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Sunday, December 30, 2007Spirits For Me HeadNew Juggling video is on the way. More info about it at the bottom of this post. :: My winter session English 2 course doesn't seem to be as bad as I thought it would after the first 3 days. I've already done one project, and it doesn't seem like the workload is anywhere near what everyone says it is. That may be because I can write like I talk, and even better than I talk most of the time, and I can ramble on about something without needing to put that much thought into wording what I say at all. So that that way I can concentrate more on what I'm going to be saying rather than how I'm saying it. Makes papers and blog posts go by like I'm writing one sentence. :: I've been plying Zelda Phantom Hourglass on the DS recently using a Gamestop gift card that I got for Xmas. It's a pretty good game so far, I haven't gotten the chance to play it much outside of the bathroom, but I'll work on it and give a review later. :: Xmas. What did I get? Gift Cards. Lots of them. I now have $25 to spend at JC Penny, and a total of $125 in gift cards for Gamestop. Thing is, there's nothing else coming out that I need and I've already paid off Brawl. So now I have money to spend on nothing. Sweet. ![]() Yup, I made another track. This time combining Eiffel 65's greatest hit with one of Aerosmith's least known yet greatest singles. Eiffel 65 - Blue vs Aerosmith - Sunshine. I really think this is the best mashup I've made. Better than anything I already released, and better than everything I'm working on right now. So yeah, I haven't been able to stop listening to it. I even burned it to a CD so I could listen to it on my way to work. It's that good. The best part was, is that it was a pretty easy mashup to make too, I really just hit play and let the tracks slip together at just the right times, I didn't even need to add any fance effects or edit either song in any way. Give it a listen, it's awesome. Eiffelsmith - Blue Sunshine So I met this guy while I was working at Spencers a few days ago, actually it was right after the last blog post. He saw me in the front of the store and noticed the juggling shirt I'd worn. He approached me and started challenging me to tricks with a wrapped up poster. Simple things, a hand balance flip, balancing on the chin, and that's about it. He said he was a juggler also, and he was actually able to do the hand flip and chin balance after less than 2 attempts. He then told me about he'd just started getting back into juggling after learning it many years ago. He said he's really good at Devil Sticks, but not so good with everything else, though he can do some tricks with 4 balls (which for a randomly met juggler on the streets (in a mall, but whatever), is pretty damned good). I told him how Devil Sticks was the one thing I didn't know how to do, and we kinda suggested that we'd both teach each other whatever the other doesn't know if we ever met somewhere. I had to get back to working, so I gave him my business card and said, "check out my youtube profile." and then he left to go shopping, and I went back to work (which I was actually doing the entire time, just no customers were coming in that I needed to greet. That was the last I heard from him until 2 days ago, when I got a message from him on youtube saying about how he watched Tri BX 2 and was inspired to go buy a set of boxes. YAY! Another box juggler inspired by me! So I've messaged him back and hopefully we'll be able to meet somewhere and juggle. We'll see what happens. As for what else happened at work, well, Thursday was an interesting day. There were originally 3 people scheduled to work the closing shift that night, but then someone called out, leaving me and the manager Lora. It was a fun day, because she then finally instructed me on how to use the cash register there (which I already knew, just waiting for the formal lesson to learn what keys to hit). So we spent the night switching between register, helping customers, and inventory control. It rotated every minute or so for the entire 5 hours. Which I have to admit, was a little tiring, but not as much as it was "fun". What I mean by that is that basically, I completely forgot about my break until I only had about an hour and a half left until closing. It was a FAST day, and I'd actually prefer to have a day like that, because I somehow felt like I was actually working and in a way that didn't leave me tired and bored and watching the clock. So then after I took my break we closed the store, I arranged the shelves while Lora counted, and we actually went over our daily quota by a couple hundred dollars. I'll explain that in next week's post maybe. So that was a good day. Juggle This: ![]() Other than that, not much else in juggling news. I made a couple good tricks while my parents were away in the garage. It's only 9 and a half feet in there, but it sure beats the hell out of 8 feet. I can actually do some 6 ball stuff in there past a flash. I managed to break my record in 6 balls wimpy, and now I have 29 catches as my new number to beat, and I should bye able to do that with no problem. I also qualified a 6 ball half shower clean. Also, I tried a 5 ball false shower, and somehow, it worked. I got 7 catches to a clean collect. It's all going to be in Sunlight None, so check it out on the 10th. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Monday, December 24, 2007The King of Nothing![]() Well, if you haven't heard. There's only 1 more episode of JoJ that I'm going to put out. I'm not going to completely stop making episodes, just no more weekly ones. I just don't have the time, energy, or to co-hosts to keep going week after week all by myself. Otherwise though, there will be one more episode left that I'm working on right now, the 2007 year in review. That will release on the 31st, and I'm looking to see whether anyone's willing to co-host that, or whether I'll be doing it myself. After that, whenever I go to a convention or some major event happens that someone or myself wants to give a review or report on (convention, new world record, new prop, etc), I'll do another episode, but otherwise, that's it for JoJ. It was a nice run. :: Work is progressing nicely at Spencers, I'm starting to get used to the job, and I'm about to get my first paycheck soon, so cheers to that! :: Grades came in from the end of the fall 07 semester. I'd say I did ok on them. I finally passed my precalc class with a B. Only took me 3 tries to get past a D level final grade, so no matter what I got on my other courses, that in my book marked this as a good semester. However, the people that currently own me really don't like the D's I got in Electronics and Physics. hey, they were just required courses and I don't need the highest marks in them. I'd rather get 2 D's in unneccesary courses than fall below minimum on math a 3rd time and get stuck not being able to take it again for 2 years. :: My next juggling video. Turns out I still need more footage. But I'm working on it, and I'll hopefully be able to add some 360 stuff in there when I work on it. ![]() My second one, and it's about 6 days old, and I've got 2 more lined up for my next 2 posts right now. For now, I think one's good though. I got the idea for this when I was browsing through my library in virtual DJ and stumbling upon Daft Punk. Remembering how great they were, and how I haven't listened to Robot Rock in a while, I played it through, and I (as I'm starting to get into the habit of doing) starting running song styles through my head as to what genre of music would fit well. Rap I decided on, and I don't have a lot of rap tracks in my library, so I organized them all and gave them a listen. Came across DMX and while listening, I kept getting ideas as to how I could edit the song around o it's own. Next thing I knew, I was recording this. Download Daily Life: Well, it turns out that my scheduler like putting me on the closing shift at work. That's ok, I just get flashbacks of Shoprite every time we close, and we have to go around the store and clean up all the stuff on the shelves. Only problem is, the managers a little bit more strict about what looks neat, plus all our products do not come in easy to arrange rectangular boxes or cylindrical cans like Shoprite's products. Well hey, what can I complain? It's better than standing at the doorway broken-recording my way to every single customer. Not really much to report on. I figured out the best route to get there in the shortest time from home, I've figured out the best deals for food on my break (the steak and fries combo at the cheese steak place. after 7 of them you get a free one), and I'm getting used to where all of the products are in the store. Seems to be working. Hopefully I'll have a story next week worth noting. Juggle This: I've been starting to work on my 4 ball stuff again. I really haven't been juggling as much as I should, but I'm getting back to it now. I'm practicing transitioning into my 4b false shower and mills mess right now, seeing as how I haven't practiced either in months. I'm also working on my 5 ball siteswaps, and after not doing 66661 for about 2 months, it appears that I can do it now every other attempt under and 8 foot roof. I love juggling. Other that that, I haven't really come up with anything new in the past week, just working on stuff. I'm starting to hate my clubs more and more though. I know they are THE prop, the one that crowds like the most, but I absolutely hate clubs compared to how much I like all of my other props, even diabolo I like better than my clubs. Which is another thing I want to get into, is how incredibly annoying it is to have to practice all 5 props constantly. Gets annoying real quick. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Monday, December 17, 2007A Way Of WorkingWell, Spencers is a great place to work so far, and I'll get more into that later. But just want to let everyone know that I'm doing good there, already fitting into and knowing what I have to do, and it's only been 3 days. :: I'm still working on 2 juggling videos now. I know I said I was working on just TriBX2 and the Stupid Tricks video last time, but now it seems as though I'm starting to gather enough footage for my next main toss juggling video. We'll see what happens. And while I'm at it, I may as well lay out all my ideas for juggling videos right now. I'm working on: 2 videos with plot lines that I haven't started yet. A chronological video of my 7 ball progress, which will have footage that I didn't get to put in any of my videos, and will release once I qualify 7 balls. The Stupid Tricks Video. And an idea I'm working on, not for a video, but for the next Renegade show I'll be attending. :: Gaming news? Got an early gift in the mail from grandma, a $40 gift card to Gamestop, and I've already got Brawl paid off, great. :: I've started uploading things to DeviantART once again. On a regular basis that is. I don't know why, but now I'm swinging back into doing some photography and I'm setting up a few batches to release sometime in the future. Plus, now that DA Video has launched, I'm doing a few things there, including time lapses of me making art in Photoshop. It's a series I'm calling "The Art of Art", and I've already released one of the videos, it's up on my page. ![]() ![]() Let me describe my first day of work at Spencers. Well, I come in, and I already know what's going to happen, I'm going to be walking around the store blocking items, helping customers, and pushing our sale items. It's pretty simple to describe, but until you've worked in customer service, you have no idea of how hard it is. Especially when you're sent to the front of the store to greet every customer and push an item. You basically have 10 seconds maximum to talk to a customer as they enter the store before they get annoyed, and you have to actually start a conversation with them that way they don't feel like their being telemarketed to. My strategy is basically a 3 line strategy that's worked pretty well so far, and it does change with what people say. I basically start like this "Hey guy, how's it going?". They then respond in the usual way that they like saying hi. I then say "Anything I can help you with?", and this is the part where what they say and react lets me know what item to push on them if any. If they say "Nope, just looking.", that's the cue for me to push an item or two, and the item I'll push is determined by what gender and personality I can judge they have. I would usually just say "Ok, well our ____ are pretty cheap right now." or "Alright, well we got our ___ are on sale ____ for ___." and then I'd leave them alone. If on the second question they don't say "just looking", that's my cue to say "Alright, let me know if you need anything." and maybe push an item if they don't look like their in a hurry. And then of course if they are looking for something specific, they'll say so after the second line, and I'll help them with it. And that's basically how my greeting strategy is. Pretty simple, intuitive, and it works. Other than that though, I did have an interesting situation my first day. Keep in mind, this is Spencer's Gifts, and I was told during my interviews that there may be loose/excited women coming in looking for things. So there's a girl that comes in, about a 7 but who am I to complain, she says hi, and immediately starts up a conversation with me. She asks "What do you think of my boobs?" I say "Is that a trick question?" "Do you think they're real?" "Look real to me.", and then she whips out her phone and sends a quick text message. She then asks me "So, where do you keep, you know..." "items?" "yeah." "Back center of the store." "You wanna come back and help me with them?" and this is where I screw up. Me being told about the "loose women" thing in my interviews and the presented opportunity basically lead me to take the bait, and I wasn't thinking about anything else. I follower her to the back and helped her look through the "items". Basically, acting like she's coming onto me, and being cute like that. Another customer asked me something and I helped them with that real quick because it was a simple question, and as I was turning back, I realized there was noone watching the front of the store. I think she saw that and she said thanks and headed out of the store. They're the equivalent of the Patel family at Shoprite. They were the scamming team. She brings the guy from the front of the store away from the front while someone (who got the text message) grabs something from the front and walks out. Great plan, I have to admit, of course now they're not getting away with it a second time. I told my new manager, and she said thank god "Eh, happens to everyone once." I think I'm going to like working here more than I thought. The only problems is I need to get better shoes, the ones I'm wearing now start hurting like hell after 3 or 4 hours. ![]() God Damn. I haven't barely even TOUCHED my props since I started working, and before that, it was Finals Week. So I basically haven't done anything more than 4 balls since Monday. I'm rusty as hell right now and I know it. But hey, at least I'm thinking about what the next tricks I may be able to do will be. I've concluded that when I get the chance, I might be able to make a neck roll flourish. We'll see if it works or not. Until then... *one day later* Heh, I just made that neck wrap flourish on camera. I'm pretty shocked at how good I still am with clubs. I can actually progress with them still. That and I've got every other flourish I know down to on command if not performance ready. Besides that though, I'm starting to organize my footage for video 12. I'm just not sure when I think I'll release it, because I've got lots of toss juggling footage, seeing as how I only used box footage for my last one, but I'm just not sure how I want to do this one. We'll see what happens. I'm still coming up with stuff to use, so I don't know. JoJ, I'm thinking I'm going to postpone it for a while. Because now that I'm working again, I'm just not going to have the time for it, especially since I'm also going to be taking a winter course as well. I'm thinking I'll release episode 29, which is the last one we recorded a week ago, and then episode 30 will be a "this year in juggling" episode, where we review what big things have happened in 2007 and what else. And that will release on the 31st. But I know for a fact, I'm going to keep doing JoJ eventually, podcasting is just way too much fun to stop doing. Just takes up a hell of a lot of time and energy which I won't have anymore. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Monday, December 10, 2007Two Decades GoneToday is my birthday. 20 times I've celebrated this occasion, and I've really only cared a huge deal about half of them. So yeah, I'm 20 today, I feel old, but luckily I feel like I'm living life as opposed to just putting through it like some people I know. Either way, the big news of the day is that I received from my parents, a new LCD HDTV for my room. Granted, it's only a 16" x 9" display, but it suits my needs just fine. I was really pushing for it because my old TV I'd had since basically 2001, it only displayed 800x600 resolution (which really sucked when I was using photoshop or video editing), and it heated up my room like a furnace. So I just got this new display, it looks sweet, it's working great. Here's to my parents with the best gift they've gotten me since the launch of the Gamecube, actually before that because I bought my GC. Either way, cheers to them! Well, I also just released my latest juggling video. My first exclusive prop video since either 3 Ball Basics or the original Tri BX. It's dedicated to nothing but cigar box tricks that I've come up with, and it's called, oddly enough, Tri BX 2. It's already gotten hugely positive feedback and about 200 views on youtube within 24 hours of me releasing it, so I know it's good. I've really been getting box heavy recently, and I've skyrocketed by 2 box abilities. I seriously don't believe that some of the 2 box tricks I did in this video obey the laws of physics or biology. Example, how in the hell wasI able to toss a bix up from a one hand balance, knock it back up into a full rotation that barely went a foot into the air, and then catch it back in a balance before you can even spot the box? I made that trick on the first try after I started filming, it took me 20 minutes to get it the first time. Nevertheless, my new video is out, and it's awesome. Check it out if you haven't already. ![]() Lets see, what else happened today, or recently... It's the last week of the semester, and you know what that means. FINALS. Damnit. My mom still doesn't believe that I'm actually studying for them, but contrary to popular belief, I am. Granted, I'm not spending a grand total of 5 hours a day studying, but I'm cracking to books open, as it were, and actually reading over the stuff that I think I need to remember. And while that's happening, you're eyes are getting tired of reading, so I'll move on. ![]() So I finally got Virtual DJ working on my computer a few days ago, and have immediately started screwing around with it some more and doing more mash-ups. I'm actually starting to get a little good at it. Especially with the 3rd one I just recorded, Bon Jovi vs Alpine Stars - "It's My Patrol", I might actually be able to get into this. A thing I realized about mash-ups and DJing is that it's just another form of manipulation. I've been juggling for 3 years total, as many of you already know, so I'e got enough experience to know how to pick up almost any physical object and manipulate it with my hands in some way. It translates surprisingly well into the computer and audio world as well, I mean I've been doing video editing for about as long as I've been juuggling, so that's given me a bit of experience, but still I'm shocked at how easy manipulating music is. I'm finding myself now in either Audacity or Virtual DJ as much as I find myself using Photoshop. And that's saying something. So maybe I'll release a few mash-ups eventually, but for now, I need to conserve bandwidth for JoJ. Speaking of which... ![]() Jugglers On Juggling is doing good in terms of how the episodes sound. I'm wondering though as to whether I should wait to release this weeks episode, because to be honest, I haven't even started editing it yet, and I have to concentrate on Final Exams. So I'm thinking I may wait a week for episode 29 to come out,and then I have a week off from classes in which I can record another episode, and them I'm going to be plunged into a 2 week smash course in English. During which time I probably won't have time for ANYTHING else.So I'm not sure what I'm going to do. One of the things that's most frustrating about JoJ right now, is not the fact that I can't find co-hosts each week or that noone ever sends in an email, it's that I don't have an accurate way to count how many people are actually listening. I have to judge from the amount of comments I get between Rec.Juggling and the WJF forums. Judging from them recently, it seems like nobody's listening to it. I'm just not sure right now. It's kinda hit that point of "Ok, you're up to 30 episodes, and people are starting to get tired of it.". I don't now. That's why I hate not getting any feedback. I hate doing this, but if you listen to JoJ, and especially if you DON'T listen to JoJ, please email me and tell me why you still listen or why you don't listen. I can't make judgments about which direction to go in if I have no idea what my audience wants. Aside from JoJ though, I've actually gotten back to toss juggling a bit, and just had a HUGE couple sessions where I'm now focusing on rings more than ever. A few days ago I managed to get 7 catches of a 5 ring full reverse, and today I got 16 catches of 3 rings in one hand, flashed 4 rings in one hand, and qualified 64 with 5 rings. I'm doing good here. If I keep working on them, I may actually achieve my goal of competing in intermediate rings at WJF5.... A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Tuesday, December 04, 2007No Rest for the Never Weery![]() It's TIME FOR ANOTHER VIDEO ANNOUNCEMENT! I always seem to have a video coming out, don't I? Well, this one will surely not disappoint (like the others have?). On December 10th (my 20th birthday) I'll be releasing Tri BX 2. An all cigar box video, and my first one in over a year. I've been getting REALLY heavy into boxes lately, and have come up with more 2 box stuff in the past week than I've come up with 4 ball tricks in the past 3 months. This is going to be a great video, so watch for it. :: JoJ is getting back on track. This week's episode was a good one, and actually the best one yet I think, and I've got a co-host and topics ready for the next episode. Things are finally rolling with it, so let's see what happens. :: Job hunting is going well, I put in a big application for AMC Theatres, and I just had my interview today for Spencers Gifts. That corporate job looks like it has fallen through after all, and when I realized it'd fallen through and went back over to Strawberry's to say "I'm here and I'll be making pizza", I found that I'd waited too long and they got someone else. I knew I should have said yes as soon as I applied there and THEN saw whether the Corporate job worked. :: OH! I submitted a new DeviantART photography batch this past week. Check that out, because I got some really good stuff there. And actually, in another few weeks or so, I'm going to be uploading another batch. I can't believe it, but I'm starting to get back into photography. All the better, because I'm really good at it. Links at the bottom of this post. :: College seems to be doing fine. Of course with tests coming up soon you can never be sure of anything, but so far it looks like I'm prepared, so all I have to do is review my notes every few days to keep things fresh in my mind, and I don't want to say there shouldn't be any problems, because then there will be. So I'll just say, I hope it works, and move on to this week's story. ![]() YAY! Story Time! Ok, everyone gather round as I blow your minds with a new story about nothing. So on Friday, I went out and gathered as many applications as I saw I needed all across Route 1 up to Menlo Mall. Which was fun in itself, considering that I was going at around 4:00, when the traffic is at it's absolute worst, but nonetheless. I went out, got applications, and came back home. I filled them all out that night and went to bed. Saturday I went to return them all and ask for interview schedules. The big job I was looking at was the Cheesecake Factory, seeing as how the manager's kid goes to Goddard (where my mom is the director. We basically get discounted meals whenever we go there). The deal with it is, you fill out an application and get an interview immediately after you finish filling it out. This I learned on Friday, and I decided that I was basically wearing my college jeans and a juggling t-shirt, I didn't think that'd work for an interview. So they said that they lie to do their interviewing before the store opens between 8:00 and 10:00, which as you all know, for me is like someone who normally rolls out of bed at 7:00 waking up around 4:30. But I set my alarm, and managed to get up on time and leave on time. Now, I don't really like bashing on my parents TOO much, but they have got to give me some credit and a bit of trust. I'd already woken up at 8:30, and sure enough at 8:45, in the middle of my getting ready, they come over and check to see if I'm awake. Then try to push me out the door at 9:00. Like I'm not going to make it in time. So sure enough, I get there on time, fill out the application, and then start the interview, which didn't really last long. She basically looked it over and said that they can't hire anyone who won't be able to work weekdays. Simple as that. So that was a big waste. I then headed back home to hopefully get another hour or two of sleep (seeing as how I fell asleep at 3 AM and woke up at 8:30, and I normally need around 8 hours of sleep in order to do ANYTHING without being either tired or short fused), but instead, I helped carry in groceries and stuff. Then it was tiem for me to jump to the mall again and hand out all the applications I'd finished filling out, and finally I could end my day and just relax. Then came Sunday. A rather fine day, if you want to call it that. My plan was to catch up on the sleep I missed the night before, but instead I found myself being woken up at 9:00 yet again to help with X-mas decorations. Now, I don't want to get into too much of a rant, but when you're parents tell you that they're only going to get you one gift for X-mas (sub $200 gift, but still), it makes you not want to bother setting up the tree. Like I see the point in the tree in the first place? I absolutely hate X-mas decorations. Not the decorations themselves, I have absolutely no problem with it all, but putting it up, taking it down, and getting your hand scraped up every time by the holly and stuff that's wrapped around the stairway railings because you forgot it was there is a bitch. So I wake up, help do that for a while, and then I setup with Dave Gaida to record Jugglers On Juggling around noon my time (seeing as how he's in Italy, I have to record early). I figure I can wake up before noon if I go back to sleep around 10:00. I find myself actually being woken up by my mom asking me if I wanted to go out for lunch at 12:07. Whoops. It's ok though, because I was then able to record the best episode yet, and then get on with the rest of my day later. The rest of it was pretty uneventful. And that's my weekend in an extended nutshell. I love my life sometimes. ![]() Did a LOT of cool box tricks within the past 3 or 4 days. All going into my next video. one handed heelflip (where there's a 2 box stack balance in one hand, a flick of the wrist, and both boxes complete a half rotation without switching positions, caught back into a stack balance with one hand. The kickflip goes the natural direction, bottom box goes clockwise from the performers perspective with the top box going opposite. Meanwhile the heelflip is the complete opposite direction.) is one of the big ones I like. I also got a 1 handed kickflip where the lower box completed a full rotation under the top box's half rotation. Also a one handed Knock-Back (which I think should be physically impossible, but somehow it isn't) where I start in a 2 box stack balance again, toss the top one up a bit, then hit the edge of it with the other box to make it go a full revolution before catching it back in a stack balance. Either way, I'm doing some crazy 2 box stuff now. ------------ And as prromised, here are the DeviantART Photography links for this week. Into The Night Climbing Stairs Perhaps Tomorrow Is What's In A Lane? Waiting For You God Hates Clouds Trapped By Choice Golden Silver Slivers A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |