The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007Today Above All![]() Blah Blah Blah, MX Red, Blah Blah, something else, Blah, WJF4, Blah Blah Blah Blah... Nothing really left for me to announce. Other than maybe what my next Youtube video will be. That is, my Technical Juggling speech for my Public Speaking Class. Daily Life: Wow, in the past 3 work days I had, I literally spent, maybe 20 minutes on register. Where was I? By the front entrance, for the past 3 straight days, selling dollar donations to help fight ALS. What a hell of a way to spend the day. You come in, lock up your till, take a fistful of slips and a box, and go stand there for 2 hours, go for your break, come back and stand there for another 2 hours before leaving. That was fun. Nothing more needs to be said. As for today, so far it's been awesome. Though I missed the Tech MCC meeting, mostly because I forgot about it (sorry), and had to do chores because I was home, overall, the rest of the day was awesome. As soon as I left, the weather was perfect (a little warm at first, but it dropped down and was beautiful after about 3:00), I was in a good mood, I looked Rad in my whole black ensemble (black jeans, black WJF shirt, Black Shades, and sandals). Which speaking of rad, the Totally Rad Show premiered on the Revision3 network, and it kicks ass. Go watch it, I just finished it. But that's out of chronological order, so I'll start again. I get to MCC, the parking lot s amazingly empty for the noon section, so I get up to within 2 rows of the end (sweet), so I don't haver to walk so far. Then, after Cad class is over (which went ok), I get to hanging at the college center on the outside deck for a while. Juggling, Mountain Dew, and a Sandwich make it oh so awesome. So I then go on to quite possibly the most involved and easy for me to understand public speaking class I've ever been to. I was amazed at how much sense it all made, and I felt smart as hell (I really mean that, I hadn't felt this smart since I first memorized 7x7=49). Great class, then I go out and start talking and walkign to the lot with my new study partner for Psych, who turns out to live not a few miles away from my exact position. The temperature and weather felt even better now that it was night, and it all just felt awesome. It's the subtle moments that have the biggest impact, and I drive home with the windows down and some Seeed blaring from the CD player, going "Today was a good day". *Cut to now* Working on my Public Speaking assignment that's due in two days and going mad over it. This is completely random, but I had to put this in. I just came up with this quote not 30 seconds ago in an MSN convo with Dan. Dan (in referance to MD) : sperm-be-gone-carbonated Reeses2150 : Mountain Dew is gods gift to man. It will never kill sperm, and even so, no babies and no condoms! WIN! Juggle This: Well, I haven't flashed 8 balls. I have however, started getting 1 count chin rolls with 3 clubs, about 3 consecutive chin rolls. I know that, although I've been able to do 5b and my 5b half-shower for a while now, in the past week, they've basically solidified (out of absolutely nowhere) and I can now long run them both on command, Sweet! Still working on reverse cascade's with 5 though. I still can't wrap my head around 744, I've tried it about a dozen times now, with no luck. I need to learn some more 5b tricks before WJF4 for the beginners comp. Otherwise, everything's just been solidifying recently to the point of performance ready. My 4ball 2b multiplex backcross is now performance ready, my reverse cascade 5551 is performance ready, my 3r flip pull down is ready (flip first, pull down the other two, then catch the 1st on head), and a lot of other stuff. I have no idea how to explain it. One thing's happened though, my 4b shower is deteriorating. Where everything else is going up, the shower just starts sucking now. I'll figure this all out. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Tuesday, March 20, 2007Winter Before 7 Balls![]() Listen Up! My WMP project (I'm still going to leave you guessing) has been postponed indefinitely, until I get finished with everything else on my to-do list. That includes, finishing the MX red project, getting started on a new site which is going to have a surprise launch within the next 2 months or so, and other random things, plus keeping up with the world. Bottom line, MX will be done within the next month, the new site project will probably be done in 2, and expect a few more little surprises out of me within the next week or two. I've got a few quick things lined up. And as for that wonderful weather we were having, well, the next day after my last post, and a snowstorm comes in. Figures right? Daily Life: Finally a Shoprite story! Even though it is a crappy one. But hey, what will you expect when a new batch of employees come in and the store doesn't want to pay more than they already do? So now, let's go over to Sunday, aka INDIA DAY! Oh joy of joys, they were out in droves today. My first customers, were a set of three with the exact same order and, guess what, an identical set of coupons for each. I scan them and send them out before I get pissed and my work day shot. The rest of the customers were intermixed with the coupon hoarders and the typical Sunday crowd. Nothing that special happened, until 7:00 came by, after I'd already taken my break and had my Snapple Orangeade (most awesome fluid, besides Mountain Dew, known to exist) with pizza slices, come back and emptied the garbages. They ask me to do returns, and I go do them. Now, I know they're cutting back on everyone's schedules, but I never knew that they were running down on the maintenance guys too. In 20 minutes, I ran across 4 spills and broken bottles, then, at 8:00, 30 minutes before I leave, I'm still doing returns, and someone right in front of me, knocks over a stack of Snapple bottles. No prizes for who guesses what happens next, and no, I didn't have to clean it thank god. I reported it, even though I didn't really need to, the store next door heard it, and managed to help redirect traffic for the next 10 minutes. Then, 20 minutes before I leave, and it's time for me to go distribute bags, which I love doing so much. Problem is, the managers didn't check the registers, after I'd already retrieved a cartfull of bags (all of the u-boats were being used), I look at the registers, and see that they are all completely stocked and literally, HAVE NO ROOM FOR MORE BAGS ANYWHERE ON THE REGISTER. I love wasting time. So I leave the cart at the end of the registers, get my till, and punch out. Juggle This: Well, 7 ball flash yesterday for the first time. 6 balls last week, 7 balls this week, at this rate, I'll be up to 10 by next month! But juggling news, is actually pretty slow recently. I decided (rather unwisely and wisely at the same time) to get my friends that hang out in the college center to help me train for the 5 ball massacre (as I'm calling it now) comp at WJF4. You know, the "do 5 balls as long as you can while being pelted by others" comp? Let me tell you, that competition is going to be fun. We all knew it'd be fun going in, but you really have no idea. I'll post the clip to youtube a little later, and my record? I think I got 7 catches on one run. Yeah, this is going to be fun. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Wednesday, March 14, 2007Summer Before 6 BallsListen Up! I currently have 2 major things that are either almost done, or working. No release date on either of them, but if you've been paying attention to my later posts, one is for MX, and another is for WMP. Otherwise, no announcements left for me to make, at least that I'm allowed to make. More info on that last sentence coming within the next 2 weeks. Daily Life: Ok. the Tech MCC club is awesome. Last weeks meeting was great, especially with the Wii. I Juggled, I played, I DJ'd a bit, and it was awesome. No meeting this week, but next week I think it's going to be even better. Well, Shoprite stories are running thin this week, due to a combination of me not remembering them, and the fact that I only worked a total of 12 hours within the last 3 work days. So nothing there. HOWEVER, today has turned out to be a bit interesting. First, I wake up and look outside, and it seems as if I've slept through all of spring and it is now summer. It's a nice 70 degrees outside, and this week being spring break at MCC, it's essentially a summer preview. I open all the windows, and chill. So then I take a look at my to-do list for today, one of the things on there is send out some items that people have requested from On the way down the street to the post office, I see a commotion on the road, taking up the entire width of the 2 lanes. A motorcyclist has crashed and is laying on the ground holding his leg. This had only just happened within the last 3 minutes, as the bike was still in the middle of the road. I decide to go through, because someone had already called 911, and there were at least 10 people already involved, so I figure it's best not to add to the confusion. I finish my things, then go grab some lunch. By the time those 20 minutes have passed and I'm on my way back, I see the entire area has been taped off, and a rescue helicopter had actually landed in the field less than a block away. So I come back and now I'm writing this. I've still got 2 things left to do on my list, after this one is done, so I will end this here and go onwards. Juggle This: Three words. Six Ball Qualify. I've actually managed to pull it off. Ican only speak in short sentences I'm so happy. After only 2.5 years of juggling, 20 minutes worth of attempts, and 2 camera batteries later. I got it on film too, if you haven't figured it out. I think I'm going to upload it alone, as opposed to being art of my next major video (which won't be for a little while, because I've got plenty of other stuff already cued up for youtube). But besides that, I should tell you what I have thats going to be on youtube within the next few weeks. 1: My Technical Juggling speech, for my public speaking class. 2: 6 ball qualify. 3: Another Diggnation video for submission. 4: Maybe a few CJWS extras? Also in juggling news, I'm going to re-interview at Six Flags again. I've gotten a HELL of a lot better over the past year since my first interview, and I'm pretty sure I'll get a job this summer. Now, let's talk about CJWS. It still amazes me how short the half-life is on video's. The first day I got at least 2 dozen comments across everywhere I posted, all positive, then the next day, I got maybe 3 comments, and then on day 3, nothing. Amazing. I still think this is my best video yet, even rivaling Upgrade. I don't know what else to say about it. It's released, if you haven't seen it yet, I have nothing to say. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Wednesday, March 07, 2007Random TinkeringsListen Up! If you haven't heard yet, my next juggling video "C.J.W.S." releases on Thursday. So get ready for that. Here are some extra's for it. ![]() ![]() Daily Life: Nope, no Shoprite stories again, as a result of them cutting back on everyone's hours, including mine. However, I have become a part of the MCC Computer Enthusiasts club, which meets every Tuesday and Thursday. So far I've been to 2 of the Tuesday meetings (today being one of them), both awesome. Ok, so I manage to wake myself up early enough to get there by using a combination of music, an open shade, and alarm clock. I am not a morning person. What sucks though, is how no matter what day, or what time, the parking lots at MCC are always packed, and the place where the meetings are is right in the goddamn middle of campus. So no matter where I park, I have to walk a while. Luckily, I have a resistance to cold temperatures, but even so, I hate the wind. So bottom line, I get there, and everything is awesome for the next 3 hours. I juggled, I played Wii, etc, etc. It was awesome. Not much else to say about it. Then I have to get to my CAD class, again, halfway across campus from my current location. I get the news that our project (along with everyone else's) is going to have to be rechecked for every error and imperfection on it, and when the final one is handed in at the end of tomorrow, each error/imperfection will count for 10 points. Bottom line, I had to fix all of my drawings because he wasn't in class today (I don't blame him though, we both thought that the last hand-in was the final one), and all of the drawings he did, I don't have. So our grade will be hinged on that just a bit. End CAD class. Now, onto the hour break between classes on Tuesday. I have not eaten at all today, after having woken up at 10:00, and it now being 5:00. I am starved to hell, and when I go to the cafeteria to get my cheese-steak and fries, I find that they're not only out of fries, but they're out of regular cheese, so I had to get a cheese-steak with nacho-cheese, you know, the type that goes on pretzels. Needless to say, it wasn't as satisfactory as usual, but then again, I was so hungry, I didn't care that much for taste. But back to the break, J brought in his DJ equipment (why, noone knows) and there was a whole breakout dance session for the entire hour. Being me, I try to incorporate some ring juggling and stuff into dance moves. It's almost working out for me, I actually found a few good dance moves that work with ring tricks, such as a ringspin 360, only put in that "body trail" dance move in (where you would move you're feet first, and the body would follow them around). Either way, I ended up sweaty as hell, and satisfied with all the new stuff I came up with while I was trying this. I was trying all kinds of ring tricks, none of which I can remember right now (I know I did a 5551 with full-reverse throws). Whatever. End break. Psych class went as usual. Great, philosophical, questioning, and really involved. I enjoy that class, more that I thought I ever would (and I knew that class was going to be fun heading in). So that closed out, and my day ended, and now I'm tired as hell writing this, and the new DVR is being installed tomorrow. My speech is on Thursday and my gig at Matthew Jago school is on Friday. This is going to be an interesting 3 days, oh, and I forgot to add in my video release. Juggle This: Two words, Click Tricks. Yeah, I've found a few new tricks that I can now do on command, and a few older one's I completely forgot about. One is the 3 ring spin (where after you make each catch, you spin the ring at least once before throwing it), which I can do on command for at least qualifying in 2 count, and flashed in 1 count. Another trick is again with rings, the sideways facing shower, just a 3 ring shower, only now the rings are being made with outside throws, as in a full reverse. Also, 3 ring backcrosses in 2 count, now available on command. I almost managed to flash 7 balls the other day, I got 5 catches out of the 7, I am so close I can taste it. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |