do some other chore, because my family always does it's chores on one day. So I can't go take a nap now, instead I've got an hour to wait for the temperature to go down a bit, and then I have to mow the lawn. The entire lawn, by myself, in the still just over 80 degree heat. Yay. Now I'm bummed because I'm tired from lack of sleep, and sore from mowing our huge lawn. I decide to take a shower, because it really does invigorate me sometimes when I take a good shower. Before I get the chance to go in though, my dad calls up to me and tells me that we're (luckily just me him and grandma) heading to Uno's Pizzeria for dinner because he doesn't feel like cooking. Normally, I love going out to eat, because I don't have to pay for a tasty meal, but I'm already tired and sore, and didn't feel like going anywhere, but I go anyways. So while there, thanks to the shower, I'm in an OK mood again, and we start talking about what I remember as a child. Things like Funtime America (an indoor amusement park that went out of business YEARS ago), and my trip to California, and everything I could remember. It's good to realize how well human memory works sometimes. So that finishes and I finally get home to realize that I hadn't done ANYTHING useful all day. I didn't work on JoJ, this blog post, my profile video, or anything else... Heroes, EP 03x01: So if you're like me, you've been waiting for this ever since the writers strike to see if it gets better or worse, because although season 2 a lot of people say sucked, I thought it was just bad by comparison to season 1. Basically, I'd rate season 1 a 10, and season 2 an 8. Not a bad score at all, but nothing compared to a ten. So season 3 premiered tonight. What did I think? Clutter. That's the best one word to describe it. It felt like there was so much going on that I was missing a LOT. Granted, everything that I did get was so great as to make up for almost all the setbacks of season 2, and they even listened to the viewers complaining about the characters of Maya and Niki, and they took those into consideration by cutting back on both their screen times. At this point though, they've only really killed off 4 main characters for the entire series, but have introduced at least 8 each season. It's getting to the point where they don't have enough time to explain what's going on with everyone, and it's jumping from one to the next so fast that I can't keep up. They need to kill off a LOT of characters in order to get rid of this, and they did get rid of both DL, Nikki, and Takezo/Monroe in the last season, but they need to do more. They need to clean house in order to make room for everyone. Hell, this was a two hour special and there wasn't enough time for everyone, I can only imagine how jumpy the one hour episodes are going to be. That being said, they've about 50/50 in terms of revealing stuff and explaining things. They're explaining away all the important stuff like ho shot Nathan at the end of Season 2, and what the hell is going on at Primatech, and they're revealing a lot more about the former generation, such as Angela's power (finally). However, they're also introducing and leaving a lot of things either unexplained, not well enough explained, or usig the excuse of "it was in the future, anything's possible". Is it just me, or do they use that excuse of "future events" way too often? Either way, they're making the episodes interesting and I'm definitely going to keep watching, but I think that they need to organize things a bit better before it can be made perfect. It is much better than season two so far, but then again, this was only the first episode, so we'll see what happens... (Sorry, no Juggle This segment this week, I'm just too tired and there's nothing I haven't covered in the Listen Up segment this week, so I'll see you next week!) A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Tuesday, September 16, 2008The World Is Just, Awesome!AKA, Long Post Is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG. We've got a lot to cover, let's get going... :: My general mood for the past week is ecstatic. Everything just seems to be going right. Tech.MCC, JoJ, Classes, my weight, I'm even progressing a relationship with a girl who will remain nameless unless she wants me to talk about her. The drive home from class tonight I was just tripping on the realization that everything's going good. It just makes me so happy to see so many things working. I wish I could convey the way I feel to you through more than just text because it's something I haven't felt in YEARS, and I know it's not going to last, but I'll enjoy it while I can. I would break out in song, but I'm not good at singing, so I've been told, so I don't do it anymore... :: The CAD job with Vino is finally getting off the ground, I've gotten the clearance from Vino to go and scout prices for computers and fax him the one that we'll need, and to go and fax the software info to him as well. Hopefully that will be done by the end of the week and we can order the software and computer and I can get working. Hopefully this will pan out SOONER rather than later, because I' already starting to need some money, but I've got ways to make it for the moment... :: College seems to be going stellar, and I rarely use that word, but it fits. I'm enjoying all of my classes, well, except Solid Modeling, where my teacher appears to be an idiot, but otherwise all the classes are great. I'm especially liking my Photo 1 and my Art in Commerce classes. In my Photo class especially, I'm almost finishing my professors sentences because I've been doing photography by myself for so long. As for Art in Commerce, it is a really inspiring course for making designs and such. :: Tech.MCC Is really doing well, and I'll get much deeper into it as one of the main things this week. But so far it looks like I'm somehow making it the best semester I've ever seen for the club, no joking or exaggerating. :: Lastly, sorry about being late on the post this week, I was really getting wrapped up in my courses and making sure that I got this week's episode of JoJ out. Turned out it was well worth it... ![]() So yeah, got a TON of stuff to talk about with Tech.MCC, all of it AWESOME. First off, the college club fair was Monday the 8th, and it had to be the best thing I'd ever planned. I planned to do one thing there, crack open a USB flash drive and use 5 minute epoxy to waterproof it, then drop it into a soda can and prove it still works after pulling it out. That was the plan to generate interest to people passing by the table, and I'd explain all the great stuff like the "We buy it, you build it" contest, the LAN Party meetings, the Hacking Meeting, and etc. It was the first plan in YEARS that I'd made and was able to follow completely 100% and that also worked the way it was supposed to. I got there early around 9:00 AM, and setup my laptop, the thumb drive and everything including fliers on the only table in the shade. Soon afterwards, vice president of the club Marv showed up with his laptop and stuff, then out of nowhere, the entire Anime Club and Tech.MCC staff showed up in one giant wave and set up all their stuff, including Gordon. So I waited for people to start going by, and I cracked open the drive and started the epoxy process. It got a few people looking at what the hell I was doing, and after the 2 hours it took to dry, I cut open a soda can and dropped it in, using a pair of pliers I pulled it out, plugged it in, and it still works. So besides that happening, Mary showed up and revealed her true nature as a geek (which I always knew she was, just more nerdcore than I thought). She stayed at the table and behind it fr 70% of the time, and she's now going to meetings every week, so we've got a girl helping to attract more members! Now, that was the club fair. The first big meeting was on the 11th, and it was, of course, the Pirate Meeting. What happened was, well, first off, 24 people showed up in total, that's about the same as what gos on at Anime Club, which has the 3rd highest member count on campus! So I start the meeting right off by talking about the rules for the "We Buy it, You Build It" contest and the Laser Engraving trip coming up this week. Then I get right into showing everyone the basics of leeching files from youtube and flash files from newgrounds. Two things that everyone wants to do but doesn't know how to do. So I've got their interest, and basically, I manage to hold a lot of their attention for the better part of an hour explaining how leeching works and showing them exactly how to do it the legal way. Bottom line, it was an awesome first meeting, and since this week's meeting is the monthly LAN Party, I'm expecting just as many to come out. Bottom line, Tech.MCC is rockin, and it's looking great, well, that is until our funding runs out and we have to dip into the Anime Club's funds again... ![]() You're probably reading the title and going "oh boy, here comes a rant", nope. I am absolutely having nothing but success with my latest plans for losing weight, and I've already dumped off 40 lbs within 2 and a half months! As noted by the Wii Fit snapshot to the left. Basically, right now my diet is consisting mostly of Subway Footlong Meatball Marinara's that I get as dinner on the way home from college 4 days a week. A much better change than actually having the home cooked meals which are good sometimes but really fattening, or going and grabbing half a pizza on the way home. And I have the new Subway on the end of Woodbridge Ave to thank, because if it weren't for this Subway being run by white people, I wouldn't be going there at all. Thank you white Subway! On other days, I've learned that one of my big problems was that I was eating a meal that wasn't entirely satisfying, an then I'd be hungry an hour later. This would basically lead to me having more calories from snacks between every meal than if I'd added a 4th meal to my day! SO, I took it upon myself to start eating LARGER meals, even if anyone objects, that way I'm not hungry and pigging out on pop-tarts because I can't decide on an appropriate snack size. So I'm not having snacks anymore between meals. A third tier to my new diet is that I've completely given up Mountain Dew. I know, it sucks, and I do miss it, but I was having 2 cans A DAY, and I ended up being so addicted to caffeine that when I finally ran out, I would be willing to waste the gas to go out and buy more immediately. So about a month ago, I go "You know what, screw it. I'm out of it, and I don't care". I never went out and got more Dew, and after 4 days of migraines from caffeine withdrawal, I was off of caffeine, and losing weight. I still have a Dew when I'm out of the house, but the rule I've set is that if I'm at home, Gatorade, Powerade, or Vitamin Water; NO DEW. And of course, the 4th tier, which isn't part of my diet, but rather my life, is that now every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to bed, before I get out of bed, do at least 10 sit-ups. That and I'm also back on campus every day walking around and juggling constantly. A rule that I've almost set but haven't really been adhering to is that it's best for me to break a sweat once a day, no matter what it's from, be it juggling for an hour or simply sitting in a really hot room. So far, it's all working really well! I'm down from 300 lbs in early July, to now just over 250 lbs last time I checked! GO ME! ![]() So if you haven't been paying attention, JoJ is back, and no it really IS better. The dozen and a half people that have commented on episode 2 so far have said that it is a HUGE improvement over the last episodes and three of them have said that if I keep this up, they're going to look forward to watching the rest of the season! That's a huge compliment form people who told me that they got sick of watching after 48 seconds on the last episode! So basically, here's the list of changes I made since the last episode: 1. I got a microphone and used it to record the audio and then overlay that onto the video. 2. Made the audio only version the highest quality I possibly could, pulling stright from the microphone instead of just converting the video file again like last time. 3. Instead of one long cut, I split the cast up into 4 shots, each with it's own specific theme. 4. I made multiple successful takes of each shot, and chose the best ones as I was editing. 5. I sped through the topics, making sure that I spent no more than 4 sentences explaining a point (that was the really hard part for me). 6. I'm actually using the video for something worthwhile besides a picture of my face. (by physically showing how to sandpaper the rings or repair the balls) So far, it seems to be pretty damned awesome, and I've even gotten some help from Sondre on the next episode, which will be "Reeses' 6 basic rules for juggling music videos" ![]() So, if you haven't heard, I'll be competing in the WJF5 Intermediate Rings competition. I just ordered my uniform online and when it gets here I'll make the video that Jason needs before he can add me to the competitors page. I'm really still not sure who else will be competing, so I have no idea how much I still need to improve, so I'm just pushing as hard as I can for more 4 ring ideas. I'm basically practicing every 4 ring trick I know every other day, and a lot of the 5 ring tricks I know too. When I can remember them that is. I'm especially practicing my 4 ring mills mess, because that seems to be the trick that really noone else seems to want to do, and everyone who watched "A Faction Of One" thought it was the best trick in the video. I'm also really working on my 5 ring reverse cascade, because it's a HUGE move, that I'm almost at the point of qualifying every time, and it'll get me huge points in competition. In fact, today was the day when I started to feel it getting easier and got a new record of 17 catches, so go me. It's so great to be back on campus because now I actually CAN practice my higher ceiling moves without kneeling, and it is definitely helping. I just need to make sure that I get my routine set as a routine and not just as a bunch of tricks. For right now, I'll be releasing my 2008 WJF Profile Video sometime before the end of this month. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Monday, September 08, 2008A Faction Of One![]() So let's start off with the biggest and best thing of last week. My new video, which people are calling the best so far. I said in the youtube description I'd give some more details about it, like the name, the tricks, and editing it, and that'll be this week's Juggle This section. So let's go on to other things. :: Tech.MCC, last week's meeting was an absolute FAILURE, as only me and 2 other people showed up, so I just canceled that meeting and hung out in anime club. The next meeting though should be fairly awesome, because it's the "Pirate Day" meeting. On another note, the budget of $450, is not a lot at all. It's already down at least a hundred and fifty bucks, and I haven't even bought the GPS to give away or the money to set aside for the project contest. Ah, management is fun sometimes. :: Classes seem to be good for the most part. Two of my classes, Solid Modeling and Business 101, are going to be CAKE (at least once I get used to the mindset you need for them). Photography 1 is going to be an AWESOME course, but I'm really going to have to put a lot of work into getting my old film camera working again, learning to use it again, and finding the time and subjects to shoot each week. Art and Industry in Commerce, now that's going to be an interesting course, to say the least. It is really structured and it looks like there's going to be a lot of reading, but at least the professor doesn't seem like to much of a hardass about it. :: So, A Faction of One. I basically, after doing "Not Yet Famous", fizzled out with my whole filming thing, and with something up with new and interesting tricks. I'd thought I'd made and awesome video that would stand for a while, and I did. "Not Yet Famous" was an awesome video, even if the pace was really slow and more repetitive feeling than I wanted, it was still great. So I didn't really bother to think about video #15 for at least a good month, and then all of the sudden, I looked at my youtube profile and saw that it'd basically been two months since "Not Yet Famous and that I was overdue for the next one. The problem was, that in those two months I really hadn't come up with anything particularly interesting or good, as is that case during the summer when I don't have daily access to high ceilings at MCC. So I got working and starting thinking about what kind of tricks I could do under 8 feet that would really be hard and worth filming. I came up with a few things, including a multiplex trick during a 4 ball shower that I really liked, but I was still short by a LOT of footage. So I took a trip to MCC to practice (becasue I desperately needed it. I hadn't even done 744 in months), and shoot the entire thing no matter what I get or don't get. So that's where the big 3 club string in the video came from, and a lot of other ideas that I had came from there, but because a lot of the footage was yellow props against a vanilla background, I couldn't use a lot of it. So I went back outside and recorded myself some footage of me doing 97531 and a 6x4 transition, as well as just practice in general. ![]() So, this doesn't have to do with "A Faction of One", but it's related to the session I just had. Inspiration struck when I saw the seating of the theater I was practicing in. Now, I wanted to make myself a new WJF profile video now that I HAD decided I was competing in ring intermediates, and the old video just wasn't going to cut it. So I set up the camera and recorded an entirely new profile video that I'll have out as soon as I'm done editing it. Back to the video. So I finally had what I felt was JUST ENOUGH footage to make the first-blush attempt at the video, and I wanted to do, if anything, avoid the slow and repetitive pace of Daft Punk from "Not Yet Famous", so I went looking through my longer media files and came across Sum41. I remembered how they recently released an album that I'd bought and how I hadn't listened to it in a while, so I listened to it again and this one track absolutely stood out and grabbed me. It was Walking Disaster. Basically, as I was halfway through the song, I was starting to picture in my head, exactly what clips would go where and how they'd match the music. Because this track was a journey. I started off slow, built up to the big beats in the first half, then a slow section, back into the main beats, and ending on a really nice calmed bit. It was absolutely great, it was cohesive, it led me around the spectrum of how a clip would feel, and there were plenty of hit points in it to attach tricks to. From that point, the video just made itself. The final version was only the 4th edit. So now, that the video details are out of the way, let's talk Jugglers On Juggling. So I released episode oe of the new season, and though some people liked it, it instigated a riot over on Rec.Juggling. What made this riot different and more useful than ones that had come before it was the simple fact, that instead of just bashing and giving me the standard advice of "BE MORE INTERESTING!", "KNOW YOUR TOPIC", and "BETTER AUDIO QUALITY NEEDED", people actually started giving me advice on HOW to fix the problems. THAT'S constructive criticism, my friends, and that's exactly what I've been looking for for JoJ since season 1. Someone came up with the really good idea that I considered but threw out a while ago, that I should record the podcast in audio only and just ass still pictures to make it a video cast, much like the older versions of Infected with Martin Sargent on Revision3. I realized after that idea got put into my head again, that I could use that to get rid of all the bad connecting stuff in my rants (which I couldn't do with the video versions), thus making the podcast much better in terms of production value. A couple people, including Luke Burrage gave me the advice to setup a microphone closer to me than recording off of the camera mic. If there was one thing I wanted Luke's advice on, it was exactly the problem of fixing audio quality and making things sound nice. So I spent some money and got a decent PC mic (which is still in the mail, and that's why the second episode isn't out yet), and we'll see how the sound quality improves. I also got a lot of feedback that was basically, "I only got one point from the first 7 minutes of the cast, and that was that you can practice by bringing props everywhere you go and practicing whenever there's a free second", and that is a good point. I went back and I did do a lot of over-explaining with that point. It's a habit that I developed over the years because I'm very bad at making small-talk, so to extend a conversation and to get my point across more clearly (because I've always had problems translating my ideas to words), I will explain it by using stories and just explain the hell out of every detail. I'll be trying to do that less in future casts. So those were the three main things I got from the big riot after I released episode 1, and hopefully now that I know what they want and have gotten some decent feedback, I can make episode 2 actually WORTH watching. Hopefully I'll have it out on Monday of next week. Oh, and here's a link to the topic of doom from Rec.Juggling. JoJ S3x01 A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Tuesday, September 02, 2008Doing What I Must, Because I Can![]() So guess what's coming out on the 5th? My new [Juggling] Series Video! About damn time right? After having been about 3 months since "Not Yet Famous". I always hate the summer, one of the reasons being because it's too hot to go outside and juggle, and the only good spot to juggle nearby is basically an eighth of a gas tank round trip, and gas is too expensive for that. But regardless, I got enough footage throughout to finally have a new video ready. So get ready for "A Faction of One" :: Jugglers On Juggling has kicked off with it's new season. Seems to be doing well, I guess. Well, the thing is that I've got about an even number of replies saying that the podcast is awesome and the replies saying that it still sucks. I don't know what the hell everyone wants, but I'm doing what I can to make things interesting. I think, if I had to diagnose the problem, it would be me. Some people just can't stand that I ramble on and just say whatever's on my mind regardless of the point I'm trying to make (like right now, it's another wonderful trait of having ADHD). BUT, since noone else is willing to step up and make a regular podcast besides Luke (and I'll admit, he's giving a good effort, but he seems to be dropping in how many episodes he's putting out recently), I have to do what I must, because I can. (PORTAL REFERENCE!!!!) :: Other than that, my situation with employment is still too screwed up to describe in less than three paragraphs, so I'll just say: I've got 1 certified awesome job that I can't work on right now because of equipment issues and another employees unwillingness to fix it; One job that is basically me just getting called out for something to make a quick 80 bucks once a month or two; and another job that cannot be defined as anything other than "all freelance work". :: ![]() What happened recently worth talkign about... Well there was Marv's end of the summer BBQ, but then again it really didn't do much there besides watch Gabriel Iglesias, juggle a bit, and play Smash Brothers. So that's that, but I guess I should mention the AWESOME game of BS that we got going near the end of the party. One of the guys I met there was a really traditional Russian guy, and was obsessed with getting people to learn this Russian card game, of which the rules could be compared to the rules of Fizzbin, so while arguing over whether to actually try and learn the game or not, I thought real quick about what game is really easy to pick up on, and I thought back and remembered BS. The most awesome game EVER. Here's the Wikipedia article. So I immediately started trying to convince him to play BS, and as soon as other people overheard this, they remembered the game and drew their attention to me. So eventually, I said fine to play his game for a round to see how good it was, and after that, I basically was calling in as many people as possible to get a HUGE game of BS going, because the more players the more awesome the game. I got a game going with 9 people, and it was so awesome. BS is one of those great games that everyone can learn and get into instantly, and once the momentum picks up, it's just as much fun as any good match in Smash Brothers. ![]() So, let's talk JoJ. I just released the first new episode, and it was about the subject that I really think I know the most about and have had the most success with as a juggler. Finding time to practice without interfering with everyday life. To sum it up real quick, it's all about realizing that you have a free couple of minutes EVERYWHERE, whether it be a break between classes, your lunch break, or hanging out somewhere waiting for something, and simply putting that time into practicing. It's a really great tactic I've been using to continue improving my overall abilities, without needing to spend hours at a time every day practicing. That's the first episode topic, but what I really want to talk about, is what people think of the podcast. I do the podcast for everyone else, it's a hassle for me to bother coming up with ideas to rant about, setting up the camera, spending an hour or two recording a few episodes, editing them, and then finally putting them online. I do it because noone else has the guts to do it, excluding Jason Garfield (he's too busy), Issac Awesome (the format lends itself to only a few episodes), and Luke Burrage (he's actually putting in an effort). I also do it because I have fans, believe it or not, people that love the podcast and want me to do more, and being the nice guy that I am, I can't stand to hear people complaining. I do it for all of them. ![]() go on, and on, an on, without really saying anything", are just the way I talk, and I can't change that without two semesters of speech courses and a prescription of aderol. "not every sentence has to include the word basically", well, that falls into the same way I talk, and because I don't want to reduce the show to me reading from a teleprompter, I'll say things a lot without being self-conscious about it. Someone also said that I had received a lot of good ideas back in this topic, and that I should go back and read them again. I just did, and I am taking almost all of the advice that I received on there and putting it into the new episodes. Whatever, I don't want to go on about how people say I should listen to the advice given earlier when I already have and applied that advice as well. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |